Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-8-23: Our Brave New World

Because of the way things are going in the world with an authoritarian direction, most people are familiar with the idea of an overweening and tyrannical government in the form of Big Brother, originating in George Orwell’s prescient book 1984.  Taking some phrases from a book titled Amusing Ourselves to Death that discusses this idea, here are key points the author noted that Orwell feared and wrote about:

  • That the civilized world will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression
  • That there will be those who ban books
  • That there will be those who deprive us of information
  • That the truth will be concealed from us
  • That we will become a captive culture
  • That people will be controlled by inflicting pain
  • That what we hate will ruin us

There is much truth in this.  Given the collaboration of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the majority of governments worldwide, we are most definitely seeing and experiencing these issues.  The global elites, a.k.a. the powers-that-be, very much want to control and direct our destinies with force.

However, a book released many years earlier in 1932 (versus Orwell’s book that was originally published in 1949) considered the future from a different perspective.  The book, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, expressed the idea that the horrors of what are to come wouldn’t be forcibly imposed on society, per se; rather that “people will come to love their oppression and to adore the technologies that undo their capacity to think.”

Both authors wrote of dystopian societies.  Orwell’s vision was dark and foreboding in its tone.  Huxley described what seemed to be utopia, yet was every bit as destructive and dystopic as the world overseen by Big Brother.

In the Prophecy Update today, I want to explore a little more about Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and how it has come to life.  In addition, I’ll discuss the Biblical implications.




Because of the way things are going in the world with an authoritarian direction, most people are familiar with the idea of an overweening and tyrannical government in the form of Big Brother, originating in George Orwell’s prescient book 1984.  Taking some phrases from a book titled Amusing Ourselves to Death that discusses this idea, here are key points the author noted that Orwell feared and wrote about:


  • That the civilized world will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression
  • That there will be those who ban books
  • That there will be those who deprive us of information
  • That the truth will be concealed from us
  • That we will become a captive culture
  • That people will be controlled by inflicting pain
  • That what we hate will ruin us


There is much truth in this.  Given the collaboration of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the majority of governments worldwide, we are most definitely seeing and experiencing these issues.  The global elites, a.k.a. the powers-that-be, very much want to control and direct our destinies with force.


However, a book released many years earlier in 1932 (versus Orwell’s book that was originally published in 1949) considered the future from a different perspective.  The book, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, expressed the idea that the horrors of what are to come wouldn’t be forcibly imposed on society, per se; rather that “people will come to love their oppression and to adore the technologies that undo their capacity to think.”


Both authors wrote of dystopian societies.  Orwell’s vision was dark and foreboding in its tone.  Huxley described what seemed to be utopia, yet was every bit as destructive and dystopic as the world overseen by Big Brother.


In the Prophecy Update today, I want to explore a little more about Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and how it has come to life.  In addition, I’ll discuss the Biblical implications.


First we’ll pray, read a Scripture, and see what this secular prophet from 90 years ago had to predict about our current times.






Yet let no one contend,
    and let none accuse,
    for with you is my contention, O priest.
You shall stumble by day;
    the prophet also shall stumble with you by night;
    and I will destroy your mother.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
    because you have rejected knowledge,
    I reject you from being a priest to me.
And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
    I also will forget your children.

The more they increased,
    the more they sinned against me;
    I will change their glory into shame.
They feed on the sin of my people;
    they are greedy for their iniquity.
And it shall be like people, like priest;
    I will punish them for their ways
    and repay them for their deeds.
10 They shall eat, but not be satisfied;
    they shall play the whore, but not multiply,
because they have forsaken the Lord
    to cherish 11 whoredom, wine, and new wine,
    which take away the understanding.
12 My people inquire of a piece of wood,
    and their walking staff gives them oracles.
For a spirit of whoredom has led them astray,
    and they have left their God to play the whore.
13 They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains
    and burn offerings on the hills,
under oak, poplar, and terebinth,
    because their shade is good.
Therefore your daughters play the whore,
    and your brides commit adultery.
14 I will not punish your daughters when they play the whore,
    nor your brides when they commit adultery;
for the men themselves go aside with prostitutes
    and sacrifice with cult prostitutes,
and a people without understanding shall come to ruin.



