The Bible clearly shows us how a true prophet of God is called. More than that, it states how God declares when a prophet is His versus one that isn’t of Him. For a number of years in our current day we’ve had many among us who have declared they are prophets and apostles of God. Whether they acknowledge that they are part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) or not is immaterial – they are. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, the odds are that it’s actually a duck, despite saying it’s an eagle. One such individual is the now very much disgraced Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer – Kansas City, a.k.a. IHOPKC.
Posts Tagged: Dave Hunt
Awaken Bible Prophecy 7-12-23: The Harlot of Rome and Babylon
There’s been much written about the identity of Babylon and its richly deserved destruction as chronicled in Revelation 17-18. Today let’s try to see what we might learn about this mystery and what light we can shed on this subject.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-31-23: Alien Invasion
The topic of angels, fallen angels, and aliens with their UFOs is of paramount importance in these last days. Going back to time immemorial, various peoples have seen unexplained aerial phenomena and encountered strange beings not of this earth. What are these novelties? What are the primary manifestations of the demonic today? Where do they lead?
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-14-22: Milky Christians
Events in this world take time to come together. The prayer we as Christians send to the heavens for patience is all-too needed, and then we’re usually sorry we ever asked. Those of us looking for the pre-Tribulation Rapture are sure that God missed the timer going off to alert Him that this sinful world is all-too-ready for judgment.
Biblical Audio Commentary – Vaccine-Induced Zombies
A phenomenon has arisen among those who have taken the COVID concoction they call a vaccine which is creating disturbing symptoms. The medical reason for this is solid, yet at this point what is being perceived is more subjective than clinical.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-17-22: Unbridled Evil Among Us
The depth of the Deep State, directed by the globalist elites – the proverbial cream of the crop – is bottomless. It is so extensive that even those of us aware of the satanic agenda at work in the world today cannot truly comprehend how pervasive it is. And what is this Deep State that…