Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-26-23: Absolute Zero – Where the Green Machine Wants to Take Us

There are a lot of people out there who are really serious about saving our planet through various green initiatives, misguided though they may be.  However, the individuals pushing this narrative from the very top of the food chain – the globalist elite – don’t believe in this scam one little, teeny bit.  They truly couldn’t care less about the earth and especially about the general population inhabiting it, despite their encouraging those under their sway to cry about saving humanity.  They care only for themselves with the money they rake in and the control they are able to exercise over the masses.  The true believers in the climate change agenda are somewhat lower on the food chain and are primarily those inhabiting the Deep State, along with the useless idiots parroting the propaganda – as well as working diligently to do their part for Mother Gaia.

All this has resulted in much blather about the catastrophe the world is facing, and that it will end in 5 – 12 – 20 years; take your pick, as the experts have been spouting this nonsense for decades.  This is the reason, by the way, that the term being used now is Climate Crisis.  The sad and ironically funny aspect of this is that those shouting the gospel of planetary doom and destruction are actually correct at this juncture of world history.

Man is destroying the planet.  However, it’s not through our inadvertent carbon and methane emissions; rather it’s a result of purposeful weather manipulation – such as with HAARP – the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program – and incredibly foolish strategies to combat the results, such as the brilliant (“audacious!”) idea to block out sunlight – known as solar radiation management (or modification, a.k.a. SRM) – to halt global warming primarily by injecting reflective chemical compounds into the earth’s atmosphere.  From this we have the grand plan to make everything worse around us so that those in charge can truly be in control with all peoples everywhere depending on the morsels of handouts they provide.  This is the ironically funny part.

The sad aspect of all this is that God’s hand is definitely in this as well because of the necessary coming judgment.  Very soon the Lord will rain down plagues of various kinds that will truly make the planet a barren wasteland.  Worse than that, most of those living on the earth as this happens will lose their lives and their souls – this, last a far worse catastrophe than anything that happens to their earth mother.

In today’s Prophecy Update I want to show you the extent to which all this climate alarmism is leading.  In the UK various prominent universities have collaborated, with government funding of course, to produce what is effectively a playbook for every aspect of their society (and, truth be told, the world) whereby they will slay the climate monster through their Green Machine machinations.  Their document promoting this is called Absolute Zero – and yes, it proposes to achieve just that with every sort of theoretically harmful emission they can imagine.  This leads to what is envisioned as a very different way of living than what we currently know.

For fun and the resulting tears, we’ll briefly discuss some of what this group is aiming for.  You can bet your bottom dollar that the objectives outlined in the Absolute Zero paper will not remain limited to the UK for long.




Absolute Zero Paper with Chart (pg 5):

Rickards Absolute_Zero chart pg 5



There are a lot of people out there who are really serious about saving our planet through various green initiatives, misguided though they may be.  However, the individuals pushing this narrative from the very top of the food chain – the globalist elite – don’t believe in this scam one little, teeny bit.  They truly couldn’t care less about the earth and especially about the general population inhabiting it, despite their encouraging those under their sway to cry about saving humanity.  They care only for themselves with the money they rake in and the control they are able to exercise over the masses.  The true believers in the climate change agenda are somewhat lower on the food chain and are primarily those inhabiting the Deep State, along with the useless idiots parroting the propaganda – as well as working diligently to do their part for Mother Gaia.


All this has resulted in much blather about the catastrophe the world is facing, and that it will end in 5 – 12 – 20 years; take your pick, as the experts have been spouting this nonsense for decades.  This is the reason, by the way, that the term being used now is Climate Crisis.  The sad and ironically funny aspect of this is that those shouting the gospel of planetary doom and destruction are actually correct at this juncture of world history.


Man is destroying the planet.  However, it’s not through our inadvertent carbon and methane emissions; rather it’s a result of purposeful weather manipulation – such as with HAARP – the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program – and incredibly foolish strategies to combat the results, such as the brilliant (“audacious!”) idea to block out sunlight – known as solar radiation management (or modification, a.k.a. SRM) – to halt global warming primarily by injecting reflective chemical compounds into the earth’s atmosphere.  From this we have the grand plan to make everything worse around us so that those in charge can truly be in control with all peoples everywhere depending on the morsels of handouts they provide.  This is the ironically funny part.


The sad aspect of all this is that God’s hand is definitely in this as well because of the necessary coming judgment.  Very soon the Lord will rain down plagues of various kinds that will truly make the planet a barren wasteland.  Worse than that, most of those living on the earth as this happens will lose their lives and their souls – this, last a far worse catastrophe than anything that happens to their earth mother.