Our Brave New World



  • In contrast with 1984, Brave New World presented a very different fate for mankind
  • Again, summarizing from the book Amusing Ourselves to Death, here were the fears that Aldous Huxley shared:


  • That there will be no reason to ban books because there will be no one who wants to read one
  • That we will be given so much information that we will be reduced to passivity and egoism
  • That truth will be drowned in a sea of irrelevance
  • That we will become a trivial culture preoccupied with useless pursuits because of our almost infinite appetite for distraction
  • That we will be controlled by inflicting pleasure
  • That what we love will ruin us


  • As you can see, Huxley’s vision of the future was almost the exact opposite of what Orwell foresaw
  • However, ironically, in many ways, what both men predicted have been and are coming to pass
  • Since our focus is on Huxley’s Brave New World today, let’s see how his imagining of today isn’t far from where we are



Test Tube Babies

  • The first thing we’re introduced to in Brave New World is the cloning process
  • This particular facility that we take a tour of is only one of many around the world
  • Babies are made in test tubes with as many identical children created as feasibly possible
  • As the Director of the facility boasts:


“In exceptional cases we can make one ovary yield us over fifteen thousand adult individuals.”


  • In contrast the average would be 11,000 brothers and sisters of identical twins all within two years of the same age
  • The fertilizing and growth process are strictly regulated so as to grow certain cloned babies for specific functions
  • In the course of their development, a caste system is determined with different clones given varying mental and physical capabilities
  • As another key individual in the facility states:


“We also predestine and condition.  We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future. . .“  He was going to say “future World Controllers,” but correcting himself, said, “future Directors of Hatcheries,” instead.


  • Thus, certain clones are specified as Alphas, i.e. those genetically created to be at the top of the food chain – so to speak, i.e. the elites
  • Others are Deltas, Epsilons, and Gammas which are given lower IQs, so that the work they’re given is appropriate to their intelligence level
  • Once these children are hatched, they are subliminally conditioned day-after-day, night-after-night with those ideas and philosophies that must be instilled in each group


  • What immediately came to mind in reading about this cloning facility was the recently released video infomercial by EctoLife
  • The video shows us their incredibly modern, AI-controlled facility that can produce 30,000 children each year
  • As they boast in the video: “Say goodbye to childbirth.”
  • Also, you can rest easy that EctoLife is ESG-compliant:


“You don’t have to worry about power cuts or carbon footprints.   EctoLife uses highly efficient, clean, renewal energy consisting of solar and wind power.”


  • You can also incubate your baby at home if you wish with their portable growth pods, so you don’t even have to visit their facility
  • It’s just like a real pregnancy, only you don’t have all the terrible side effects like weight gain or uncomfortable sleepless nights when the child is kicking inside you
  • Just think: No more post-partum blues for you!
  • Because EctoLife is all about designer babies, you can choose:
    • Eye color
    • Hair color
    • Skin tone
    • Physical strength
    • Height
    • Level of intelligence
  • They monitor the child in the pod for abnormalities
  • Better yet, through the internal speakers in the pods, they can play a wide range of words and music to the baby as it develops, conditioning it exactly as you desire
  • Think of the possibilities:
    • “White people are racist.”
    • There is no God but you.”
    • Abortion is a fundamental right.”
    • There is no gender but the one you decide is right for you.”
  • I almost wonder if the creator of EctoLife took his ideas and concepts directly from Brave New World


