Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-13-23: The Deep State is More than a Swamp

It’s a commonly accepted fact that there is a profound and persistent Deep State in America.  It has been referred to as a Swamp.  Many of us view it as an evil cabal of demonically possessed globalist elites.  There are any number of fact-checking websites that discount the idea of a Deep State as a conspiracy theory.  But they provide us with at least a start on defining it.

Here is the Cambridge Dictionary definition:

Organizations such as military, police, or political groups that are said to work secretly in order to protect particular interests and to rule a country without being elected – The idea that there is a deep state governing behind the scenes is dismissed by some as a conspiracy theory.

This is what the Political Dictionary has to say:

The “deep state” is a conspiracy theory which suggests that collusion exists within the U.S. political system and a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.

Not to be left out is Wikipedia’s take (otherwise known as the CIA definition):

According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government. – Critics of Trump’s use of the term ‘deep state’ maintain that it is a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.

When President Trump came into office in 2017, one of his stated objectives was to dismantle the Deep State, i.e. to drain the Swamp.  Unfortunately, due to his complete lack of discernment regarding the advisors he appointed to sensitive positions in his administration, it seems as if the vast majority of them were part of the Deep State problem.  As a result, at every turn they worked against Trump’s interests, which in effect worked against those of the American people.

If Trump was basically for America and wanted to restore it to his image of former greatness, and most of those men and women working in the White House and other prominent agencies of power acted contrary to his desires, it should be obvious that the Deep State Swamp is very real.  Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been the fierce opposition, with the resultant dead ends or badly skewed implementation of so much that could have improved America.

Questions arise from this:

  • How did the Deep State come about?
  • What is its purpose?
  • Is it still operating today post-Trump?

In this Prophecy Update we’ll examine these issues and more.  What we reveal may shock you, but will certainly open your eyes to the reality this nation and the world faces in these final days.




It’s a commonly accepted fact that there is a profound and persistent Deep State in America.  It has been referred to as a Swamp.  Many of us view it as an evil cabal of demonically possessed globalist elites.  There are any number of fact-checking websites that discount the idea of a Deep State as a conspiracy theory.  But they provide us with at least a start on defining it.


Here is the Cambridge Dictionary definition:


Organizations such as military, police, or political groups that are said to work secretly in order to protect particular interests and to rule a country without being elected – The idea that there is a deep state governing behind the scenes is dismissed by some as a conspiracy theory.


This is what the Political Dictionary has to say:


The “deep state” is a conspiracy theory which suggests that collusion exists within the U.S. political system and a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.


Not to be left out is Wikipedia’s take (otherwise known as the CIA definition):


According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government. – Critics of Trump’s use of the term ‘deep state’ maintain that it is a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.


When President Trump came into office in 2017, one of his stated objectives was to dismantle the Deep State, i.e. to drain the Swamp.  Unfortunately, due to his complete lack of discernment regarding the advisors he appointed to sensitive positions in his administration, it seems as if the vast majority of them were part of the Deep State problem.  As a result, at every turn they worked against Trump’s interests, which in effect worked against those of the American people.


If Trump was basically for America and wanted to restore it to his image of former greatness, and most of those men and women working in the White House and other prominent agencies of power acted contrary to his desires, it should be obvious that the Deep State Swamp is very real.  Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been the fierce opposition, with the resultant dead ends or badly skewed implementation of so much that could have improved America.


Questions arise from this:


  • How did the Deep State come about?
  • What is its purpose?
  • Is it still operating today post-Trump?


In this Prophecy Update we’ll examine these issues and more.  What we reveal may shock you, but will certainly open your eyes to the reality this nation and the world faces in these final days.


Before we get into this, we’ll pray and read from God’s Word.






2 Timothy 3:1-5

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.



