Posts Tagged: Prophecy Update

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-17-23: Depopulation

Did you ever expect to be living your life inside the fiction of a dystopian novel?  Of course, the soon-coming 7-year Tribulation will be a true dystopian nightmare beyond anything that futurist novel writers ever imagined. Hang onto your head, because what we discuss will astound you.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Wisdom of Man, Foolishness of God

It’s difficult not to see the pride and arrogance of the global elites. These people really do believe their own fantasies. But they do have a good point. The reality is that given what God did in creating us, He succeeded almost too well. With our free will and the capacity to think that we have, do we have any limitations?

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-10-23: Blame Scripture for Partial Rapture Reference

Once more I’m compelled to bring up this topic simply because I read the Bible. If you have issues as to what I’m going to expound on here, I certainly understand and encourage you to contend for the faith as you understand it. My challenge to you is to seriously consider the arguments I make here and address them specifically.  Why is my reasoning flawed?

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-3-23: Behind the Curtain

For about 60 years we’ve seen an increase in the degrading of the culture in Western nations; America in particular.  People have consistently been moving away from the God of the Bible to seek out other gods. God is sovereign.  He is in charge.  So, what is going on?  It appears as if God’s gone missing while all this madness envelops us.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Summoning Dark Spirits

People today engaged in occult practices have no idea what a dark and deadly fate they are triggering for themselves. For this Commentary, let’s understand more about this hallucinogenic – Ayahuasca – that people take “to find themselves.” You’ll see this presents the possibility that those who do will find much more than they bargained for.