Posts Tagged: Believing Loyalty

Biblical Audio Commentary – Summoning Dark Spirits

People today engaged in occult practices have no idea what a dark and deadly fate they are triggering for themselves. For this Commentary, let’s understand more about this hallucinogenic – Ayahuasca – that people take “to find themselves.” You’ll see this presents the possibility that those who do will find much more than they bargained for.

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Heart of Faith

At the heart of faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is fear and reverence in Almighty God, or the lack of it. To have true believing loyalty, one must approach God with the understanding stated in Luke 12:5.

Deepest Darkness to Blinding Brilliance

It’s easy for us to forget the astounding grace of God.  We who live in America and are part of western civilization have been so blessed and – frankly – have lives that are generally free from true hardship, that we take for granted all that God has given us.