The Deep State is More than a Swamp


  • Today we’re going to talk about Communism in the United States
  • Some of you may be thinking that’s not such a big deal
  • Didn’t Ronald Reagan demand that Mikhail Gorbachev “Tear Down That Wall”?
  • Didn’t that act of dismantling the Berlin War in 1989 finish off Communism?
  • Isn’t Communism today a remnant that only a few countries like China, North Korea, and Cuba ascribe to?
  • Or Russia as well if we want to potentially throw it in the mix?
  • If only if was so simple
  • Besides, Communism wasn’t really that bad, was it?
  • After all, if we compare Hitler’s Nazi Germany with Communism, the Nazis were far worse – right?


  • To gain a clearer picture of this, we need to take a trip down memory lane
  • Back in the 1930s as Adolph Hitler was consolidating power in Nazi Germany, Communism was in full swing in the USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – under Joseph Stalin
  • Communist Russia basically had its birth in that political ideology through Karl Marx – or Marxism as we commonly know it
  • Vladimir Lenin brought it into reality through the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917
  • And Stalin perfected it as an artform when he came to power in 1922
  • In this same period Mao Tse-Tung in China fought against the forces of a free nation, won, and turned his victory into the Communist state we know today
  • As the world turned, the Nazis under Adolph Hitler invaded Poland and World War 2 got underway
  • Time marched on, and the Nazis invaded Russia (June 22, 1941)
  • Not long after that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the US entered the war (December 7, 1941)
  • A couple years later, the US landed in Europe with the invasion of Normandy (June 6, 1944), and we with our allies became the western front in the war against Germany while the USSR was the eastern front
  • Nazi Germany was the primary enemy
  • Because of the logistics, America effectively became allied with Russia
  • This is where the story turns exceptionally dark


  • Since the 1930s American patriots had been attempting to warn our nation about Communist infiltration
  • I mentioned in a prior discussion that in 1934 a man named William Wirt came before a Congressional committee to witness to and expose this serious problem
  • He was basically laughed out of town
  • Subsequently Whitaker Chambers – previously an avowed Communist – turned to Christianity and became a whistleblower about the high-level subversion by Communist agents in our government
  • As time went on, the penetration of Communist ideology within all levels of government increased significantly
  • In 1941 Congress authorized the Lend-Lease Act
  • This program “authorized the President to sell, lease, or lend military hardware to any country deemed vital to American national security”
  • The policy “allowed the United States to supply military aid to its foreign allies during World War II, while still remaining officially neutral in the conflict”
  • Guess what country was considered an ally and became the major recipient of our military aid?
  • If you guessed the USSR, you get a gold star
  • Of course, the thinking was that the Nazis were the worst villains ever on the face of the earth
  • They were completely evil – no doubt about that
  • Naturally we had to help Russia in their noble efforts to defeat Germany
  • The problem is that while this was going on, the Communist USSR – our supposed ally – was doing all in its power to subversively undermine America
  • Lend-Lease opened some highly problematic floodgates
  • As we sent tons of military aid to Russia, those same supplies were desperately needed in the Pacific Theater by our American forces against Japan
  • Did the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration heed the cries for needed supplies to be sent to our troops in the Pacific?
  • No
  • It was well known they needed them, but Russia was prioritized
  • This and so much more is thoroughly documented in American Betrayal by Diana West
  • It gets worse
  • The principal advisor to President Roosevelt – FDR – was a man named Harry Hopkins
  • Hopkins was so ingrained as FDR’s confidante and authority that he was present at literally all important and strategic meetings the president had
  • FDR listened to and heeded the advice of Harry Hopkins above every other advisor, including the generals at the Pentagon
  • Well, we can all use good advice from someone we trust – right?
  • Unfortunately for America, Harry Hopkins was a flat-out Communist agent totally loyal to the USSR
  • And he was for all intents and purposes co-president of the United States
  • As another advisor to FDR said: “Harry watches out for the interests of the USSR, I watch out for American interests.”
  • It should come as no surprise that FDR elevated all advice by Hopkins above that of others
  • This is exactly the point and the problem
  • It was discovered by another patriotic whistleblower that Lend-Lease was the mechanism for the deepest American secrets to be sent to Russia
  • You may recall that we were developing the Atomic Bomb during those years, which we eventually used against Japan
  • For something this strategic, you would imagine that we’d do everything possible to keep this project completely secret – right?
  • Not so much
  • All the plans – all the information – even necessary components – for the construction of an atomic bomb were purposefully sent via the Lend-Lease program to Communist Russia
  • The Communist agents in our government assured that “Mother Russia” received every last item required for building the bomb, including chemicals; metals – like aluminum tubes for converting uranium into plutonium; minerals – including uranium itself; and even heavy water – that helps in the enrichment process of weaponized uranium
  • In other words, the FDR administration was completely compromised by Communists operating directly under the control of the USSR acting traitorously against American interests