  • When we think about such a process from a Biblical perspective, it’s obvious that man is playing God
  • What God created, man can obviously create better
  • Since birth rates are down because of man-imposed restrictions, like China’s prior one child policy and the idea today that children are an inconvenience, this is a perfect solution – except that it’s not what God intended
  • Just think how such a process can be directed by those in charge exactly like that portrayed in Huxley’s book
  • How long will “the parents” be able to exercise control over the way the child is indoctrinated?
  • How long will they be able to determine the intelligence level rather than some bureaucrats deciding this child or that should be developed for a specific purpose?
  • At what point will monstrosities emerge because of unexpected growth circumstances
  • Or, what monstrosities might be purposefully created?
  • When God is abandoned in society and in the most intimate of creation processes, what man creates is bound to ultimately be hideous
  • Rather than God determining who has certain levels of intelligence and Him creating each person as He will, man can now decide which child will be elite while others will be subservient
  • The recent words of John Kerry at the just-concluded Davos conference come to mind:


“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we — select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives — are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.”


“I mean, it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about saving the planet.  If you say that to most people, most people think you’re just a crazy, tree-hugging, lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, or whatever, and there’s no relationship. But really, that’s where we are.”


  • This is exactly what the Alphas in Brave New World are conditioned to believe
  • They have been chosen and are far superior to all the other test tube created children
  • Taking a slight rabbit trail with John Kerry. . .
  • You can see that he absolutely believes that he and others of his globalist elite ilk indeed have been touched by someone or something
  • In fact, I think he knows very well that his life has been altered because of an encounter he’s had that set him on what he believes is such a blessed and privileged path
  • His mention of extraterrestrials makes me think that his encounter was one that appeared to be from an intergalactic being
  • He thinks aliens have caused him and his friends to prosper
  • Well, we who know Christ know better
  • Kerry and his buddies haven’t been touched by alien beneficence; they’ve been possessed by beings from the demonic spiritual realm




  • In Huxley’s world procreation as God intended causes revulsion and actual embarrassment
  • The idea of childbirth and the pain that accompanies it are anathema to everyone
  • Why would anyone ever wish to experience pain of any kind?
  • Why would they want to go through nine months of torture and then have to deal with a screaming, squalling child?
  • There are certain women chosen to produce offspring, but only so as to renew the gene pool
  • The rest are on continual doses of contraceptives
  • These women procreators however aren’t part of normal society
  • What we see is tens and hundreds and thousands of identical people who have no concept of needing differentiation of any kind
  • They’re conditioned to accept their cloned, identical twins as normal in their society – each with their pre-planned purpose
  • They are cogs in a machine and happy to do their part, whatever it might be – whether working one specific job in a factory for 8 hours a day, or being an Alpha who directs how others live and work
  • This makes me think of the WEF and their intent for us in 2030:


  • “You will own nothing and be happy.”


  • Each clone in this society is happy because that’s what he or she has been created for
  • There is no independent thought
  • All of society is geared toward trivial pursuits of pleasure


  • This issue of cloning is very interesting because of all the efforts that have been made to produce them in our world
  • You may remember the first clone ever publicly noted back in 1996
  • Scientists cloned a sheep they called Dolly
  • Today, on somewhat sketchy websites like Real Raw News, the thinking is that many elites have been cloned so that in the event that the real person meets an untimely end, the clone can continue to operate as that person with no one being the wiser
  • Is that true?
  • Beats me, but in today’s world with its massive satanic deception in all areas, I don’t want to discount the idea entirely
  • The concept is in play with Joe Biden
  • There are actually two of them
  • It is supposed that the double is not necessarily a clone – rather is an actor who looks very much like Biden
  • Before you dismiss this and think I’m crazy, just compare photos of an earlier Joe Biden with those of today
  • You will see clearly that the real one has earlobes that extend and hang loose
  • The ear lobes of the imposter attach to his head
  • You can also see in different photos of Biden that the face is somewhat different between the two


