Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 11-22-23 – The Warning of Israel’s Broken Glass

Those who read or listen to my preaching on this topic today are probably going to be the choir.  As you might imagine, people gravitate to Bible teachers they tend to agree with.  For instance, I’ll only listen to somebody spouting Replacement Theology nonsense if I’m researching that person; certainly not as a regular diet.  I’ve got better things to do than ingest someone’s heresy on a routine basis.

The bottom line for what I say today isn’t a popular position with much of the church, as we’ve seen in recent weeks since the savage, demonic attack by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023.  In fact, by either its blatant support for the so-called Palestinian cause or by its deafening silence, the church as a whole has outed itself regarding its dislike, and even hatred for, Israel and the Jews.  Although I haven’t specifically heard Andy Stanley’s position on Israel or “Palestine” – considering his encouragement that Christians should unhitch from the Old Testament since it isn’t relevant to our faith – I can only imagine where this apostate pastor stands in this crucial matter of our times.  If a presumed man of God wants to deep-six the Old Testament, you can know for certain that he isn’t a pastor actually preaching the Word of God.  In this case, whatever happened to the “entire Word of God?”  Apparently, it’s just a dusty old tome that has no meaning to enlightened Christians these days.

I have plenty more ranting and criticism coming in this Commentary because I feel very strongly that God wants some few of us to speak boldly.  A little later I’ll also suggest that He may want even more from some of us concerning His Chosen People, the Jews.

This is a critical moment for the church.  It’s even more important for individual believers.  I’ve said it before and will keep repeating it unless God has me stop: How Christians – and I’m referring here to those who are truly saved – respond to Israel in her need for support from God’s people will determine their fate concerning the soon-to-come Tribulation.  This isn’t even a topic the choir likes to hear.  You may disagree with my conclusions at the end of this Commentary.  However, I urge you to hear what I say by considering it through the lens of Scripture.  Don’t believe something just because you heard it from another pastor – even a trusted one.  Do your own deep dive so that you fully understand the issue that you’re embracing.  Maybe you’ll arrive at the same place you started – but maybe you won’t.  Just make sure you have the Biblical basis for what you believe.




Those who read or listen to my preaching on this topic today are probably going to be the choir.  As you might imagine, people gravitate to Bible teachers they tend to agree with.  For instance, I’ll only listen to somebody spouting Replacement Theology nonsense if I’m researching that person; certainly not as a regular diet.  I’ve got better things to do than ingest someone’s heresy on a routine basis.


The bottom line for what I say today isn’t a popular position with much of the church, as we’ve seen in recent weeks since the savage, demonic attack by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023.  In fact, by either its blatant support for the so-called Palestinian cause or by its deafening silence, the church as a whole has outed itself regarding its dislike, and even hatred for, Israel and the Jews.  Although I haven’t specifically heard Andy Stanley’s position on Israel or “Palestine” – considering his encouragement that Christians should unhitch from the Old Testament since it isn’t relevant to our faith – I can only imagine where this apostate pastor stands in this crucial matter of our times.  If a presumed man of God wants to deep-six the Old Testament, you can know for certain that he isn’t a pastor actually preaching the Word of God.  In this case, whatever happened to the “entire Word of God?”  Apparently, it’s just a dusty old tome that has no meaning to enlightened Christians these days.


I have plenty more ranting and criticism coming in this Commentary because I feel very strongly that God wants some few of us to speak boldly.  A little later I’ll also suggest that He may want even more from some of us concerning His Chosen People, the Jews.


This is a critical moment for the church.  It’s even more important for individual believers.  I’ve said it before and will keep repeating it unless God has me stop: How Christians – and I’m referring here to those who are truly saved – respond to Israel in her need for support from God’s people will determine their fate concerning the soon-to-come Tribulation.  This isn’t even a topic the choir likes to hear.  You may disagree with my conclusions at the end of this Commentary.  However, I urge you to hear what I say by considering it through the lens of Scripture.  Don’t believe something just because you heard it from another pastor – even a trusted one.  Do your own deep dive so that you fully understand the issue that you’re embracing.  Maybe you’ll arrive at the same place you started – but maybe you won’t.  Just make sure you have the Biblical basis for what you believe.


We’ll get deep into the weeds on all this in a moment.  First, let’s pray and read from God’s Word.