  • Everything we think we know about the events taking place at that time are a lie . . .
  • Everything
  • FDR’s New Deal wasn’t some wonderful program that catapulted the US into economic dominance following the Great Depression
  • It was a Communist program aimed at undermining America with the intent of eventually moving us into a socialist utopia
  • Russia wasn’t supposed to take Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the WW2 and place it under its domain
  • But they did with American assistance at the highest levels of government
  • The elected and unelected officials in out American government are supposed to actually act in the interests of America . . .
  • But they were not
  • They were acting in the interests of Soviet, i.e. Communist, Russia
  • And on it goes
  • In the late 1940s and early 1950s there was a concerted effort to expose Communism in the US
  • You may recall hearing about the House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee
  • Eventually Joseph McCarthy spearheaded the effort to root out the Communist rot
  • The Left – as it always does – laughingly dismissed this attempt
  • It was infamously labeled McCarthyism
  • And of course, the term has a negative connotation even today
  • This was the era of Hollywood blacklisting where numerous individuals were outed as Communists, but they played on the sympathies of the American public
  • Their treason became the source of their victimhood
  • They were done so wrong!
  • To think they were Communists working to undermine America?
  • Ludicrous!
  • Except it was true in Hollywood, even as it was in Washington, DC, and in major corporations across the nation
  • In 1958 a book was written by Cleon Skousen titled The Naked Communist
  • Subsequently James Bowers wrote a smaller book called The Naked Truth which summarizes much of Skousen’s work
  • In these books they listed the 45 primary Communist Goals for the takedown of America
  • These were actually read into the Congressional Record in 1963 – in other words, they’re quite legitimate
  • In a previous Prophecy Update I called Taking America Down I compared three unique sources that all coalesce into the same goals to destroy our nation
  • I compared the writings of occultist Alice Bailey with the Ten Commandments of the Georgia Guidestones and a number of these Communist goals
  • I’ll just say it’s astounding how America has been targeted from so many angles
  • You may wish to watch the slide presentation of that previous Prophecy Update or read the transcript available at my website blog and link here in this transcript
  • Because I dealt with a significant number of those 45 Communist Goals previously, I won’t get into them again
  • What I want to do now – having gone through this extensive introduction – is to discuss the 1st ten of those 45 Goals
  • I’ll include all 45 of them at the end of the Transcript for this Update so you can see them all in one place
  • I’ll look at these 10 goals I’m addressing today one-by-one and briefly discuss how successful they’ve been as we look at our nation’s current state of affairs