  • Now the one thing that Huxley didn’t foresee is the rise of AI robots
  • Nor did he imagine that the elites would desire to eradicate much of the population of the earth
  • Because intelligent robots can replace the bulk of manual labor, there is no real need for clones that do the work that the elites don’t wish to perform
  • It’s much easier to control a smaller population, so getting rid of 90% of the people in the world is a major plus
  • They are useless in the minds of the elites and can easily be replaced with mechanical AI machines
  • EctoLife that I mentioned several minutes ago will likely be used for primarily elite creation purposes rather than to create masses of low intelligence, low-skill people


  • The question I ponder regarding clones is whether or not they have souls
  • If these beings are man-created, I have my doubts whether God breathes His life into them
  • If that’s the case, in essence, they are functionally no different than robots
  • We have science fiction speculation of AI taking on sentience, i.e. true consciousness as we understand it in our human condition
  • We’re also seeing some AIs such as ChatGPT seemingly come very close to sentient response
  • Will it be much longer until it truly does take on a life of its own?
  • Regardless, an AI can never have a soul, although various movies have portrayed this
  • One such is titled AI – Artificial Intelligence
  • Here’s the brief description of this movie:


A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become “real” so that he can regain the love of his human mother.


  • With clones who likewise don’t have souls, will they also desire to have one?
  • I can certainly imagine they would
  • Yet, what do we learn from Scripture?
  • Genesis 1:26 says:


Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.


  • Clones are not made in God’s image; they are made after the image of man
  • Genesis 6:9 tells us:


Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.


  • It wasn’t that Noah had no sin; the fact was that he was the only one throughout the entire corrupt world whose blood was not contaminated; his DNA was purely human
  • I don’t know that we can legitimately say this about clones



Sexualized Children

  • The intent of society in Brave New World is to keep the people endlessly amused without consequences
  • Sex is a primary tool of the elites in this regard
  • Everyone has multiple partners
  • There is nothing permanent in any relationships
  • The lower castes freely have sex among themselves without coercion, however, when an Alpha wants sex with someone of a lower class, there isn’t much choice in the matter for that person
  • From a very young age children are sexualized
  • They’re encouraged to play sexual games to normalize all that they do later as adults
  • Most of the clones are made chemically unable to reproduce so as to encourage this behavior through contraception drugs
  • Only certain women are made to have the ability to have children to replenish the gene pool
  • The idea that one person might be emotionally linked to someone else in anything resembling a family-type relationship simply isn’t part of their conditioning
  • They see the idea as odd and repulsive


  • In just the last few years, the societal push to sexualize children at the youngest possible age has increased dramatically
  • Schools have been infiltrated with deviates posing as teachers
  • These wicked people – both men and women – brag on social media how they influence the children under their control to question their gender and to engage in sex play
  • Books that in the past were outright deemed pornographic now have a place in most school classrooms
  • Libraries – both in the schools and public facilities – proudly and aggressively display titles that would never in an earlier, more moral age, have seen the light of day
  • They would – at the best – have been wrapped in brown paper and hidden behind a store counter only to be sold if someone demanded such a book or magazine and paid the price
  • Now all in society from children to granny are exposed – literally – to the sexual agenda of demonically driven perverts
  • This trend is not slowing down despite pushback in some communities
  • We now have the move to normalize adult-child sexual relations
  • The new language is Minor-Attracted People
  • Soon, I predict, those who favor bestiality, a.k.a. zoophilia – will come out full force because they – of course – are being marginalized unfairly and being prejudiced against


  • During the Tribulation, there is no doubt in my mind that anything sexual that can be imagined will become the norm
  • It was intercourse in Noah’s day before the Flood that brought about abominable hybrid creatures roaming the earth through Nephilim-animal procreation as well as initially by the rebellious sons of God who started the process
  • No doubt, as the Tribulation progresses, the earth will see more of this kind of atrocities
  • Of course, God will only allow this moral-sexual depravity to go on for only a very little while
  • All who engage in this abominable evil will see the Lake of Fire



