Posts Tagged: end times beliefs

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-22-23: A Controversial Rapture Discussion

Here we go again.  It seems as though I’ve been either blessed or cursed to examine various Scriptural topics that are off-limits for discussion because they’re controversial and might divide the body of Christ.  We as Christians invest a lot in various beliefs.  The one I’ll discuss at length today is no exception.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-8-23: Our Brave New World

Most people are familiar with the idea of an overweening and tyrannical government in the form of Big Brother, originating in George Orwell’s prescient book 1984. However, a book released many years earlier by Aldous Huxley, titled Brave New World, considered the future from a different perspective. 

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-1-2023: Schindler’s List & The Tribulation

The Nazi takeover of post-Weimar Germany in the 1930s and into the 1940s that resulted in World War 2 revealed three significant aspects of the nature of mankind. I think it’s possible that what is recounted in the book, Schindler’s List, which expounds on the history of this previous era, may be a foreshadowing of what is to come in the upcoming Tribulation.