45 Communist Goals – 1st Ten:

  1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  • The Cold War became the mechanism to achieve this.
  • We were the two superpowers in parity with each other under this thinking.
  • It was called détente, i.e. we could talk out any problems between us
  • Because we’d been so successful in providing the USSR with our deepest military secrets, is it any wonder that we had equal capabilities?
  • In fact, equality was the narrative
  • The relationship between our nations was defined as two equally valid economic and political systems
  • Communism was deemed the same as freedom in America – just a different perspective
  • The only problem with this was that under Stalin, some 20 million people died as political and religious so-called dissidents
  • The Gulag – a harsh prison environment in Siberia – swallowed unknown numbers of innocent people
  • Communism in the 20th Century, including the USSR, China, Cambodia, and others killed upwards of 100 million people
  • But, remember the narrative
  • Communism is a good system that America should honor and value as legitimate
  • Looking at Stalin’s 20 million deaths, how does that compare with Nazi Germany killing 6 million?
  • But what is the regime we consider the worse ever?
  • Hitler and his Nazis
  • Communism with its horrors was ALWAYS downplayed and outright ignored
  • This was only challenged when Reagan began the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was highly criticized as “Star Wars”
  • Guess who criticized it the most?
  • The Left which loved Russia
  • Now today we have an interesting situation
  • Russia is a dictatorship – let’s make sure we understand that
  • However, it’s not really the Communist utopia that it used to be
  • That honor is seen as belonging to China
  • This is why the Left has effectively turned against Russia
  • China is not only a totalitarian society which the Left loves – it is also Communist – the best of both worlds for them
  • Now we want to take down Russia and submit to China under the illusion that we’re at parity with them
  • But we’ve given all our military secrets and technology to them just as we did in prior years to Russia
  • They’ve capitalized on that
  • We have allowed our military superiority to weaken
  • America is not the superpower of yesteryear
  • This confusing situation is manipulated by the demonic globalist cabal
  • They have their own interests and use whatever power structures are in place to bring about their own ends – this being, of course, a One World Government
  1. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  • Just think of the many treaties we signed with Russia where we agreed not to develop more nuclear weapons
  • We have not advanced our military technology
  • We have something like 1000 fewer nuclear devices than Russia
  • Who do you think put us in this position?
  • Leftists in our government advocating the idea that this world can be free of such weapons
  • To the Left there is no strength in power – it is only capitulation
  1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  • Exactly the point
  • We disarm and show to the world that we’re better than everyone else because we’ve taken this first step
  • Except it doesn’t work that way
  • Our enemies look upon us as weak fools since they continue developing their armaments
  • It’s the same idea with climate change foolishness
  • We destroy our economy by eliminating gas-oil energy in place of renewables
  • We commit to eliminating CO2 – an absolutely critical component for a healthy green planet
  • All the while China makes no such commitments and continues polluting as they will
  • Which nation is weaker for this idiocy?


  1. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.


  • Since the 1970s – through the urging of globalist Henry Kissinger – we determined to build up Communist China through trade
  • The false idea was that with this sort of capitalistic equality, China would turn from Communism
  • That’s worked well, hasn’t it?
  • They’re more totalitarian than ever and our role model
  • Who changed whom?
  • Was there a globalist purpose behind this?
  • What do you think?


  1. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.


  • The US has made a career of sending foreign aid and receiving no benefit in return
  • This has had the effect of impoverishing us by putting us into massive debt and not helping our own citizens
  • Look at how much money we’ve sent to Ukraine
  • Any place we can send money so as to create indebtedness to us, we’re more than happy to do that
  • All the while, needs in our nation go unmet
  • Look at how little we care for the people on the receiving end of purposeful disasters like in East Palestine and Lahaina
  • The American people are an afterthought, while we shovel money out the door like we can just print it out of thin air
  • Oh wait – we can!


  1. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.


  • Or ideology
  • The more we examine our history of foreign aid, the more it becomes clear that we shovel money to other countries so that we can bring down leaders not to our liking and install those we favor
  • Frankly, it doesn’t matter these days if the nation is Communist or not
  • If we – i.e. the globalists directing our government – have an agenda, money goes out the door
  • Again, consider Ukraine
  • The US previously promised Russia up one way and down another that we would NEVER support NATO troops in Ukraine
  • It would be the same as Chinese troops camping on the Mexican or Canadian borders
  • You can see how well we hold to our promises
  • Why have we been all-in behind Ukraine?
  • Because our desire is to start World War 3
  • Who would be crazy enough to want that?
  • Those who believe that major war is necessary to bring America down as a superpower so that a One World Government can be formed


  1. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.