Isaiah 44:21-23

Remember these things, O Jacob,
and Israel, for you are my servant;
I formed you; you are my servant;
O Israel, you will not be forgotten by me.
I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud
and your sins like mist;
return to me, for I have redeemed you.

Sing, O heavens, for the Lord has done it;
shout, O depths of the earth;
break forth into singing, O mountains,
O forest, and every tree in it!
For the Lord has redeemed Jacob,
and will be glorified in Israel.




The Warning of Israel’s Broken Glass


  • The attack by Hamas out of Gaza against Israel on October 7 was among the most savagely brutal assaults in the history of the world
  • The Assyrians in their day had a reputation for absolute barbarity
  • It wasn’t unusual for people living in the cities who were soon to be overrun by the Assyrians to commit suicide for fear of what was coming
  • In the OT we come across the Assyrian king Sennacherib in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles coming against Israel – the northern kingdom, and Judah – the southern kingdom
  • Here is a quote from Sennacherib in an historical account:


“I cut their throats like lambs. I cut off their precious lives (as one cuts) a string. Like the many waters of a storm, I made (the contents of) their gullets and entrails run down upon the wide earth. My prancing steeds harnessed for my riding, plunged into the streams of their blood as (into) a river. The wheels of my war chariot, which brings low the wicked and the evil, were bespattered with blood and filth. With the bodies of their warriors I filled the plain, like grass. (Their) testicles I cut off, and tore out their privates like the seeds of cucumbers.”



The Assyrians depicted the torture in great detail on the walls of the imperial palaces. They created tablets containing every single punishment the Assyrian army carried out.  They cut off the limbs, gouged out the eyes, and then left those poor victims to roam around.


The Assyrians were proud of the mass executions. They loved to impale their victims on large stakes. 


  • In other words, they had mastered torture techniques and were proud of that fact
  • Of course, there’s much more, but you get the idea
  • ISIS – with whom Hamas is often compared – had nothing on the Assyrians
  • So, this is what Hamas is . . . not necessarily competing with . . . but emulating – and doing quite a good job at
  • Another comparison that’s been made is with the Nazi attack within Germany against the Jews called Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass on November 9-10, 1938 – 85 years ago
  • Whatever happened to the slogan: “Never again!”?
  • Kristallnacht was considered a pogram
  • A pogram is defined as “an attack, accompanied by destruction, looting of property, murder, and rape, perpetrated by one section of the population against another.”
  • The broken glass came from the shattered windows in Jewish stores, homes, and synagogues
  • When the Nazis attacked the Jews on that fateful night, they murdered, raped, and arrested them en masse
  • To one of the points of this Commentary, the Gentile citizens in all these German cities did nothing
  • They actually just stood around and watched the horrors perpetrated against their fellow men


  • In the days of Hezekiah, the Assyrians had come for Judah after eliminating Israel some years earlier
  • In his despair, Hezekiah sent a faction of his officials to Isaiah the prophet with this message noted in Isaiah 37:3:


They said to him, “Thus says Hezekiah, ‘This day is a day of distress, of rebuke, and of disgrace; children have come to the point of birth, and there is no strength to bring them forth.


  • Just as in that time, so it was on Kristallnacht, and so it was on October 7
  • The Hamas attack brought about extreme distress of Jews in Israel and worldwide, and much rebuke for the apparent ill-preparedness of Israel’s intelligence community and the IDF
  • We’ll have to wait to see if blame is assigned once the war is over and won to determine if anyone in a high position in Israel goes down in disgrace
  • For now, there’s certainly lots of finger-pointing


  • One of the major outcomes of Kristallnacht was to legitimize all the antisemitism that had been building up for years in Hitler’s Germany
  • It’s as if that event put an official stamp on antisemitism throughout Germany and presumably in other places around the world where people felt justified in their bias against the Jews
  • Consider the parallel as an outcome of the Hamas butchery
  • Aside from a few days of sympathy for Israel that quickly dissipated, the world – and I mean the world – has turned against Israel and the Jews
  • When Kristallnacht happened, that antagonism was largely confined to Germany
  • That is not the case today
  • It’s like the attack flipped a switch in people’s brains everywhere to become openly hostile toward Israel and the Jews
  • They justify their protests and actions under the guise of pro-Palestinianism, or being anti-Israeli, because Israel is: a colonizer, oppressor, a nation of genocidal bullies, Nazis (yes, Jews are actually being called Nazis), or whatever description that fits the skewed worldview of the people claiming all this
  • One might expect this stupidity coming from the secular world
  • Sadly and incredibly, it is also a refrain with a very loud bullhorn coming from within Christianity
  • Notice some headlines and their implications from Mike Adam’s website Natural News, all from a quick look on Saturday morning November 18:


