Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-11-23: The Israel Conspiracy

Conspiracies are everywhere.  We have them in America.  They are certainly abounding throughout the world.  The latest to see fruition is what is happening in Israel.  To my consternation, it appears as if the conspiracies surrounding Israel are greater than I had foreseen.  Because of how I view world events through the prophetic lens of Scripture, I anticipated that the war currently underway with Hamas had to happen at some point in these treacherous days.  What I didn’t expect was that a conspiracy within Israel itself – within its own government – would play an integral role in the events that are unfolding before our very eyes.

The question I immediately posed upon the advent of these hostilities was – given their extreme nature: Is this the beginning of the Psalm 83 War?  It made no sense to me that it would be the Ezekiel 38 War, a.k.a. the War of Gog of Magog.  Hamas isn’t in any way a member of the coalition attacking Israel in that major, prophetic conflict.  The conspirators in that extremely significant war are Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others – none of which directly border or inhabit Israel.

Hamas is the enemy within.  As I’ve continued to say: if Hezbollah joins the fray along with other combatants from Israel’s neighboring hostile states, it certainly seems like we’ve got a match for the Psalm 83 War.  To date, we’ve got some participation from Hezbollah as they fire a limited number of missiles at Israel.  Will they join this war as a full-fledged active partner with Hamas?  If so, the prophetic significance is huge.

The disturbing and confusing aspect of all this is the absolute unpreparedness of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).  That makes no sense unless there’s a lot more going on conspiratorially than certainly I expected.




Conspiracies are everywhere.  We have them in America.  They are certainly abounding throughout the world.  The latest to see fruition is what is happening in Israel.  To my consternation, it appears as if the conspiracies surrounding Israel are greater than I had foreseen.  Because of how I view world events through the prophetic lens of Scripture, I anticipated that the war currently underway with Hamas had to happen at some point in these treacherous days.  What I didn’t expect was that a conspiracy within Israel itself – within its own government – would play an integral role in the events that are unfolding before our very eyes.


The question I immediately posed upon the advent of these hostilities was – given their extreme nature: Is this the beginning of the Psalm 83 War?  It made no sense to me that it would be the Ezekiel 38 War, a.k.a. the War of Gog of Magog.  Hamas isn’t in any way a member of the coalition attacking Israel in that major, prophetic conflict.  The conspirators in that extremely significant war are Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others – none of which directly border or inhabit Israel.


Hamas is the enemy within.  As I’ve continued to say: if Hezbollah joins the fray along with other combatants from Israel’s neighboring hostile states, it certainly seems like we’ve got a match for the Psalm 83 War.  To date, we’ve got some participation from Hezbollah as they fire a limited number of missiles at Israel.  Will they join this war as a full-fledged active partner with Hamas?  If so, the prophetic significance is huge.


The disturbing and confusing aspect of all this is the absolute unpreparedness of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).  That makes no sense unless there’s a lot more going on conspiratorially than certainly I expected.


We’ll take a look at all this to see what sense we can make of it.  First, let’s pray and read from God’s Word.






Psalm 83:1-2

O God, do not keep silence;
    do not hold your peace or be still, O God!
For behold, your enemies make an uproar;
    those who hate you have raised their heads.



The Israel Conspiracy


  • Let’s first discuss once more the possibility of this being the Psalm 83 War
  • I’ve covered the potential for such a conflict numerous times, the latest being earlier this year in a Prophecy Update titled A Soon-Coming Psalm 83 Proxy War and subsequently in a Commentary titled Israel’s Psalm 83 Prophesied Land Grab
  • You can watch those or read their transcripts at the links on my website as part of this update
  • There are many who believe the Ezekiel 38 War is next on the prophetic war timeline for Israel
  • That has never made sense to me because of which nations are involved in this War of Gog of Magog
  • None of them directly share any borders with Israel
  • The problem is that in the Ezekiel prophecy, not a single one of the hostile nations that are immediate neighbors to Israel is listed
  • How could that be?
  • Israel is not exactly in the midst of the friendliest of nations
  • If a coalition of hostile nations, including Iran, attacks Israel, wouldn’t you think that Iran’s proxies in and around Israel would willingly – joyfully – join in the attack?
  • The fact is that the prophecy doesn’t mention them – in fact every single attacker in the Gog-Magog War is a nation at least one country removed from Israel’s borders
  • It doesn’t make sense unless something occurs to significantly inhibit those nations directly bordering Israel from being a factor and engaging in the war
  • When we examine the Ezekiel War prophecy, there are also notable conditions that must be met
  • Note these verses:


Ezekiel 38:14

“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog, Thus says the Lord God: On that day when my people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?