  • Check and double-check
  • You see the Communist goals were not limited to just bolstering the USSR
  • Communism is the main thing
  • All this China support came through the primary urging of Henry Kissinger – a globalist
  • Again, raise up other powers and reduce America
  • Send all manufacturing to China
  • Eliminate it on our shores
  • Make us dependent on China
  • The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has the same goals as the Democrat Party
  • One can effectively be switched for the other
  • Actually, with what we’ve seen in the Republican Party, they’re pretty close as to be no different as well
  • There’s a reason the Dems and Repubs are called the Uniparty
  • Heck, let’s go all the way
  • It’s the Communist Uniparty
  • We have a government comprised of committed Communists who operate under the guise of a two-party system
  • The truth is that we are completely compromised and no longer a have republican form of government
  • Our government allegiance is to a Communist dictatorship – which is clearly almost completely upon us


  1. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.


  • The history behind this is long and ugly
  • It even goes to America participation in WW2 and how we conducted various aspects of that war exactly as Joseph Stalin dictated to Harry Hopkins who counseled FDR
  • As Diana West puts it in American Betrayal, the meme that WW2 was the “Good War” because of America’s seeming victory has gone unchallenged
  • The ugly truth is that Russia was the victor
  • There’s no way they would have been allowed to annex Eastern Europe and divide Berlin if we had not been heavily influenced by Stalin and his Communist agents working against us inside the FDR regime
  • We had plenty of evidence that Stalin and the USSR were not equivalent to America
  • They were not “good guys” as FDR wanted to portray
  • A couple examples:
  • Have you ever heard of the Terror Famine a.k.a. the Holodomork.a. the Great Ukrainian Famine?
  • If you haven’t, you’re not alone
  • It was a purposeful campaign of mass starvation by the Soviets in 1932-1933
  • Holodomor in the Ukrainian language means: to inflict death by hunger”
  • It was genocide in every definition of the word and killed some 4-5 million people
  • This was done under the regime of Joseph Stalin – our buddy, our friend, the man who could do no wrong in the eyes of Franklin Roosevelt
  • Earlier I mentioned the Soviet Gulag
  • This was a conglomeration of many concentration camps where the prisoners were forced to perform hard labor
  • At any given time, the Gulags held from 2000 to 10,000 people at each camp
  • Despite severe weather conditions in northern Russia, the prisoners were required to labor for up to 14 hours each day
  • Think of the Gulag as FEMA reeducation camps on steroids
  • Joseph Stalin was the man behind the Gulag
  • Our great friend, whose political system was on a par with that of America’s
  • Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was relegated to the Gulag and survived
  • He was a prolific writer who wrote The Gulag Archipelago and became the voice calling out the atrocities of this Communist way of dealing with those who disagreed with the Soviet system
  • Finally, there was the Katyn Forest Massacre
  • After the Soviets entered Poland to come against the Nazis, the Communists under Joseph Stalin decided to murder Polish prisoners of war
  • They did this over a period of time in the remote Katyn Forest where they buried the bodies, anticipating that no one would discover the over 21,000 people they murdered
  • When the Nazis discovered the graves, a disinformation campaign attempted to pin the massacre on them
  • Eventually significant and convincing evidence argued to the contrary
  • This was done at the personal behest of Joseph Stalin
  • Did any of these atrocities make any different in our relationship with the Soviets?
  • Did FDR recoil in horror at the number of deaths attributed to Stalin’s Communist utopia?
  • No, the narrative was that the USSR was our friend, and all this was swept under the table
  • It was a massive coup for Communism
  • The American people might have reacted somewhat differently than FDR if they’d known
  • But they didn’t
  • Just as most of us today still think Nazi Germany and its leader Adolph Hitler were the worst nation and leader ever
  • When the truth is that the USSR and its Communist system are far and away the worst
  • But remember, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Russia were our good friends with a comparable political system to that of America
  • That’s what’s known as Moral Equivalence


  1. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.


