Posts Tagged: Bride of Christ

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-10-23: Blame Scripture for Partial Rapture Reference

Once more I’m compelled to bring up this topic simply because I read the Bible. If you have issues as to what I’m going to expound on here, I certainly understand and encourage you to contend for the faith as you understand it. My challenge to you is to seriously consider the arguments I make here and address them specifically.  Why is my reasoning flawed?

Biblical Audio Commentary – Summoning Dark Spirits

People today engaged in occult practices have no idea what a dark and deadly fate they are triggering for themselves. For this Commentary, let’s understand more about this hallucinogenic – Ayahuasca – that people take “to find themselves.” You’ll see this presents the possibility that those who do will find much more than they bargained for.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Solar Blight

This is a rhetorical question: Why would anyone invest heavily in a solar farm in a northern Midwestern state where an entire month can pass in the winter with no – zero, zip, nada – days of sunshine? If your response is that it’s silly for someone to do that, and of course, they wouldn’t, then you haven’t been paying attention.