Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-13-24 – Fault Lines & Eclipses, U.S. & Israel

Pressure is building in the world.  We are rapidly moving toward a time of great chaos; dare I say it: toward the 7-year Tribulation?  Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear know the reason.  Israel is in great peril.  Much of the threat is coming about because of the United States.  As has often been said: Things are not falling apart; they are all falling into place.

That which Jesus warned of is happening.  He said in Matthew 24:7-8:

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

We are living in a period where the risk of war is rising on every side in every corner of the planet.  The global elites, those who fancy themselves as our overlords, are manipulating the weather to such extremes that we have famines and droughts side-by-side.  People are starving to death in some places while others are being swept away by unprecedented floods or buried under impossible levels of snow.  There are signs in the skies and earthquakes rocking the earth.  The sky, land, and sea are all being deliberately poisoned leading to disease and death.  Despite what some so-called prophecy experts may tell you, we are not currently in the Tribulation.  What we’re seeing and experiencing are but the birth pains.  When the birth itself comes, that will be the Tribulation – worse than anyone can imagine.




Pressure is building in the world.  We are rapidly moving toward a time of great chaos; dare I say it: toward the 7-year Tribulation?  Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear know the reason.  Israel is in great peril.  Much of the threat is coming about because of the United States.  As has often been said: Things are not falling apart; they are all falling into place.


That which Jesus warned of is happening.  He said in Matthew 24:7-8:


For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.


We are living in a period where the risk of war is rising on every side in every corner of the planet.  The global elites, those who fancy themselves as our overlords, are manipulating the weather to such extremes that we have famines and droughts side-by-side.  People are starving to death in some places while others are being swept away by unprecedent floods or buried under impossible levels of snow.  There are signs in the skies and earthquakes rocking the earth.  The sky, land, and sea are all being deliberately poisoned leading to disease and death.  Despite what some so-called prophecy experts may tell you, we are not currently in the Tribulation.  What we’re seeing and experiencing are but the birth pains.  When the birth itself comes, that will be the Tribulation – worse than anyone can imagine.


Continuing His Discourse, Jesus also said in Luke 17:26-30:


Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.


This strange season in which we’re living reflects exactly what Jesus foretold.  On the surface, life goes on.  People attend and cheer at football and basketball games, they look forward to baseball season, marriage is occurring – although not in a Biblical manner, diners go to restaurants – yet pay exorbitant, inflationary prices.  The real estate market is suffering because of overvaluations and high interest rates – still, people buy, sell, and build.


In addition to all these things, Israel is at the forefront.  Jesus said in Luke 21:8:


“Watch out that you are not deceived.” 


Other translations say:


“See that you are not led astray.”


Those who deceive and those who are being deceived – and led astray – are manifold in numbers throughout both the secular and Christian communities.  As people fall away from God, their wicked hearts and minds are darkened more than ever.  They don’t believe in God, and they hate Him – a contradiction in terms, but representative of the times.


The key for our purposes in this Commentary is Jesus’ warning in Luke 21:17:


“You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.”


This counsel applies to both Israel and to Christ-followers, but Israel is our focus today.


In the next several minutes we’ll consider how Israel is shown to be the target, both in signs from God and in the loathing of all who hate God.  What is happening is dramatic, and the drama is proof-positive that time has almost run out on this world as we know it.


Before we discuss these things, we’ll pray and read from God’s Word.






Luke 21:25-28

25 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”