  • How many times have we heard that we’re acting in good faith – to show that we are a better people?
  • It just goes to the point that Communists are seemingly a lot savvier that us
  • Also, that because we’ve been so infiltrated, the Communist goals have become adopted as our goals in the top echelons of American government


  1. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
  • This refers to satellite nations such as Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia when they were under Soviet domination as part of the Eastern European bloc
  • Since the USSR was one of the major founding members of the United Nations, of course it wanted its occupied countries to have UN representation so as to provide more voting power
  • This took place over time
  • One example is that in 1955 the UN admitted 16 new states, including 4 eastern European communist states and 12 noncommunist countries


  • The point of going through these 10 items of the 45 Communist Goals is to show the underlying Communist efforts at degrading our nation and in service toward ultimately bringing about a One World Government
  • There are seemingly competing interests in this effort
  • Look at the world
  • There are the Russians and Chinese which are aligned at this point
  • What do they want?
  • A Communist/totalitarian utopia
  • Then there are the Islamists
  • What do they want?
  • A worldwide Islamic caliphate where all people are under sharia law
  • Submit to Islam become a Muslim, or live as a dhimmi, i.e. a lesser person dominated by Islamic laws
  • Then there is America
  • Sadly, our goals as noted here are generally in line with those of China
  • We in America have an ideal of what our nation has been
  • Although ascribed to by the majority of Americans over our years of existence, these ideals have been undermined at every turn by those in power who have been loyal to Communist ideology and/or globalist dreams
  • This is why there are so many incidents that occur which have not been accurately portrayed by our government and the compliant media
  • When the government causes something adverse to happen for its own purposes that don’t correlate with those of the American people, it has to obfuscate, lie, make scapegoats, and simply distort the facts, while making up a competing, acceptable narrative
  • This is all too common in our nation
  • Finally, as to the various competing interests, there is the globalist elite version that is dominant because of players such as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations
  • All other ideologies will likely be subsumed under this because the eventual One World Government must embrace all ideologies – as long as they have a totalitarian objective
  • In the same way, the One World Religion will embrace all religions as valid as long as they comply with governmental dictates
  • It’s why true Christianity is the outlier
  • We don’t submit to government as our highest authority
  • When we learn about the treachery our government has committed against us over the years, our resolve should be strengthened and even greater as to where we place our allegiance
  • There is only one government – the Kingdom of God
  • There is only One man – His Name is Jesus Christ


  • To bring this to a close, let me just say that given the deep dark history of Communism in our nation, which is generally quite compatible with globalist intentions, the Deep State is indeed very deep
  • When patriots – God bless them – think they can either elect someone to dismantle it or even to engage it in a hot war since we have so many firearms . . .
  • They simply don’t have any idea of the depth of this Swamp
  • In our flesh, we cannot destroy the forces of darkness – which all these all that I’ve recounted today
  • It’s why the NAR 7-Mountain Mandate is doomed to fail
  • Here’s the thing . . .
  • If Communism was so deeply entrenched as early as the 1930s
  • And it was never rooted out
  • All of the traitorous characters like Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins, and so many more were whitewashed from history
  • Thus, Communism as an insidious rot in our nation was NEVER dealt with
  • What then do you think happened in the intervening years between then and now?
  • If you answered that this cancer only grew and metastasized, you’d be correct
  • The roots of Communism are in every single institution in this nation
  • It is the genesis of the Left and the globalist adherents of today
  • Look at the Hillary Clintons, the Bill Ayers, and all the others from the Communist-inspired radicalism of the 1960s
  • They’re the ones in charge today – everywhere!
  • Our nation is a cesspool of traitors who want nothing more than to annihilate the ideal of our American founding
  • Our nation is nothing like what it was set up to be
  • Because of the massive infiltration into government and every other aspect of society, ideal America is only an idea that has long since been lost
  • Our government hates the people and will do anything to be in power and to control all levers of our nation
  • We are in the way; the Swamp is miles deep
  • It’s why Christianity in our strength will not take back our nation and the planet preparing it for Christ to return
  • No – only Jesus Christ Himself can fight against all this
  • And His victory is already assured
  • It’s why all Christians should be eager for Jesus to come get us – to take us from this garbage dump of the earth – which is a far cry from what God intended in His creation as good and very good
  • When the Lord returns in His 2nd Coming – with us following on His heels all dressed in white linen – then and only then will all the Communist, Islamic, Globalist, and Religious ideologies and strongholds be torn down and destroyed by the Word of God
  • That will be a glorious day and a new beginning
  • But that’s seven years at least after the Rapture
  • So, for now, I’m watching and waiting with eager anticipation for our Lord Jesus Christ to snatch us out of here