In today’s Prophecy Update I want to show you the extent to which all this climate alarmism is leading.  In the UK various prominent universities have collaborated, with government funding of course, to produce what is effectively a playbook for every aspect of their society (and, truth be told, the world) whereby they will slay the climate monster through their Green Machine machinations.  Their document promoting this is called Absolute Zero – and yes, it proposes to achieve just that with every sort of theoretically harmful emission they can imagine.  This leads to what is envisioned as a very different way of living than what we currently know.


For fun and the resulting tears, we’ll briefly discuss some of what this group is aiming for.  You can bet your bottom dollar that the objectives outlined in the Absolute Zero paper will not remain limited to the UK for long.


Before we get into this, we’ll pray, and read from God’s Word.






Genesis 1:26-31

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”


27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.




Absolute Zero: Where the Green Machine Wants to Take Us


  • I subscribe to several financial newsletters
  • One such is Strategic Intelligence authored by Jim Rickards, who is well known in financial circles
  • Interestingly, in years past he used to be an analyst with the CIA and thus has a lot of inside resources
  • These days – among other issues – he writes from the financial perspective about government initiatives that will harm investors
  • In Rickards’ May 2023 issue he covered The Green Fraud: How Climate Alarmists Are Scamming You
  • As part of this he discussed this paper from the United Kingdom – i.e. Great Britain – titled Absolute Zero
  • The thing is that with the ideas presented, they truly are as crazy and frightening as the name implies
  • An important visual in the paper is the chart they produced which provides an overall view of what these climate people intend
  • I’ve included a copy of this paper with its included chart (pg 5) along with the transcript of this Prophecy Update on my website
  • The chart is broken down into 4 timeframes
  • They are:
    • 2020-2029
    • 2030-2049
    • 2050 Absolute Zero
    • Beyond 2050


  • Associated with these various periods are main topics where emissions reductions are planned
  • The following are the categories, or areas, that will be affected in society – UK society for the purposes of this paper – but don’t believe for a minute these wonderful ideas will remain limited to the Brits:
    • Road Vehicles
    • Rail
    • Flying
    • Shipping
    • Heating
    • Appliances
    • Food
    • Mining Mineral Sourcing
    • Materials Production
    • Construction
    • Manufacturing
    • Electricity
    • (and the misleadingly labeled) Fossil Fuels


  • As you can see, they’ve covered pretty much all the bases, except Housing directly, which may fall under Construction, etc.
  • Or maybe they figured the World Economic Forum (WEF) has that covered since people will own nothing and be at the mercy of the government for shelter
  • As is always fascinating about plans of this nature, the initial target date is 2030
  • It’s amazing how that date keeps coming up no matter where we turn with globalist initiatives
  • That 2050 date – which of course these people will never reach because God won’t let them – is pretty crazy as we’ll see
  • They really, really have big plans to take the earth into a permanent 3rd world condition
  • So, let’s look at some of the details in this chart by several of the categories



Road Vehicles

  • 2020-2029
    • No more gas or diesel vehicles, i.e. internal combustion engines, will be produced
    • Every single new car or truck must be compatible with Absolute Zero


  • Before we go on, let’s define what Absolute Zero is and means
  • This is the true goal
  • It’s not the same as Net Zero, where there is a mix of emissions – some of which are allowed while others are not allowed, i.e. higher and lower amounts, resulting in a Net effect of zero emissions
  • No, Absolute Zero means exactly that: zero, zip, nada emissions – emissions of any kind – are not allowed


  • 2030-2049
    • From now on, only electric vehicles are allowed to be developed and sold as new
    • To achieve this, the average weight of these new vehicles cannot be more than 2200 pounds
    • Comparatively, today’s average midsize car weighs 3300 pounds while a full-size SUV weighs up to 6000 pounds
    • Recent articles have discussed a problem concerning this
    • Electric vehicles typically weigh up to 1/3 more than gas or diesel vehicles with their lithium batteries weighing as much as a grand piano
    • This is causing significant pothole damage in roads where numerous EVs travel


