I’m not sure what it is about many post-Tribulation Rapture believers, but there is some number of them that are just plain mean. They are so invested in their post-Trib doctrine that true believers in the church today must go through the Tribulation in order to be real believers, that they unpleasantly attack those who don’t agree.
Posts Tagged: end times beliefs
Awaken Bible Prophecy 7-12-23: The Harlot of Rome and Babylon
There’s been much written about the identity of Babylon and its richly deserved destruction as chronicled in Revelation 17-18. Today let’s try to see what we might learn about this mystery and what light we can shed on this subject.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-5-23: Timing of Gog-Magog War
Bible prophecy teachers are seldom in lockstep about various events in Scripture. One of the seminal prophecies that causes disagreement is the War of Gog-Magog as recounted in Ezekiel 38-39. Although this is among the most detailed of foretellings in the Bible, there are several different takes on when it will occur.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-28-23: As in the Past, So in the Present
There is so much to learn from the trials, tribulations, and underlying apostasies of God’s children, Israel and Judah, when they turned away from Him in rebellion. When we read the Old Testament, we see that sinful people practice their sin regardless of who they are and in what earthly dispensation. As it was in ancient Israel, so it is today in America and the rest of the world.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: The Tribulation Must Happen Soon 6-21-23
If all the signs of the very end of this Church Age have converged and are in full swing right now at this very moment, how long can these indicators continue to remain teetering on the edge of complete fulfillment?
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-7-23: A Catechism, of Sorts, on Faith
One of my objectives is to get folks to think. The questions we should all ask are: What does Scripture say? What are the implications when we look at all sides of certain passages? How might this affect what we’ve been led to believe simply because someone else said it and declared it true?