Addendum – 45 Communist Goals (1958) 

  1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
    2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
    3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  2. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
    5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
    6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
    7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
    8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
    9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
    10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
    11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
    12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
    13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  3. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
    15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
    16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
    17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
    18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
    19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
    20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
    21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
    24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
    25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
    27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
    28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
    29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
    30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
    31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
    32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
    33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
    34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
    35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
    36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
    37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
    38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
    39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
    40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
    41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
    42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
    43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
    44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
    45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court


18 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-13-23: The Deep State is More than a Swamp”

  1. Reply RobinL


    Thank you for all the work that must have gone into this message, You are correct, sadly, most people do not know about all of this. They sincerely believe another “fair” election can solve these problems, bless their hearts. And Heaven help you if you tell them nothing is going to solve what is underway, that Jesus is coming and the only escape is vertical, through Him, and not horizontal meaning any earthly means.

    I’ve done this again and again and am always accused of being lazy, standing by and allowing the nation to be destroyed, that I am un-American (that’s actually true, I am a citizen of Heaven and Jesus, as my King, has my exclusive loyalty), and I deserve what I get. Apparently, I alone, personally, will drag the rest of our nation to its ultimate destruction. I have a ‘friend’ who can’t talk about anything but politics, no matter how many times I tell her the topic is off limits with me. The last time she angrily told me that’s all anyone talks about today (she’s a confused Christian.) Gratefully, she doesn’t call me anymore, as she can’t have a conversation without it quickly turning into a strategy session on how to win the next election. SMH. Politics is her idol.

    I am reminded of the wisdom in Ecclesiastes, that there is a time for war and a time for peace. Now is clearly the time for Christians to peacefully engage in the raging, global, spiritual war, and not in any kind of earthly combat.

    While I thoroughly despise Satan, I am amazed by his cunning and long-term strategies. He is dangerously clever and as you have outlined here, proves that when one has no morals or concern for anyone but oneself, much evil is accomplished. We see how that “principle” destructively plays out in nations and people throughout history…and it is in full bloom today.

    The fallen angels and demons, who are currently in control of this world, LOVE war, death and misery; that’s what is behind the agenda for global war, and most obviously the situation in Ukraine. If I didn’t know better, I’d believe Ukraine has been the seat of Satan for some time. And if Satan could blow the whole world up in a nuclear war in one fell swoop, he likely would. (But maybe not, because that would deprive him of his terrible and short, global reign.)

    As an aside, I always wondered why, according to the words of the 6th Seal Judgment, it says all the earth-dwellers will finally realize it is God delivering the calamities. Considering all the things happening in the first 5 Seals, it seems like that would be a long, forgone conclusion. However, with all the deception and destruction currently underway being delivered by DARPA, HAARP, WEF, UN, WHO, et al, I now see why many people will assume it’s the globalists causing the carnage of the first 5 Seal Judgments. That explains why God tells us in His Word that humanity will finally wake up to the fact that it IS the Lord alone. But only after unimaginable death and loss, combined with His calls to salvation by the 144K Jewish evangelists and the 2 Witnesses, opens their eyes. (Talk about needing a house to fall on you for you to finally get it!)

    I am so grateful I am saved by grace, so, so, so, grateful He opened my eyes and my heart to His salvation before the Tribulation begins! Thank you Lord Jesus!!!!

    The birth pangs are coming closer together and are growing more intense. Today would be an awesome day for the Rapture.


    • Reply Gary Ritter

      The book American Betrayal that I mention was an absolute eye-opener for me as to the never-ending depths of Communist/satanic infiltration of our nation. That ideal, which I mentioned, is something that American’s cling to, but it actually hasn’t been a real concept for a long time. Since the beginning, the forces of evil have been working diligently to take us down. They found a perfect foil in Karl Marx and his dedicated disciples.