Fault Lines & Eclipses, U.S. & Israel


  • Despite what many professing Christians may believe, God is not done with Israel
  • Replacement Theology, a.k.a. supersessionism, is the belief that the church has replaced Israel
  • It posits that the Jews are no longer God’s Chosen People, and that He has no specific future plans for Israel
  • Frankly, there couldn’t be a more foolish understanding of God’s Word
  • I’ve dealt with this topic extensively in prior Commentaries
  • Suffice it to say that if this belief were true, we as Christians would have no hope, since God’s promises would mean nothing – either to the Jewish people in the Holy Land or to those of us supposedly saved by the blood of Christ
  • His blood would have been spilled for nothing, and our hopes would be dashed like those of aborted children
  • However, Replacement Theology is a false doctrine, and those who follow it could be doing so to the danger of their immortal souls
  • To literally hate what God loves – the nation of Israel and her people – is to spit in God’s eye and call Him a liar
  • That’s a recipe for disaster
  • The truth is that Israel is very much in play as these end times wind down
  • Once Israel was regathered miraculously as a nation on May 14, 1948, all end-times prophecies were activated
  • And I don’t use the word miraculously casually
  • This was not a coincidence
  • No other nation in the history of the world ever came back into existence after being completely destroyed as Israel was
  • And this didn’t happen just once – it occurred twice: at the time of Nehemiah and then in the 20th Century after 1900 years
  • How obvious could it be that God’s promises to Israel are valid and whatever is necessary for Him to do to fulfill them, He will make it happen?
  • In our current time we have conditions in the world moving at a rapid pace toward the end
  • We know this because so much is centering on Israel
  • But we know this, since God has always described events with Israel literally being at the center of the world
  • Israel is truly the apple of God’s eye
  • The major crisis that Israel has dealt with of late is – of course – the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023
  • After a day or two of Israel eliciting the sympathy of the world for the rapes, torture, and murders by these godless invaders, antisemitism has risen to unprecedent heights revealing the demonic hatred of the world
  • The United States, supposedly Israel’s greatest and staunchest ally, is growing closer to completely abandoning her
  • Our stance against allowing Israel to operate in her own best interests without our meddling has inhibited her ability to conduct military operations as needed
  • The pressure America is applying against Israel will soon come to a head
  • When it does, the countdown for these final days will accelerate dramatically
  • Let’s take a look at what’s happening


  • As many of you may be aware, a significant event in the skies will occur on April 8, 2024 – less than a month from now
  • An eclipse will travel diagonally across the US from southeast to northeast
  • There are incredible aspects of this eclipse that make it not like any other
  • As reported by Michael Snyder, there was an earlier eclipse on August 21st, 2017 that traveled across our nation – also diagonally – from the northwest to the southeast
  • Interestingly, it crossed seven US cities all named Salem, as in Jerusalem
  • The eclipse coming this April will begin in Eagle Pass, TX – where so much of the border crisis has occurred
  • Maybe that’s a coincidence – right?
  • Well, this eclipse in its journey will pass over seven American cities named Nineveh
  • Think about the history of this storied city which I outlined in my Commentary titled Reprieve
  • Nineveh was warned by Jonah to repent, and led by the king himself, the people did
  • Another Generation arose, however, that forgot God’s mercy, and 40 years later Nahum came along with the bad news
  • Nineveh would have no more reprieve
  • This mighty city would meet its end by falling to Babylon
  • Why should America be concerned?
  • What does any of this have to do with God’s intentions going forward?
  • The trajectories of these two eclipses create a giant X over the center of our nation
  • What does an X over something usually mean?
  • It is cancelled or X’d out so that it is no longer valid
  • In the transcript of this Commentary on my website you can see the depiction of this crossing of eclipses that I’ve inserted
  • That’s ominous by itself, but wait . . . there’s more
  • The point of intersection of this massive X over America centers upon the New Madrid fault in southern Illinois in an area about the size of New Jersey
  • Guess what is often described as being this size?
  • If you guessed Israel, you get a gold star
  • In the subscription service Koenig’s Eye View, there is a multi-part article discussing this
  • The point made in the article is that America’s efforts toward implementing an anti-God Two-State Solution is integral to these natural signs
  • It has been said for some years that the New Madrid fault is ripe for a shift of the underlying tectonic plates so as to cause a major earthquake
  • A prior quake took place in 1811 with a magnitude range of 7.2-8.4
  • It also had a 7.4 aftershock
  • The largest earthquakes in recorded history were 9.2 in Alaska in 1964 and 9.5 in Chile in 1960
  • There is speculation that should a quake occur in the New Madrid fault today, it could be as great as 9.9-10.0 on the Richter scale and possibly last as long as 30 minutes
  • What such an earthquake would do to our nation is unimaginable and would be a disaster of epic proportions
  • A major project that Bill Koenig has undertaken over the years is to chronicle the devastating effects on America when we have attempted to divide the land of Israel
  • Koenig wrote the book Eye to Eye which details the connection and the danger of violating the Genesis 12:3 oath that God made:


I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


  • Every time we mess with God’s Holy Land, divide it in any way, attempt to take it away from His Chosen People, or act contrary and hostile to this land and people God has blessed, we pay a price
  • And we are at the precipice of this again in a way totally unlike anything we’ve previously done
  • I’ve made it very clear in these Commentaries that I’m convinced America will soon abandon Israel
  • We continue to pressure her not to completely destroy Hamas leaving her vulnerable to this existential threat
  • This is a direct violation of God’s Genesis 12:3 vow and curse
  • The latest instance of this as I write this Prophecy Update is by Vice-president Kamala Harris
  • She and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz
  • They pushed for an Israeli ceasefire so as to supposedly provide more “humanitarian aid” to Gaza
  • Of course, we all know that this aid to Palestinian civilians is a ruse to resupply Hamas
  • Now we’re even going to supply the enemy of Israel with food and supplies via a floating platform in the Mediterranean
  • By taking its foot from pedal and refraining to push forward so as to eliminate Hamas, if the IDF were to heed America, Israel will be the loser since more troops will die as Hamas is reinvigorated with time and materiel
  • That is not a recipe for victory, and Israel knows it
  • The US in pushing for this is simply saying we don’t care about Israel
  • We want her to fail
  • We want this terrorist organization to continue to operate and even continue remaining in control in Gaza
  • Adding to this, Harris also made a major speech in an American civil rights commemoration in Selma, AL in which she criticized Israel for the lack of humanitarian concern
  • Yet Israel of all nations has been the most lenient toward her enemies at the cost of the lives of IDF soldiers
  • I’m absolutely convinced that Israel will reject America’s unreasonable entreaties to stop the elimination of Hamas
  • This will cause the US to not just slow-walk the munitions we supply Israel, but to cut off all armaments, leaving Israel literally high and dry – unable to prosecute the war effort
  • Since Israel in the American/Biden Regime view is unreasonable because she won’t negotiate a two-state solution, and won’t ceasefire to allow the resupply of Hamas, we will join the rest of the world in total condemnation of Israel
  • When we do this, God will show up
  • All this may very well happen on or around April 8 when the eclipse happens
  • Perhaps this long-awaited earthquake at the New Madrid fault will occur and God’s just punishment of our nation will begin
  • Another interesting correlation in this timeframe is that Ramadan began this year on March 10 and its end is April 9
  • Does that tie in somehow?
  • There is some thought that the delay of some aspect of God’s punishment could be as long as three months from April – perhaps until as long as July – but something will likely happen in a major way when we tell Israel to kiss off
  • My belief is that when Israel looks most helpless, since she will no longer have America at her back and supplying weapons, this is when the Psalm 83 War that includes all surrounding nations to Israel, may very well begin
  • Of course, should that be the case, then I think we’ll see some interesting coincidental events occur that only later may be attributed to God
  • Regardless, the IDF will secure victory and this will prepare the way for peace and security that provides the circumstances within a couple years for the Gog-Magog, Ezekiel 38 War
  • Now, I’m fully aware that there are many different beliefs about how this will play out in both the Bible prophecy community and in the secular world
  • Many think that Israel will submit to the demands that she make nice with Hamas and move forward with a two-state solution
  • The thinking is that this sets the stage for the Antichrist covenant agreement
  • Obviously, I don’t think this is how this will develop
  • Based on Scripture, it doesn’t seem to me that we’re at the point of this treaty
  • The 1st Seal in Revelation 6:2 has not been opened
  • Antichrist is still not on the world stage
  • He’s definitely waiting in the wings, but in some manner, he has to come forth as a man of peace who secures the trust of Israel so as to broker the 7-year covenant deal
  • That hasn’t happened yet, so how can he just pop up and confirm this radical agreement?
  • Also, as I’ve previously noted, I think Islam will effectively be out of the picture and the covenant agreement will not have anything to do with Muslims and Palestinians
  • Again, why is Islam removed from the equation?
  • Because with the combination of the Psalm 83 War and Gog-Magog, Allah is shown feckless and Islam a religion that has no power
  • Why would Israel make a treaty with Islam under those circumstances?
  • No, I think that as we close in on the Tribulation, the ecumenical Catholic church will rise to greater power and be the entity that Israel fears, thus she will be eager to execute the agreement that Antichrist puts together
  • As this happens, Israel will then be overwhelmed with gratitude toward Antichrist and consider him their savior until the 3 1/2-year Midpoint rolls around
  • But all this is a little further out
  • Let’s briefly come back to our present circumstances
  • For those of you who have followed me for some time, you may recall that I’ve commented a number of times on the prophetic dreams by Pastor Dana Coverstone
  • I absolutely believe that his dreams are of God
  • They have consistently warned of these coming perilous times while also encouraging the church to stand firm in faith
  • Pastor Dana has never said he is a prophet – contrary to what some people accuse
  • Rather, he has said that he’s simply being obedient to God in relating these dreams that he believes are from God
  • That fully resonates with me
  • He has had these dreams for – I think – about three years now
  • The latest he titles The Kicking the Can Dream
  • All of Dana’s dreams are symbolic in relating to real-world circumstances
  • Regarding this dream Dana said that he came away from it with a sense of finality
  • I don’t think that means he felt there would be no more dreams
  • Rather, I believe the sense was that all we’re experiencing in the world is soon coming to an end
  • Because of the symbolism in the dream, instead of titling it Kicking the Can, Dana could have instead named it The End of the Road Dream
  • The person walking down the road kicking the can comes to the end of the road where it simply drops off, or ends
  • The implication is that that those things in the world we’ve continually put off by kicking the can down the road to another time or another generation, have finally reached the point that this can no longer happen
  • Time is up
  • There’s no more road down which we can travel
  • Given all that we talk about in these Commentaries because of what the Bible explicitly tells us, doesn’t this dream also make sense to you in this same way?