  • 2050 Absolute Zero
    • Road damage may end up not being an issue beyond 2050 for the major reason that vehicle usage will be significantly curtailed
    • The plan is that road usage will be only at 60% of 2020 usage
    • This comes about by limiting distances allowed to be traveled and/or through the overall weight reduction of the vehicles that will be decreed
    • People will be limited to their 15-minute cities, i.e. 15 minutes being the distance they can walk in that time period
    • They can’t go beyond that radius or they’ll suffer a financial or other penalty
    • Also, just because you have a car because somehow you have enough money to afford one, doesn’t mean they’ll let you drive it
    • Never forget that this all-electric technology is completely integrated to the internet as part of the Internet of Things
    • If they find that you’re exceeding certain restrictions they’ve imposed, your access to that vehicle will be cut off
    • You no longer have free will in the globalist concept of utopia


  • Beyond 2050
    • Here the chart is rather vague
    • Maybe – just maybe – if new energy storage technology, i.e. batteries, is developed that allows for non-emitting electricity, they MAY allow some growth in this sector
    • In other words, kiss your car and any possible freedoms goodbye



Rail & Flying


  • 2020-2029
    • These two modes of transportation go hand in hand
    • In the UK, they intend to close the major airports everywhere except for Heathrow, Glasgow, and Belfast
    • As a substitute for air travel and reduced vehicle usage, domestic and international railroad will be substituted


  • 2030-2049
    • In this period all remaining airports will close
    • No air travel will be allowed
    • At least for the general public
    • Who would bet against the elites getting a pass on this restriction?
    • All-electric train usage is planned to become the norm and the only real long-distance means of travel
    • Of course, that presupposes they’ll let you travel outside of your own 15-minute community
    • Another interesting little detail is that rail will become the dominant mode for shipping all goods because they anticipate shipping in general to decline
    • We might ask why that’s the case?
    • Perhaps it has something to do with a lot fewer people as a result of their depopulation agenda?
    • Just wondering


  • 2050 Absolute Zero
    • All electric all the time
    • In the chart this is a much-desired state with absolutely zero emissions
    • I’m just wondering how the electrical grid will keep up
    • Well, I’m sure we’re not supposed to be concerned about that


  • Beyond 2050
    • Here’s a beauteous thing: they predict increasing train speeds as their zero emissions program results in more sustainable electric production
    • This tells me that those trains in use prior to this time frame may be awfully slow
    • Maybe they’ll have to recharge every two hours and only go 50 MPH
    • A trip taken today by car that would be least say 8 hours could turn into about a 24-hour marathon – how fun!
    • If the railroads treat their passengers as airlines have, then that means smaller seats, more crowding, and no meals – snacks only . . . maybe
    • Regarding flying – excitement abounds!
    • It may be that if non-emitting synthetic fuels are available, electric planes may be allowed to fly
    • Did you catch that?
    • Electric planes
    • What an adventure that’ll be!


  • So as not to take all your enjoyment away from perusing this chart, I’ll just touch on three more categories




  • 2020-2029
    • As I mentioned a moment ago, they will reduce shipping significantly
    • Why?
    • Because – as they say – there are currently no freight ships operating without emissions
    • Thus, that has to be dealt with severely


  • 2030-2049
    • Severely is an understatement
    • During this period shipping – in their words: “declines to zero”
  • 2050 Absolute Zero
    • There is no shipping of any kind whatsoever
    • What kind of a world does that imply?
    • There is no global economy
    • Thus, there must be a whole lot fewer humans on the earth that can be provided for with whatever the global elites specify is allowed – locally – within the 15-minute constraints of where people live
  • Beyond 2050
    • It may be that some naval ships can operate with nuclear power or electric if new battery storage options are available
    • No word about global shipping
    • It must not be necessary to provide goods and services with this outdated idea





  • 2020-2029
    • Enjoy your meat now because it’s going away
    • The real thing, anyway
    • National consumption of meat, i.e. beef and lamb, during this timeframe will drop by 50%
  • 2030-2049
    • Those hamburgers or lamb chops you so enjoyed?
    • Forget about them
    • Beef and lamb completely phased out
    • There will be no imports that aren’t transported by train
    • And farm-grown crops will be at a premium since fertilizer usage is greatly reduced
  • 2050 Absolute Zero
    • This should be interesting in the formerly 1st world countries
    • Total energy required to cook or transport food will be reduced to 60% of what it used to be
    • Said another way – there will be a 40% reduction in cooking energy used
    • If you were thinking about going on a diet, hang on until 2050 and the government will help you succeed at that weight loss effort beyond your wildest dreams
  • Beyond 2050
    • Anything associated with food production in any sphere must come from zero emission sources
    • Gosh, that would even be a problem using a horse and plow like the old days
    • Horses will probably all be eliminated along with cows and other livestock since they emit methane
    • I wonder if there will be enough street corners for people to sit with their tin cups looking for handouts?