      Who knew that our government is as compromised as it is because of the long-standing treason at the highest levels? No wonder nothing politically good ever has gotten done. It’s always compromised and muted.

      No, political efforts are a waste of time and energy. But far too many Christians are wedded to the world and changing it for the better. Maybe in times past; but we’re well beyond that. God’s kingdom: bring it on!

      (Yes, thank you, it did take some little effort. The book is dense and has so much to absorb; it took me a while to read it. I only touched the surface of the issue.)

  2. Reply RobinL

    I continue to be affirmed in my belief that God allowed the USA to exist and thrive in order to spread the gospel. We can pretty much pinpoint the time when we made a hard shift away from Him and began doing far more evil than good. As a result, we entered the timeframe when He’s patiently waited for us to repent before bringing judgment, which is now barreling down on us like a freight train.

    It is a marvel (albeit dimly) to see things from His perspective, in retrospect. He is always good, patient and kind. But He is also Holy, Holy, Holy which means He MUST bring judgment and restore His righteous kingdom.

    I tremble with awe and reverence when I imagine Jesus in Matthew 24:30-31 30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” This is truly a procession you want to be a part of, not one where you mourning, wailing and gnashing your teeth.

    The road is narrow and the gate is small…

  3. Reply Suzanne Swift

    This earth is defintely not my home! Lord Jesus come quickly please!

  4. Reply Layne Dewlen

    I was a pastor’s son. When missionaries came to itinerate at the church they stayed at our house. Things were said there that didn’t make it to the church service. One thing I’ll always remember was what they had to report in the late ’50s, when they came back from overseas. Their statements were that always before when they came back to the states, they felt the release from the oppression that was in other countries, but now they were feeling that same oppression here as it was overseas.
    In the ’80s I remember wondering why it didn’t seem to matter who was in the White House, or who controlled the the Congress, things seemed to continue on the same way. Nothing changed. That is when I realized something is wrong, although I wasn’t able to put my finger on why.
    There seems to be so many in the same boat today. Thank you Gary, again, for your work, and thank you for your faithfulness.

  5. Reply Jim Eastman

    This reminds of me of the Rosenberg’s who were convicted and executed for giving military secrets, including the bomb, to the USSR.

  6. Reply Gwen

    The Holodomor killed at least 40k people; they were starved out, animals, seeds, everything was taken away from them. Ukraine was the breadbasket of the world at that time. The Ukrainians resorted to cannibalism. It’s a horrific tale of cruelty and hatred. And that’s whose side we were on. Hitler tried to fight communism, yet all attention was diverted to the 6 million. By the way that number was lowered to 2 in Israel!
    Here’s something that may be of interest in re China:

  7. Reply Rick H

    Speaking of Russia in terms of the Gog and Magog timeline…it’s been a reported so far as a legend but supposedly Israel may be sitting on top of a potential $100 Trillion dollar fortune (by today’s standard) of King Solomon since it was during his time that Israel was the most powerful nation on Earth (of course they will be again for reasons more important than money)…just wondered about your thoughts about this…could be the $100 trillion dollar hook in somebody’s jaw.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      I would tend to doubt it. With the way Israel/Judah walked away from God with the succeeding kings, I Imagine it was all given away in tribute for protection or raided. After all, with both kingdoms – Northern and Southern – they ended up completely devastated and cast from the land.

  8. Reply Rick H

    Thanks for your input…a couple of prophesy teachers have mentioned the possibility of such a fortune although I initially dismissed it as an “urban legend” so to speak because of the OT descriptions of exactly what you said of those succeeding kings making deals to try to preserve something that God wasn’t letting them keep which ironically started with Solomon being handed everything God gave him and unfortunately for Solomon it was easier to follow the empty pleasures of Satan…even Soloman lamented on this very fact that he gained the whole world but lost so much more.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      To temper wisdom, one needs discernment, and Solomon appears to have lacked that. Finally got his act together at the end of his life, but he squandered the kingdom by not raising his sons right – even though he advised doing so.

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