  • So, how much longer do we have?
  • If we were to listen to and believe the non-pre-Trib Rapture crowd, we have not only the run-up to the Tribulation but those seven years as well – maybe even many generations before God brings Judgment
  • Thankfully, I don’t believe that for a second, and I know many of you are with me in that respect
  • Two major circumstances are closing in that we should watch for so as to anticipate even more the Lord’s return in the clouds to snatch us away:


  1. The first as discussed today is Israel
    1. Israel is God’s supersign
    2. The worse things get for her, the closer we get to the Tribulation
    3. Why?
    4. Because God will act upon His people in such a way that they finally acknowledge Jesus Christ as Messiah
    5. I think we may see God’s miraculous hand at work during this conflict like He did in the 1967 and 1973 wars
    6. Watch the documentary Against All Odds to better understand this
    7. Such actions by the Lord will have the contrary effects of drawing the Israeli people toward God while simultaneously causing greater alienation from the world against Him
    8. However, for Israel, the darkness leading to this point is still gathering
    9. It is only after Christ Raptures His true church that the way is paved for God to concentrate His efforts on His beloved Chosen People
    10. Keep a close watch on all that happens in the Promised Land and that will be a major key to God’s timing with us
  2. The second item is Christian persecution
    1. This comes in two forms:
      1. From the secular world
      2. From the wolves within
    2. As the world comes down on the church for our principled, Biblical stand against abortion and regarding the tragedy of LGBT beliefs, more and more people within the church will say they want nothing to do with the persecution
    3. They will join those who are already enemies of God within the church who embrace false doctrines like Replacement Theology, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the social justice movement, the emergent church, and all the others that act contrary to God’s Word
    4. Those of us who remain loyal and steadfast to the truths of Scripture by proclaiming the Gospel that Christ is Lord will be marginalized
    5. I anticipate this will all happen in a very short time
    6. As I like say: “Time will compress” and it will become extremely uncomfortable to be a follower of Jesus Christ
    7. The one thing I urge is that we must determine here and now to stand firm in the Lord regardless of what comes our way
    8. If we aren’t rooted in God’s Word and stand on the Rock of our faith, the winds and waves that are coming will sweep us away
    9. Now is the time to know what we believe and why – holding fast to that despite all that the world throws at us


  • Stay in God’s Word and keep looking up
  • Soon, as Luke 21:27 says, we will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory

3 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-13-24 – Fault Lines & Eclipses, U.S. & Israel”

  1. Reply Robin McCann

    It would seem that the fact that Israel relied on America, possibly other nations, for their ammunition needs was part of God’s plan.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      It’s like in the days of the kings when they sent the wealth of their treasuries to other nations for protection or to help them fight a worse enemy. They did that rather than trust God for their protection.

  2. Reply David Cogburn

    Great article. It appears 2024 could be the year the tribulation begins – possibly in the fall around the day of atonement. If that is the case, we know the rapture occurs first. How much sooner – a week, a month, a few months? God’s wrath always occurs “quickly” following putting His righteous in a “safe place” preceding His wrath being poured out. If the solar eclipse in April is a harbinger of a possible rapture, that would fit in nicely with the time it would take for the world to regroup and get things set up for a one-world government to begin in five to six months. This is speculation, but at least “educated” speculation. Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

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