Posts Tagged: Narrow gate

Biblical Audio Commentary – Rapture & Feast of Trumpets?

One of the bedrock beliefs I’ve had concerning the Rapture is that it is analogous to the Galilean wedding. After the Son’s betrothal to His Bride, He goes back to His Father’s house, prepares the bridal chamber, and then comes to get His Bride when the Father determines it is time to do so (John 14:1-3). As a result, the Rapture is an imminent event, not tied to anything earthly that someone could point to in order to predict Christ’s return.

Biblical Audio Commentary – What God is Doing

Many of us in the pre-Tribulation Rapture community are convinced that 2023 is THE year. This is it! Before the year ends, we’re out of here! I hope to God that’s the case. I’m really and truly tired and fed up with this world. For God to Rapture His true church and remove us from this evil and alien place right now would suit me just fine.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Leftist Demonization

Four brief stories presented here are only a small part of the many such incidents that have occurred for almost 100 years as the Communist Left has infiltrated America and done all within its power to bring us down. It does so with lies and innuendo – labeling anyone who disagrees with its positions as conspiracy theorists.

Biblical Audio Commentary – NAR’s Falsehoods

Just when you think the falsehoods espoused by the so-called prophets and apostles of NAR – the New Apostolic Reformation – have been proven wrong enough that these purveyors of fabrications would quietly slink away, they come back as bold as ever.