U.S. quietly sending more ammunition, missiles to Israel amid global outrage over genocide in Gaza


ASTROTURFING: Pro-Israel group paid students $250 each to attend “March for Israel” event in D.C.


Gaza’s dwindling Palestinian Christian community could be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT by Israeli attacks


Belgian deputy prime minister calls for SANCTIONS against Israel for its indiscriminate BOMBING of civilians in Gaza


Voicing the Israeli regime’s criminal insanity… nuking Gaza to destroy Hamas


Netanyahu threatens America, saying “you’re next” if Israel isn’t supported in committing genocide in Gaza


Those hidden tunnels underneath al-Shifa hospital in Gaza where Israel says Hamas militants are hiding? Israel BUILT them in 1983


  • And one more from later in the day . . .


Netanyahu says Israel will maintain “indefinite security control” over Gaza – Palestinians will forever be held as POWs in a concentration camp


  • Whether there is any truth in any of these claims is irrelevant, every single one of them shows bias and hostility toward Israel
  • What they also show is that Mike Adams is getting his information from the Hamas Ministry of Truth
  • He is showing no greater discernment than the Leftist/Communist New York Times or similar mainstream media outlets
  • I also stress, as I have many times, that Mike Adams is a professing Christian
  • His attitude is not rare withing Christendom
  • The intent of these headlines is to convey the obvious: Israel is bad, a purveyor of genocide, insane criminals who wantonly kill the innocent
  • Let me contrast these headlines with one from Joel Rosenberg’s All Israel News:


CRISIS UPDATE: Gaza’s 1,000 Christians need urgent prayers, aid, and a safe haven lest they face genocide from Hamas


  • Do you notice the difference as to where the blame should really lie?
  • There isn’t any indication that Mike Adams or his Natural News team are reading the Bible in any meaningful way
  • They – along with these various others who have shown their true colors lately – have obviously sat under corrupted teaching, whether in a church or seminary
  • There’s no evidence that they’ve done their own repeated Bible readings and in so doing have heard the Holy Spirit’s truth
  • You simply cannot read God’s Word with any kind of reasonable understanding and come to the conclusions that are reflected in the Natural News headlines
  • During the Nazi years, the church in Germany proved itself to be anything but the Body of Christ
  • The vast majority of churches, their pastors, and their congregations were perfectly fine with adopting Adolph Hitler as an icon that they should listen to and obey
  • Naziism and Christianity were fully compatible in this view
  • Later, when the Soviet Union came to town, those same churches decided that Communism and Christianity were simpatico
  • There were only a relative few Christians like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who rebelled against this anti-God movement
  • Whereas those who complied with the Nazis – their churches were generally called the Compromising Church . . .
  • Bonhoeffer was part of the Confessing Church that believed in God’s supremacy over any man-oriented beliefs
  • They followed God’s Word and not the foolishness that originated in the world from the sinful, dark heart of man
  • I think it could be rightfully said that those churches that followed Hitler were ones that had little use for the Jews
  • It wouldn’t surprise me if many Christian townspeople, in the places where the Concentration Camps burned the corpses of Jews day and night, were very much among those who held their noses from the stench of the smoke and turned from the truth
  • If they’d actually acknowledged what horrors were going on in their own back yard, they would have had to do something about it
  • But by ignoring the genocide, they could remain smug in their ignorance and not have to answer to God
  • Think about those among us who are part of the Replacement Theology crowd or those who advocate Christian Palestinianism:
    • See . . . if God has abandoned Israel and she has no place among the nations, who needs to support her?
    • If Bible prophecy is symbolic only, or if the Tribulation is for the church, then Israel is nothing but an afterthought
    • As such, the Hamas assault is tragic but no big deal
    • Lots of countries have experienced awful events in recent years: Rwanda with the Hutus and Tutsis, South Africa, Darfur
    • Just chalk up Israel to one more in this category
  • Here’s my warning regarding all this . . .
  • At the end of the Tribulation, Jesus will sit on His throne for the Judgment of Sheep and Goats as recounted in Matthew 25:31-46:


31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’


41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”


  • Notice that this is a judgment of nations, but nations are comprised of people
  • Jesus will separate the people based on their actions
  • Because the balance of the Tribulation revolves around Israel and her ultimate redemption, when Jesus speaks in this parable in the Olivet Discourse – when He says, I was thirsty, hungry, or sick – He is referring to Israel
  • Why?
  • During the Tribulation, once Antichrist has declared his intent to replace God and to persecute the Jews as God’s Holy People, they will be on the run
  • But watch this . . .
  • Right now the world and much of the church have revealed that they are anti-Israel, anti-Jew, and by extension: anti-God
  • Like I said earlier, a switch has been flipped
  • It’s now okay – in fact, even a righteous thing – to hate Jews
  • This isn’t limited to a single country like it was in Germany in WW2
  • Now the world is aflame with antisemitism
  • Much of the church itself has shown that it hates Jews and Israel
  • Again – watch this . . .
  • Once Israel wins this war with Hamas and any other hostile combatants – whether it’s the Psalm 83 War or not – it doesn’t matter . . .
  • This will show the world that Israel is a force to be reckoned with
  • Frankly, it will cause many people – Muslims particularly – to fear
  • Their god has been shown useless, whereas the God of the Jews is mighty
  • Maybe this will calm some of the anti-Israel sentiment – maybe not
  • In a few years, however, the Ezekiel 38 coalition attacks Israel and is roundly destroyed directly by God Himself
  • Any Muslims holding out that their god had any worth will see that is futile
  • The rest of the world – all those who have harbored hostility in their hearts – will fear this God of Israel
  • But they won’t necessarily change their minds or heart condition toward Him
  • It’ll be a self-centered fear
  • We know that something will cause Israel to work with Antichrist to confirm a peace covenant
  • As I’ve stated, I don’t think there will be enough of Islam left as a threat for them to be part of this
  • I think it will be the Catholic church
  • Regardless, Israel gains a false security
  • At the same time, all sorts of Judgment plagues start raining down on the world
  • I think Israel will be protected during these first 3 1/2 years
  • What might that do for people elsewhere experiencing the wrath of the Lamb?
  • You think they might be jealous and hate Israel even more for the very fact that she isn’t getting hammered like the rest of the world?
  • Then the Midpoint of the Tribulation comes along
  • Antichrist does his thing in the temple and sets the ball rolling to kill them all
  • No doubt Antichrist will have his own forces engaged in this, but my bet is that it’ll be even worse
  • I imagine he’ll hire mercenaries to hunt down Jews
  • Worse still . . .
  • All these people worldwide who have this pent-up hatred toward Israel will also have a green light to go after and kill every Jew they can find
  • After all, we already have many instances of civilians incited by hateful Leftist rhetoric to attack and kill others on the wrong side of their issue
  • It will only get worse in this respect
  • Maybe they’ll also get a bounty hunters reward even beyond the satisfaction of taking out the opposition
  • During this time, who will stand for God and His people?
  • These are the circumstances which Jesus speaks of in this Sheep and Goats parable
  • Certainly, newly minted Christians will come alongside the Jews
  • There may even be a few people who are still secular, but are somehow moved to act with compassion
  • These will be the sheep
  • Every other person remaining who stands in this Judgment will be a goat
  • Those who give to Jesus – in the form of His people – a drink of water or who give them safe harbor – these are the ones that Christ refers to as doing these deeds for Him
  • Now, here’s where I lose people, but please think about this . . .
  • I’ve spoken many times about my doubt regarding persistently and deliberately sinful Christians – as to whether they will be Raptured or not
  • The Bible speaks too clearly for me that those who engage in sinful acts will not inherit the kingdom of God
  • Paul speaks to believers when he says these things through the many conditional statements he makes
  • It’s true that we all sin
  • The difference here is between those who acknowledge their sin and repent of it so as to obey Jesus, versus those who either repent insincerely or don’t repent at all – and they just keep on doing these sinful acts
  • That’s one category
  • The other group has been exposed since October 7
  • I don’t think anyone can legitimately say that none of the anti-Israel, Replacement Theology, pro-Palestinian Christianism believers aren’t truly saved
  • Obviously, some number aren’t saved
  • But this is a BIG group of people within the church I’m referring to
  • A large number of them are surely saved
  • But . . . what they’ve done is expose the darkness and the hardness of their hearts
  • They hate what God loves
  • In a sense, because they hold Israel and the Jews responsible for killing Jesus, they have never forgiven the Jews for this act
  • What did Jesus say about unforgiveness?
  • In the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:21-35, here’s the bottom line as Jesus said in v33-35 regarding the man who didn’t forgive:


“And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”


  • Note: Jesus is responding to a question from Peter
  • Thus, He is speaking to believers about their fellow servants, i.e. other believers
  • An unforgiving servant – a believer in Jesus Christ – will be required to pay a debt for his unforgiveness
  • I’ve told previously of the incident with a woman in my church who was on her deathbed dying of Stage 4 cancer
  • There’s no doubt in my mind that she loved the Lord and was a strong believer
  • The Lord gave a message for her on her sickbed to someone who didn’t carry out what God commanded
  • A friend of mine then received this very same message
  • He was obedient and went to the woman’s house and got permission from her husband to speak to her
  • The message was that God would cause her to continue to linger in extreme pain, as she already had for weeks, unless she forgave her mother
  • This woman had held out and probably resisted the Lord’s direct commands to her
  • As a result, she lingered in agony
  • God would not bring her home to Him until she had forgiven
  • This is a brutal example
  • In the presence of my friend, she forgave her mother and repented of her hardness of heart
  • That night she finally died and was given the relief she sought
  • This is what I think may very well happen with persistent sinners and those who hate Israel – I’m talking about saved individuals . . .
  • If they don’t repent and get right with God concerning these critical issues, I think He will give them the opportunity to do so in the Tribulation
  • *** No, I do not believe that everybody saved goes up in the Rapture ***
  • I think we have to be right with God
  • Again, there are many Scripture passages that deal with this
  • There are way too many admonishments and warnings in the Bible for us to ignore this crucial aspect of God’s character
  • I also think that we would do well to warn those who are on the other side of God’s intents and purposes
  • Isn’t it one of our jobs – in love – to warn a brother or sister about their sin and attempt to help them get back on the right path with God?
  • If we ignore this task, are we any better than those committing the sins?
  • For those Christians who do not repent, who do not forgive Israel, who ignore that God loves Jews and His Promised Land – and who, in fact, hate Jews – they are actually hating God
  • They are very much acting as goats
  • I think many will go into the Tribulation as a mercy from God
  • If they die in their hatred of Jews, prior to that, Scripture isn’t very promising for their future
  • If they have the opportunity during the Tribulation to do what God commands and to love who and what He loves, and in the process change their very hearts so that they are FOR Him, then they can be counted as sheep
  • If they refuse – well, why shouldn’t they be counted as goats if they never gave Jesus that drink of water?
  • Like I said: this isn’t a popular position – and is actually quite rare – but I advise you to seek the Lord regarding this
  • Look at all the warnings Paul gives to brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Why would he do that if the potential wasn’t there for them to commit the very sins he warns against?
  • Seems like a waste of good parchment and ink
  • The critical point here is not only about those who fit this problematic description . . .
  • For those of us who are walking with the Lord in a pleasing manner, WE have an obligation to try to reach those in our sphere who are acting contrary to God’s will
  • By OUR efforts to lovingly move the chains that bind our brothers and sisters in Christ with these sins, WE glorify God, whether we’re successful in freeing them or not


