Posts Categorized: Antichrist Spirit

Biblical Audio Commentary – Changing gods

In past times, once a nation acknowledged the divine being that ruled it, that spiritual entity became an ironclad fixture in the existence of its people. The nation might also have lesser gods to which it gave allegiance and oblations, but that primary god was always seen as the one that directed the course of its destinies.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-7-23: A Catechism, of Sorts, on Faith

One of my objectives is to get folks to think.  The questions we should all ask are: What does Scripture say?  What are the implications when we look at all sides of certain passages?  How might this affect what we’ve been led to believe simply because someone else said it and declared it true?

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-31-23: Alien Invasion

The topic of angels, fallen angels, and aliens with their UFOs is of paramount importance in these last days.  Going back to time immemorial, various peoples have seen unexplained aerial phenomena and encountered strange beings not of this earth. What are these novelties?  What are the primary manifestations of the demonic today?  Where do they lead?

Another Prescient Storied Prediction

Well, I hate to say it, but another of my prior Faithwriters’ stories has come very close to fruition in our current culture. This one deals with euthanasia in Canada, but no doubt coming our way soon in the U.S.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 5-24-23 – Heinous Evil

There are days when the recognition of the evil in this world becomes overwhelming.  It’s at those times that I cry out to the Lord, “How long, O God?  How long?” Today, I want to speak a little about the heinous evil consuming this world but compare it with what is to come.  We have a great responsibility even in these final days, and despite how the darkness is closing in, I want to encourage you with how we can still make a difference.