Fossil Fuels


  • First of all, it is a canard – a falsehood – that gas and oil come from fossil decay, i.e. dinosaurs
  • It came about through non-biological origins
  • I’d bet in this case that God created it so that we could have the benefits of it for our modern economies
  • Isn’t it great that man wants to play god and destroy all that He created as good?



  • We’re told by the Absolute Zero experts that this period will see a rapid reduction in the supply and use of this natural resource – except for plastic production
  • The implication – although not stated in the chart – is that all of the world’s energy will come from so-called renewables, i.e. solar and wind power
  • The dirty little secret is that these are not clean sources
  • The mining footprint for electric vehicles, solar panels, and windmill production is massive
  • Worse, child slave labor is used extensively to mine for the rare-earth minerals necessary to produce these products
  • Regardless, the masses have been made to believe in these false solutions for a reason



  • Once more, here’s the fun part
  • All oil and gas related fuels – so called fossil fuels – are phased out


2050 Absolute Zero

  • It’s now an all-electric world for better or worse
  • Not enough power in the grid?
  • So what if we have blackout periods?
  • It’s good for you, comrade!


Beyond 2050

  • If effective Carbon Capture and Storage techniques are available, the government may allow some resumption of gas and oil usage
  • What is Carbon Capture and Storage?
  • It’s a supposed means of capturing the carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes
  • The CO2 is ultimately injected into the earth for permanent storage so as to prevent earth being harmed by the carbon dioxide
  • Never mind that CO2 is necessary for sustaining life, i.e. making plants green
  • It is natural and part of the ecosystem God created which He called good
  • But never mind
  • Man knows better
  • I wonder also if any remaining humans on the planet will be required to wear portable Carbon Capture and Storage devices since we wouldn’t want our exhaled CO2 to harm the environment


  • There are more categories which you can think about by checking out the Absolute Zero paper and chart
  • A couple key points regarding this initiative . . .
  • Bloomberg says it will take $196 Trillion of investment to zero out the world’s carbon emissions by 2050
  • A consulting firm by the name of McKinsey has done the math and says it will take $9.2 Trillion per year between now and 2050 to “transition” away from so-called fossil fuels
  • That adds up to$275 Trillion in government-directed investment, i.e. half again what Bloomberg calculated
  • Where will the money come from?
  • No problem
  • The US government has become quite adept at simply printing it and creating dollars out of thin air
  • A big question one might ask about this ambitious program is: What happens if America gets drawn directly into war with China or Russia?
  • This is of particular interest given our dependence on China for rare-earth minerals that are necessary for electric focused production
  • In addition, we depend heavily on Taiwan for microprocessors that are integral to all technologies these days
  • If that source was significantly impaired because of a war with China, that would be problematic
  • Of course, we who follow Bible prophecy know that there is a finite limit to how far the globalists will advance in their plans – at least while we as true believers in Jesus Christ are on the earth
  • I sure am happy about this
  • The future as laid out by the Absolute Zero people and their cronies certainly doesn’t sound like a world that I want to live in


  • Before finishing. I want to share what I thought was rather amusing


  • I read the audiobook for the science fiction novel Project Hail Mary, written by Andy Weir who also wrote The Martian that was made into a popular movie


  • The premise of this story is that there is an alien life form that effectively eats energy
  • It has reached our solar system and is consuming the energy from the sun
  • The doomsday scenario is that in less than 30 years, life on earth will effectively be wiped out because of the extreme cooling effect
  • The book heavily relies on and basically promotes evolution
  • This alien life form evolved
  • We evolved
  • There was a panspermia effect – basically the idea that all life in the universe had a common source, and that earth was seeded from that
  • The book would be considered hard science fiction – which is ironic
  • There’s a lot of science going on, yet it promotes the absolute belief in the theory (hello?) of evolution
  • It’s never been proven, and it never will be – God created the heavens and the earth and all things in them
  • There is no intelligent alien life
  • If there was, then what about its sin and resulting death?
  • Jesus came to die for humanity
  • There can be no other intelligent life form in the universe because there’s no way it could be sinless
  • Anyway, despite this the book is an entertaining read – really a lot of fun
  • You just have to accept the evolution premise and move on to the enjoyment of the story
  • What I found so amusing was the fact that earth was facing global cooling with a doomsday target
  • Steps are taken to increase the heat of the sun to make up for the cooling effect of the alien life form consuming it
  • Rather than the Biden-approved technique of shielding the sun’s rays to cool the earth, in the story they want all they can get to warm us up
  • When it’s discovered that a nearby star is not decreasing in energy, whereas others like earth are, a small team is sent into space to that star to determine why, and hopefully bring the solution back to earth to save it
  • The story chronicles that adventure
  • It really is ironic though in light of what our crazies are doing in actuality to cool the planet
  • I’m sure there will be no adverse consequences