  • Last point
  • Israel is considered the super-sign of Bible prophecy
  • None of the final days, end-times events could come to fruition until the Jews were regathered in the land, and Israel was made a nation once more
  • That set the wheels in motion for the end of the Church Age with the convergence of all the many prophetic signs indicating the soon return of Jesus
  • The secular world, and much of the church, can scoff and mock regarding the Rapture and a subsequent Tribulation, but that’s the reason Jesus warned that He would come back as a thief in the night
  • If Israel is the super-sign of the end, I believe that this mass hysteria of antisemitism is a super, super-sign
  • As I laid out earlier, when the Great Tribulation begins, the evil hearts of men will express themselves in hunting down and eliminating Jews in any way possible
  • I think it’ll be such a widespread phenomenon that there will be few safe places for the Jews
  • Yes, many will flee to Petra – those who hear the Gospel and believe or those who are somehow influenced by it, yet still as unbelievers
  • But there will be many Jews in Israel, and perhaps still in various parts of the world, who will be totally exposed to great harm
  • Perhaps some of the Christians who weren’t Raptured will become like Corrie ten Boom and her family in Holland harboring these Jews as recounted in The Hiding Place
  • Joel Rosenberg wrote a fictional book called The Auschwitz Escape that was based on true events
  • As part of the story, he recounts how the people of a small town banded together to hide and protect the Jews – a fairly large number of them if I recall
  • Can you imagine all the townspeople agreeing to do this with the peril of being exposed to the Nazi death machine?
  • How many such narratives might come out of the Tribulation leading to the people being deemed sheep?


  • I think there is so much more to these current circumstances with antisemitism, Jew hatred, and how the church responds, than we know
  • I think the idea of everybody who saved is Raptured is too simplistic given the heart of man for unrepentant sin – even in believers
  • It’s a nice, warm, fuzzy, feel-good idea, but I don’t think the equation Salvation = Rapture is rooted in Scripture
  • Since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then the kinds of warnings He gave to Israel in the Old Testament also apply – perhaps somewhat differently – but definitely in New Testament times as well
  • Are we going to be like Andy Stanley and unhitch our Biblical understanding from the OT?
  • Or will we consider the admonitions in light of the Apostle Paul’s warnings and realize that we as God’s people have an obligation to actually obey Him and walk in righteous?
  • If we choose not to do so, why won’t there be consequences?


  • Even today, before all the horrors of the Tribulation begin, as antisemitism rises around us, how do we respond?
  • Might we have the opportunity to publicly defend a Jew in some way despite it making us very uncomfortable?
  • Will we perhaps even be given the test – if you will – of choosing to give safe harbor to a Jew at our own peril?
  • The antisemitism around us is a means of our showing God how much we trust Him
  • We do this by speaking out despite the hostility in our midst
  • Maybe we rescue a Jewish person who is being attacked by those who profess themselves to be Christians
  • Who knows?
  • We’ll have to see how all this plays out
  • I simply suggest that what we’re seeing and experiencing in the world may be a final litmus test for how much we really love and trust God
  • As James 2:18 states:


Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

3 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 11-22-23 – The Warning of Israel’s Broken Glass”

  1. Reply Charles Bassett

    Outstanding analysis and a timely warning to Christians. All of us, including me, need to make sure we are not grieving the Lord by some ongoing sin. Otherwise, we will miss the Rapture. The letters to the Revelation churches make that plain.

    Thanks for a solid post (as always), Gary. And happy Thanksgiving!

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Thanks, Ken. Like I say, not a popular idea, but one that I think is justified in Scripture. I just have a problem with God ushering into heaven deliberately sinful people who repeatedly disobey His commands. Our human condition is subject to sin, rebellion, and disobedience even when we’ve been thoroughly saved. The world, our flesh, and Satan exert a strong pull against that salvation. It’s my thinking that these pressures can cause some to CHOOSE to walk away from God: that beautiful next door neighbor, lust for money in place of trusting God for provision, that pride and desire to exert control over others. God keeps us, but I believe we have the choice whether or not to remain in and with Him. He will never force someone into His presence who chooses not to be there, regardless of whether that person was really truly saved initially or not. Besides, what is apostasy that is foretold if not turning from faith?

      If I’m wrong: forgive me Lord for misunderstanding Your Word. If I’m right, all glory to God for His mercy that He provides for such people the final opportunity to repent and walk in all His ways.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Reply suzanneamyswift

    Jay Smith, a missionary to the Muslims, there are more Muslims coming to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior now. It is hard, it is mystifying to me how anyone especially Christians can hate Jews and Israel… I pray Lord God open their eyes to see your people you love… Natural News I unsubscribed from. Christians are showing their true colors now… Tucker Carlson and more.

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