Posts Tagged: Believing Loyalty

Psalm 20:7 – Some Trust in Horses

In psalm after psalm we see that David exhibited his faith in the Lord.  Although in his descriptions, we understand that he faced many difficulties, from enemies that pursued him to those who betrayed him.  Yet, the common theme throughout the psalms David wrote is his believing loyalty to Yahweh. Men rose up on every…

Acts 14:9 – Faith To Be Made Well

What is the nature of true faith? How do we know if we really have it or not? What is the way that it manifests? The answer to these questions comes through our text today, plus we see it very clearly in a well-known Old Testament passage. Paul and Barnabas had fled to Lystra from…

Job 2:3 – You Incited Me

When we read in Job 1-2 about the sons of God (bene Elohim) coming to present themselves before Him, we see an interesting dynamic.  First, we must understand that these are spiritual beings.  They gather before their creator in His divine throne room into an assembly known as the Divine Council.  Every entity in God’s…

2 Chronicles 20:15 – The Battle Is Not Yours

If there was ever a formula for God to intervene in a situation, we see it in the life of King Jehoshaphat. Please don’t misunderstand me. God cannot be put into a box and manipulated by us in any way.  Thus, for there to be a sure-fire blueprint for gaining what we want through some…

1 Samuel 17:26 – Defying the Armies

While David was yet a youth and Saul was still king, the Philistines were a powerful force that constantly oppressed Israel. In those days, the two armies gathered on opposing mountains that stood above the Elah Valley.  For forty days the Philistines taunted Israel with their superior might.  During this time of testing their champion,…