  • The bottom line is that man is doing everything he can to show that he has godlike powers . . .
  • That we can control the sun and every emission from every creature on this earth
  • Talk about hubris!
  • But that’s where we are today in our pride and arrogance in this field as well as every cultural aspect of society
  • Man will never create utopia
  • All attempts in the past have failed and now won’t be any different
  • God alone will transform life in the Millennial reign of Christ in a far better way than man could ever devise
  • That time is coming
  • It won’t be long
  • What a glorious future we have!
  • And it will be one of abundance and not scarcity, as Absolute Zero and others predict
  • Why?
  • Because we serve a loving and wonder-working God!

5 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-26-23: Absolute Zero – Where the Green Machine Wants to Take Us”

  1. Reply RobinL

    When man rejects God there really is no limit to his foolishness, depravity and pride. Their plans are laughable and ludicrous all at the same time. They sure have spent a lot of man hours, money, and resources to come up with a plan that God is SOON going to thoroughly mess with, hahaha! (I’d rather enjoy seeing their faces as each of them fully wakes up to His immeasurable power.) There is no “long-term plan” beyond God’s plans, and there ain’t no 2050 globalist utopia, there won’t even BE any globalists in the Millennial Kingdom…praise the LORD!

    All I can do is marvel at how incredibly STUPID these people are! My favorite is the absurdity of the goal to eliminate carbon dioxide which is critical to the survival of every living thing on the planet. It is non-negotiable, so yeah, let’s get rid of THAT! (Whenever I hear John Kerry talk about carbon dioxide, all I can think is that he is a total whack job. These people really believe they are far smarter and wiser than the average human being, and pffft about God even existing, let alone being sovereign.)

    God promises in Revelation 11:18 “The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”

    All of these “thinkers and tinkerers” have convinced one another they are actually going to accomplish their agendas! Looking at their plans, they read like an adult version of fairytales, (dark and sinister fairytales.) Even The Brothers Grimm couldn’t imagine a setting of such widespread, convoluted evil.

    Surely they would “achieve their goals”, destroying both themselves and the Earth if God didn’t intervene. These evildoers either don’t understand that they are under the control of Satan, who clearly wants to eternally destroy every human being who has ever lived, or they DO understand, but reject the absolute assurance that GOD WINS. (Aside from the obvious wreckage it brings, sin (deception) ultimately makes human beings stupid.)

    I am SO grateful to know we won’t be here to experience what is coming. I absolutely believe every word of the Bible and have no doubt that the Tribulation will be 1000 times worse than my mind can imagine.

    I commend you for the endurance to slog through all the nonsense plans these minions of Satan are crafting. I don’t have the patience. Yes, more than most, I know what is underway, but I don’t have the stamina to catalog it. Someone’s gotta do it though; the world needs to know the depth and width of the insanity that is afoot. And how else could we know that RIGHT NOW prophecy is being fulfilled to the letter?!

    Thank you again Gary.


    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Thankfully, God has given me the ability to separate myself emotionally from this nonsense. It would be well nigh impossible to deal with otherwise. And it’s this stuff that makes me wonder how many Christians can be so (take your pick) and hope for 20-30 more years here. Lord, please: NO! NO! NO!

      • Reply RobinL

        Another 20-30 years? I can’t imagine being here for another 2 years!

        Pastor JD gives me hope because he was the first I heard to say that prophecy has a “shelf life.” It seems obvious that shelf is getting mighty heavy, bowed in the middle and about to break.

  2. Reply GaryW.

    It took me a long time to read your blog today since my mind tripped over the mental speed bump of electric airplanes. I simply had to think on this awhile. The guys that thought this up must have been locked in a room with Hunter Biden and spent 24 hours smoking, shooting, and ingesting his entire arsenal of mind altering drugs. It is ludicrous to imagine such stupidity. Perhaps,if (BIG IF) the plane got off the ground and reached an altitude of at least 2000 ft. death would occur quickly and somewhat painlessly when it crashes. I suppose the creators of this fantasy horror never considered the total impossibility of it all? Nah!

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