Posts Categorized: Antichrist Spirit

The Romans 1 – Genesis 6 Connection

Have you ever read Romans 1 and wondered why Paul wrote verses 18-32 in the past tense?  If you’re like me, you may have thought that he was simply describing our future—now current—condition in that manner simply as a literary convention.  But in thinking about this recently, I no longer think that’s the case.  I…

Satan’s Jealousy of Man

Just think of the magnificence of the Garden.  Everything in the earth was new and glorious, fresh from the Creator’s mind and hand.  How amazing that must have been!  To top that off, God made man, the epitome of all that He had conceived. Observing everything that God had done, His divine sons cheered.  They…

Marijuana Legalization’s Demonic Advocates

In a recent article I wrote titled “Marijuana, Salt & Light” I chronicled my experience attending a local city council meeting in which the subject of approving marijuana sale and grow facilities in our community was front and center.  The majority of the council members were all for approval of these businesses, seeing nothing wrong…

A Conspiracy Theory About the Garden & the Fall

Did you ever have one of those days when you began pondering the mysteries of God and wonder how something happened or came about in the Kingdom?  That’s been me lately. Recently I’ve been studying the pagan religion of Hinduism, and how the practice of yoga plays into that.  As someone has said, “There is…

Persecution in America

Persecution in America is nothing like in other parts of the world.  If you are at all aware, you know that in the Middle East, i.e. Islamic nations; in China, a Communist/atheist nation; in Hindu; Buddhist; and pagan nations, persecution is so much worse than anything we know.  In these places, Christian believers are beaten,…

Aliens & UFOs: A Christian Perspective

I’ve previously said in this blog that few pastors preach on Bible prophecy and end-times events.  I’ve got another one for you.  Have you ever heard any pastors preaching on alien abductions?  I didn’t think so. Here we go where pastors fear to tread… Aliens and UFOs are a cultural phenomenon.  They’re popularized in movies. …