Posts Tagged: Bride of Christ

Biblical Audio Commentary – Gates or Portals

Throughout Scripture we see many references to different gates.  A great many verses point to various city gates, which in their own way are necessary and important.  However, our focus today is on those gates in the Bible which are actually portals of one kind or another. 

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Post-Trib Post-Apocalyptic Mindset

The other night I was speculating to my wife about the possible mindset of post-Tribulation Rapture believers. I know: I think about strange things. Anyway, given that the vast majority of these brothers and sisters in Christ believe we’re going to be here on the earth for quite a while, 5 things are apparent

Biblical Audio Commentary – Wandering in Darkness

God decreed to the Israelites that they were to observe seven feasts during the year in His honor.  Three of those feasts required a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This is the key for our Commentary today: The pilgrimage for and celebration of this feast was to remember His provision and protection during the 40 years in the wilderness.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Cancelled for Exposing Evil

For anyone who has watched my Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates or read any of my Commentaries, you know that my intent is to always look at the world through a Biblical and prophetic lens to connect the dots of what is going on around us. The supernatural aspects of what I expose causes issues with some folks.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Normal Life During the Tribulation? – No!

If you look around, you see people living a normal life – or at least pretending to do so – even while society crumbles all around them. All this and more is simply a façade of normal. The times we now live in are on their way toward being the worst this world has ever known. And people are ignoring it.