Continual Distraction

  • Huxley’s Brave New World is one in which everyone is continually distracted and amused
  • If the people aren’t having sex, they’re playing games
  • What they wear and what their next entertainment will be is the focus of their lives
  • Happiness is the highest goal of society
  • The government doesn’t want the masses thinking because that’s dangerous
  • If anyone begins exhibiting signs of serious, rational thought it’s seen as trouble
  • Those who follow through on such pursuits are sent away from society and isolated in island communities with others of like mind so they cannot contaminate the populace
  • The primary means of controlling the people is through a drug called soma that is readily available and is frequently taken
  • Soma smooths out life and removes the desire to tackle challenges or serious thought
  • It’s taken before or after sex or at any time that problems arise
  • If taken in larger doses, it can mentally transport people to fantastic destinations of pleasure and sensuality
  • If too much is taken for too long a period of time, it can result in death
  • In those cases, the person is placed in a special hospital-like facility where television is played continually for them to take their minds off useful contemplation


  • What is our soma today?
  • There are an awful lot of people who are prescribed with a variety of drugs to deal with anxiety and other similar problems
  • We have a significant number of children given medication for ADHD
  • Prozac and other like drugs take the edge off of life
  • Things just don’t bother someone as much when they’re on Prozac
  • Of course, the biggest drug is the Smartphone screen where people from young to old immerse themselves in the life within that tiny space. . .
  • Whether it’s watching sports, movies, or other show, or playing various games
  • Remember how enthralling Pokémon was for so many people?
  • Smartphones are essentially digital heroin
  • Then there are texts to read and emails and all the news feeds to keep the masses involved in the metaverse – and we don’t even really have the serious metaverse available yet as it’s imagined
  • In the book I mentioned earlier – Amusing Ourselves to Death – the author points to television as the great game changer in society in our current times
  • We used to have an oral culture where people had to seriously listen in order to comprehend
  • Then we had written cultures where deep ideas could be presented and expounded upon
  • To be a part of society, one had to be literate and to be able to think and process ideas rationally
  • Now we have an image culture that is defined by the brevity of what’s conveyed
  • We have sound bites, 30-second commercials, 20-minute shows within a 30-minute period before the next show, bumper stickers to express everything from our political beliefs to what god we follow – and, of course, smartphones
  • For a long time, I’ve called it this phenomenon “short attention-span theater
  • For all intents and purposes because of our continual distraction and lack of cognitive depth in anything we do, we are mighty close to Huxley’s world
  • We all might as well be taking soma since the government can pretty much do what it pleases without much or any opposition
  • We’re too busy being amused


  • How might this look in the very near term when the Tribulation begins?
  • People have been conditioned to do what they are told
  • We see that from the COVID years with lockdowns, masks, and the compliant taking of a bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine
  • We know very well from the plain warnings given us by the global elites that more supposed pandemics are coming
  • That means that more people will willingly take a preventative mRNA jab for fear of their lives
  • Only the vaccine will save you and your children from dying!
  • We also know that pharmakeia is specifically noted in Scripture as the means of sorcery and subjugation
  • Can you imagine after the pre-Tribulation Rapture how upset and anxious the populace around the world will be?
  • I can see it now that they’ll have a vaccine to resolve the fear that people have, given the disappearance of so many friends and loved ones
  • Once the people of the world start taking this version of soma, they’ll be more than compliant to take the next shot that comes their way
  • Not only this, but with the soon-coming digital passports and CBDC-enabled injections, who knows what other pacifying, mind-bending drugs might be included in them?



