Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Israel to Annex Ezekiel 39:11 Valley of the Travelers?

Another piece of the end-times puzzle may be falling into place.  As the world engages in antisemitic hatred of Israel in its continuing efforts to incur God’s wrath, the Lord’s prophetic Word moves toward its ultimate fulfillment.  One of the key upcoming wars that will astound both the people of Israel as well as the rest of the world is that of Gog-Magog, a.k.a. Ezekiel’s War based on Ezekiel 38-39.

We’re not yet at the point for the beginning of this huge and decisive conflict.  Israel must complete its current course of action by definitively defeating Hamas.  In that process, it is my belief that the Psalm 83 War will be triggered.  This means that all the hostile nations surrounding Israel will conspire – by one means or another – to come together in the effort to drive Israel into the sea, i.e. to completely destroy the apple of God’s eye and steal the land which was never intended for them to occupy.  They will not succeed.




Another piece of the end-times puzzle may be falling into place.  As the world engages in antisemitic hatred of Israel in its continuing efforts to incur God’s wrath, the Lord’s prophetic Word moves toward its ultimate fulfillment.  One of the key upcoming wars that will astound both the people of Israel as well as the rest of the world is that of Gog-Magog, a.k.a. Ezekiel’s War based on Ezekiel 38-39.

We’re not yet at the point for the beginning of this huge and decisive conflict.  Israel must complete its current course of action by definitively defeating Hamas.  In that process, it is my belief that the Psalm 83 War will be triggered.  This means that all the hostile nations surrounding Israel will conspire – by one means or another – to come together in the effort to drive Israel into the sea, i.e. to completely destroy the apple of God’s eye and steal the land which was never intended for them to occupy.  They will not succeed.

Once all these Arab/Muslim nations lose, if this is indeed Psalm 83, then Israel will expand her borders significantly, just like all victorious nations in the past added to their territories.  By doing this, Israel will meet the conditions necessary for Gog-Magog to commence.

Ezekiel’s War cannot occur at the present time, because Israel is not in any way, shape, or form dwelling securely without walls, bars, or gates as required by the prophecy.  Not only is Gaza a hotbed of radical Jew hatred, but so is the large area of Judea and Samaria in the very center of Israel, incorrectly labeled as the West Bank.  It appears the terrorist elements there are just waiting for the go-signal (probably from Iran), and they will erupt in force to kill as many Jews as they can.  Many miles of walls designed to prevent Israeli citizens from being indiscriminately targeted are in place both within the country and on its borders.  However, as I’ve previously noted, the walls meant to contain the hostile Palestinian cohort in Judea-Samaria have not been maintained, and the people within that area are just waiting for the opportunity to unleash their inner demons.

One of the intriguing aspects of the aftermath of the Gog-Magog War is prophesied in Ezekiel 39:11-16.  That reads:

“On that day I will give to Gog a place for burial in Israel, the Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea. It will block the travelers, for there Gog and all his multitude will be buried. It will be called the Valley of Hamon-gog. For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them, in order to cleanse the land. All the people of the land will bury them, and it will bring them renown on the day that I show my glory, declares the Lord God. They will set apart men to travel through the land regularly and bury those travelers remaining on the face of the land, so as to cleanse it. At the end of seven months they will make their search. And when these travel through the land and anyone sees a human bone, then he shall set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the Valley of Hamon-gog. (Hamonah is also the name of the city.) Thus shall they cleanse the land.

The key descriptive phrase is: for burial in Israel, the Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea.

It’s fascinating for several reasons:

  1. This burial place is reserved for those who have been contaminated by the weapons used in this war. It is thought that Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) weapons will be in play by Israel’s Ezekiel 38 attackers.  These will be negated by God but result in all the fallen invaders being tainted by them.  As such, Israel would not want to bury such bodies in the homeland used for productive purposes.
  2. It is described as being in Israel. Wherever the location is must be within the borders of the recognized Jewish state at that time.
  3. The Valley of the Travelers is not a currently recognized place – certainly not in Israel. As such, the likelihood is high that it will be designated a new location within a newly recognized area of Israel.
  4. The Travelers themselves are interesting. According to Dr. Michael Heiser the context for this refers to the spirits of the dead who have passed over the border from the land of the living to the realm of the dead.  There is an otherworldly overtone associated with the name which is associated with the spirits of the dead and those who worked to communicate with them (see Demons by Heiser, pg 15-16).  My speculation about this is that the burying of the dead from the Gog-Magog War in this place may connote a demonic connection, i.e. those who attacked Israel were incented and possessed by the satanic realm.
  5. This valley is east of the sea. There are only three possible seas to which this can pertain: Sea of Galilee, Mediterranean, and Dead Sea.  To the east of the Sea of Galilee is the Golan Heights, which is a very productive region.  To the east of the Mediterranean is the heavily populated western area of Israel, and beyond that the expansive and abundant Jezreel Valley.  The sea noted can only be the Dead Sea.  An interesting aspect of this is the geographical associations of the cults of the dead that operated in this region.  It defines the area of Transjordan, which spread on either side of the Jordan River.  In this case, it is east and directly in what is today the nation of Jordan.  The description supports the contention that Israel annexes this land after defeating her enemies in the Psalm 83 War prior to Ezekiel’s War, which itself has nothing to do with the nations bordering Israel.

