Posts Categorized: Sons of God

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-1-24 – Engaging the Text; Asking Pertinent Questions

This concept of engaging the text, i.e. the Biblical text, and asking pertinent questions about it has been floating around in my head for the past week or so following my Prophecy Update from last Wednesday in which I commented about House Speaker Mike Johnson.  If possible, without directly getting too deep into the one Biblical issue I raise periodically that causes angst and pushback, I hope in this Commentary to suggest a method of examining God’s Word more fully so as to really think about what it says.  In fact, I want to make the subject somewhat broader by looking at several Biblical issues that seem to cause people to studiously avoid deeper inspection and understanding.

There are three of these items I want to discuss.  They are:

* Gods mentioned in the Bible
* Promises to Israel vs to the church
* If-then consequences in the Old versus New Testaments

Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Let’s Talk About (ET) Aliens

It’s funny how these Commentaries sometimes come together. I watched a video that discussed aliens and decided one thing that was mentioned was rather interesting. The very next day along came a much shorter video that tied into what I wanted to explore. As a result, the Commentary outline expanded just like that. So here we are back with this rather popular topic of aliens from a little bit different perspective than what you may have heard before.

Biblical Audio Commentary – C.S. Lewis & Watchers

To the best of my recollection, I read Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis many years ago, well before I was saved. However, if in fact I did read it then, it was totally new to me this time around as I partook of it as an Audiobook. While listening, I worked at making sense of the world that Lewis painted, and finally at the end came to an understanding. I don’t know if the conclusions I came to originated where Lewis was coming from, but I did find an interesting correlation.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Changing gods

In past times, once a nation acknowledged the divine being that ruled it, that spiritual entity became an ironclad fixture in the existence of its people. The nation might also have lesser gods to which it gave allegiance and oblations, but that primary god was always seen as the one that directed the course of its destinies.