God & Soul

  • A key component of daily existence is missing in Huxley’s utopian dystopia
  • There is no thought, concept, or need for God
  • Since the government provides all that is necessary for life and the pursuit of happiness – sorry no real liberty here – then God is extraneous
  • Also, if clones don’t have souls, that’s another factor
  • Government becomes God when people ignore or reject Him
  • In that rejection as is shown, the idea of natural childbirth, or having a mother and father, or the danger of cloning a world of people without souls – none of this is of concern
  • What Huxley does to show this contrast is through one of the anomalies of this world
  • There is an Indian reservation out west that the main character – Bernard – visits
  • At one time another man and woman visited the reservation
  • She became lost and her companion left her behind
  • Saved by the Indians she lived much as she had in the utopian world where sex was given freely
  • In this world, she was known as a prostitute
  • She ended up having a son – John – because she no longer had the birth control drugs to keep her sterile, and he was raised in the Indian ways – although always rejected because of his mother
  • On the reservation, of course, they had family units with mother and father and natural birth
  • Because of his exposure to Indian theology, such as spirits and gods, John grew up thinking about and believing in these ideas
  • When Bernard came home from his visit to the reservation, he brings John and his mother back with him
  • The mother can’t handle life anymore and becomes a soma addict – lost in drug-induced pleasures – until her death
  • John becomes known as The Savage, and is an object of great curiosity for his beliefs
  • He sees the lack of any God-consciousness and struggles with the debauched nature of the society around him
  • Ultimately, he can take it no more


  • Look at what has happened in our world
  • God is an anachronism – a relic from the past with no relevance to how we live today
  • He has been eradicated in one venue after another – from court houses to school rooms to the family unit
  • Worse, He’s actually being excluded from churches!
  • The family unit has been redefined because of the absence of God
  • Now all it takes is love to be a family – whether it’s two gay guys or three lesbian women, or even a lonely man and his sex-surrogate robot like what is prevalent in Japan
  • Without God, we don’t have to struggle with the idea of a soul
  • In fact, according to the smart people like Yuval Harari, we are nothing but data and can be uploaded into computers
  • Once we have the neurological chips implanted and are connected to the internet, we can live forever with no regrets
  • At least so the elites believe
  • Man 2.0 is coming
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the answer to all of life’s concerns and mysteries – all of our problems!
  • At least for those who are allowed to move into this brave new world
  • There are too many of the rest of us, and we need to be eliminated to make everything work the way it’s envisioned
  • In the meantime, once more, we’ll own nothing and be happy. . .
  • Until we’re given a fatal dose of soma of whatever drug of the moment works best for their purposes


  • Once 2030 hits and The Powers That Be execute all their plans for all their goals, I can just see the party they’ll have
  • How proud they’ll be that they have defeated God and nature and fashioned the world in their own image
  • Despite the judgments that are raining down from God, they’ll probably see those as a minor inconvenience
  • After all, who is God?
  • Just like Pharaoh said to Moses: “Who is the Lord?” (Ex 5:2). . .
  • Certainly not someone more powerful than they!
  • As the Judgments ramp up, however, some of the elites may begin experiencing some discomfort in their positions
  • No matter – Antichrist will assure them that he’s got it all under control
  • I’m afraid it’s going to be quite a come-uppance for these people in power when they finally understand that they are nothing before Almighty God
  • By then, of course, it’ll be much too late for them
  • They will long since have taken the Mark of the Beast and pledged their loyalty to Antichrist
  • Well, they’ll have a long, long time in the eternal Lake of Fire to contemplate their actions
  • God is real
  • Jesus Christ is Lord of all
  • These people who would be our overlords will bow their knee



  • Aldous Huxley in his later years explored the idea of God and spirituality
  • He became known for his explorations into inner space with mind altering drugs like LSD
  • He wrote a book called The Doors of Perception because he believed that these drugs provided the means to learn the mysteries of the universe by exploring the unmapped areas of human consciousness
  • Sadly, the only thing that LSD and similar drugs do is open doors to the demonic realm
  • There’s no evidence that I’m aware of that Huxley got it right and turned to Jesus Christ as the only One who could reveal the true mysteries of God and bring eternal life
  • There’s also no evidence that the global elites of today who have decided they are greater than God will turn to Him in repentance
  • Of course, nothing is impossible with God
  • It’s just that some or all of these prominent globalists may already be less than human despite thinking they are more so
  • Our world is quickly going downhill to a point that God will finally determine He’s had enough of the foolishness and depravity
  • He has already pronounced judgment; it’s just a matter of when
  • The Israelites were warned and warned by the prophets of God
  • Yet they wouldn’t turn from their wicked ways and God finally had to bring them to destruction
  • Fortunately for a remnant of today, God will redeem Israel
  • However, for those who spurned Him, there is no redemption
  • Similarly today, the Bible – God’s Holy Word – has prophesied that we must turn back to the Lord or we too will suffer an irreversible fate
  • Most people are ignoring the warning
  • We expect that from the secular community
  • Not so much the church
  • Yet few in the church are taking heed
  • They – along with the world so many are invested in – think everything will continue as it always has
  • Both groups fulfill the prophecy of 2 Peter 3:4:


They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”


  • We know what that means for those who don’t believe in and follow the Lord Jesus
  • I always wonder what it might portend for those who are saved
  • One way or another, they’ll find out very soon
  • Just like with ancient Israel, God will shortly determine He’s had enough, and He’ll start the end-of-the-world ball rolling downhill by removing His faithful Bride in the pre-Tribulation Rapture
  • Once that happens, all the plans of those who hate God will dissipate like fog on a windy day
  • Let us remain faithful and productive until that moment – as difficult as it is
  • If you’re like me, you’re growing weary
  • This is exactly what God actually wants for us. . .
  • To be so done with this world that we yearn for His Presence
  • That’s what I’m doing: yearning. . .
  • How about you?

7 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-8-23: Our Brave New World”

  1. Reply GaryW.

    I must agree with something that came out of Davos. John Kerry is definitely touched…….with something.

  2. Reply Pamela P

    Thanks again Gary. I always look forward to reading your articles – you never fail to give me a lot to chew on. I found this one fascinating: the contrast between the two books, Huxley’s, which I read decades ago, and Orwell’s. I believe that what we are witnessing is the manipulation of the masses into a willing 100% compliance with a “master race” (read globalists) and what these elitists are brainwashing the masses with, will actually become a happy reality for them: they will own nothing and be happy. . . . For a season, until God
    intervenes with His wrath unleashed.
    My concern, I believe along with so many others who have worldly or backslidden loved ones, is regarding those who are saved, yet still fail to see what time it is on God’s clock. There seem to be a lot of scriptures that indicate Jesus is coming for those who are eagerly looking for Him. Not for those who are ignoring Him, have turned their backs in Him, or are in love with the world, which is, as the apostle says, enmity with God. (James 4:4)

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Your concern is exactly mine – unpopular though the idea is. I’ve got a Friday commentary coming up in a couple weeks that addresses this in relation to the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

  3. Reply RobinL

    Interesting that Huxley was an agnostic and Orwell was an agnostic/atheist as well. Makes me wonder “deep fake demons” were toying with their minds to predict what was to come to mankind. We know what the eternal destiny is of atheists and agnostics; regardless of their prescient understandings of the corrupt and evil nature of mankind and where we would eventually descend into total depravity.

    All of these globalists, false preachers and teachers are lost and reprobate. You are right Gary, that nearly everyone in their corrupt cabals are under GREAT DELUSION!!! All for the glory of God.

    In Daniel 12:9-10 “He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.”

    The wicked DO NOT understand, and yet for us, what is underway is as plain as the noses on our faces. Praise God!

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      I don’t know if I’ll do it or not, but I thought an interesting study might be to contrast Julian Huxley (humanist) with his brother Aldous who did seemingly struggle with spiritual things.

  4. Reply Jim Eastman

    Great prophesy update. They are all good but this one really hit home. Thanks Gary. Ive been following Bible Prophesy for many years but am amazed how fast we are coming to the end. Not only is it fast but its accerlerating. The elites and the WEF arent even trying to hide anything anymore. Theres a plank in the platform of the WEF that there can no longer be a superpower USA. We must be taken down. My hope and prayer is that we save as many as we can and then get raptured out before we are destroyed.

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