When we put all this together from just that single phrase: for burial in Israel, the Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea, it is this which brings us to the news of the day.  Israel365news reported on an effort in Israel called the Sovereignty Movement.  This group is calling on Israel to annex the Jordan Valley as a solution to deadly terrorism.  The best I can determine from their website is that they are specifically referring to the area of Judea and Samaria in the current confines of Israel.  I don’t think they have any sense of implying the annexation of Jordanian land east of the Dead Sea.  Currently this area, incorrectly called the West Bank, has a patchwork of laws that are not consistent with overall Israeli control, i.e. sovereignty.  This movement wants that to change.

At this link is a map illustrating the overall extent of the Jordan Valley.

In relation to this sovereignty issue, just picture the lay of the land once Israel wins the Psalm 83 War.  Just like Israel annexed the Sinai Peninsula in the 1956 Sinai War, this is similar to what Israel will do in the future in its victory over every nation bordering Israel that comes against her.  Israel foolishly gave up the Sinai back to Egypt in the 1967 Six Day War, but going forward, she won’t make that mistake again.  In the same manner Israel will not relinquish control over Gaza any longer once she has defeated Hamas.

In Psalm 83, Jordan is among the conspirators attacking Israel.  Conquering it, Israel will reacquire the area in what was initially known as Transjordan, and the area of the Jordan Valley east of the sea will become Israeli territory.  Thus, once Gog-Magog plays out, this becomes the burial place for those contaminated bodies.

I would imagine that this Sovereignty Movement will be among those making the case for the annexation of this part of the Jordan Valley so as to make it whole since this was supposed to be theirs initially as a result of the Balfour Declaration long ago.

Bolstering this contention that Israel will annex part of Jordan in the near term is the unrest currently roiling that nation.  King Hussein is quite weak and regularly capitulates to the opposition so as to retain his tenuous hold on the monarchy.

Protests in Jordan of late, fueled by the influence of Hamas, have led to the speculation that a government takeover is in the offing.  Jordan currently has a paper-thin treaty with Israel, but just imagine what happens if King Hussein falls and an anti-Israel government assumes power.  In fact, there are calls for Jordanians to join the “Al-Aqsa Flood” – the name for the Hamas terrorist attack October 7, 2023 against Israel.

A primary organizer of the protests is – wait for it – the Muslim Brotherhood.  This rabidly Islamist and highly influential group holds the same ideological principles as Hamas.  Fanning the flames of this fire is – naturally – Iran, which “has long had its eyes set on destabilizing Jordan.”

The article, which is the source of this information, makes a contentious and untrue statement regarding all this.  It says that more than half of Jordan’s population is “Palestinian.”  We know there are no true Palestinians because they were never a people group in the first place.  However, many of these people in Jordan are descendants of the Arabs who were displaced in the Israeli War of Independence of 1948 when the neighboring Arab/Muslim nations instructed them to leave their homes in Israel.  Because of the confidence the invaders had that they’d easily win this war, they said that these peoples could then return to their homes.

Of course, God turned this notion on its head because the land belongs to Israel, the people He designated to live there.  Many of the people in Jordan are actually descendants of the three nations that Jordan now comprises.  Those nations were Moab, Edom, and Ammon.  As it turns out, they are specifically listed as combatants in the Psalm 83 War.

It seems also that Israelis in the south near the border with Jordan have serious concerns as noted in this article.  The point is that the Israeli border is a dangerous place and there is no love lost from the neighboring Arab/Muslim nations.  This is another powder-keg area that could erupt at any time.

The point is that Jordan may soon become ripe for attacking Israel even as the prophecy of Psalm 83 foretells.  And yes, it is a prophecy because it was penned by Asaph, who is describe as a seer, i.e. a prophet, in 2 Chronicles 29:30 – check it out.

Little by little we see aspects of future prophecy take place.  Soon, big junks of Biblical prophecy will occur.  We are in a time of fulfillment in this regard, and it’s exciting to be alive and watch it happen.  Isn’t it a shame that so much of the church wants nothing to do with the 30% of the Bible relating to Bible prophecy?  As such, they are blind and dumb to the events taking place right before them.

This is certainly one reason we’re told in Scripture that those of us watching, waiting, and anticipating the Lord’s return have crowns of righteousness stored up for us.

God wants us to know the times and to be ready for Jesus to come.  We are, and this pleases Him immensely.

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