Ezekiel 38:10-12

“Thus says the Lord God: On that day, thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil scheme and say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates,’ to seize spoil and carry off plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, and the people who were gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell at the center of the earth.


  • We see in Ezekiel 38:14 that Israel is dwelling securely
  • Ezekiel 38:10-12 echoes that by telling us Israel is a land of unwalled villages; it is populated by a quiet people who dwell securely, and that the population of Israel is dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates
  • Can someone with a straight face say that with Hamas in Israel’s midst within the walls and fences of Gaza creates a secure land?
  • How often has Hamas launched missiles and fire balloons against the neighboring towns in Israel?
  • For the record, Judea and Samaria – which is incorrectly called the West Bank – is surrounded by high fencing and contains numerous Arabs/Muslims who would like nothing better than to destroy Israel
  • How about with Hezbollah to the north in Lebanon?
  • This Iran proxy has built up a significant missile and armaments stockpile
  • Its terrorists have repeatedly tunneled under the walls that make up the border and have periodically succeeded in hostile activities against innocent Israelis living nearby
  • Israel has many bomb shelters for the very fact that her citizens must flee to them at regular intervals when missiles start firing from Gaza
  • Never mind that the missiles haven’t been terribly accurate to this point; they are a definite threat
  • Given this situation on the ground, nobody can tell me that Israel is living in such a manner as described in these Ezekiel verses
  • The other phrase of importance in verse 12 is the desire of the Ezekiel attackers to plunder Israel and carry off spoil
  • It has been assumed that Israel’s gas and oil resources will be among those sought after by these countries which attack her in that war
  • This is very different from the intent of Hamas and Hezbollah
  • What do they want?
  • Under the pretense that it’s for a so-called Palestinian people who have inhabited the land since time immemorial, they want nothing more than to annihilate Israel
  • To this point, here is a quote from an article at Israel365news:


For all the geopolitical analysis we will read in the coming days, the conflict is actually quite simple. Nothing has changed since Amalek after the Exodus. The Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and for the eradication of the entire Jewish state. This is not about any “occupied territory” or “two-state solution.” The enemies of Israel want to destroy us. And they seek to prevent us from building our nation in the land of Israel. 


  • The Arabs living in Gaza and Judea and Samaria have been deceived on a grand scale and brainwashed from infancy to hate Israel because of her so-called occupation of Palestinian territory
  • In fact, their slogan is that “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”
  • Never mind that the idea of a Palestinian people is a complete fabrication
  • What does this mean?
  • It’s not about a theoretical two-state solution
  • It’s about the complete elimination of the Jewish people in Israel whereby they are effectively driven into the Mediterranean Sea and perish
  • This of course is the reason any efforts toward a two-state solution are a farce and doomed to fail
  • The bottom line for arguing that Psalm 83 must happen prior to Ezekiel is contained in these truths
  • Why?
  • Because the conditions of the prophecy demand it
  • In its current configuration with enemies at her doorstep, Israel cannot be considered as a people dwelling securely without fortifications
  • It has a hostile people in her midst that don’t just want to plunder her, they want to utterly destroy her
  • Psalm 83 speaks of a conspiracy to accomplish these purposes of annihilation and plunder
  • Note Psalm 83:5:


For they conspire with one accord;
against you they make a covenant—


  • Due to the massive nature of the attack, with the very real possibility of Hezbollah joining fully into the fray, these are good odds pointing toward the Psalm 83 War, especially because of where the end-time timeline appears to be
  • Bible prophecy watchers are mostly in accord that we are very near the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation
  • In and around that the prophesied hostilities involving Israel must occur now or very shortly
  • Israel is God’s divine timeclock
  • His ultimate intent in the Tribulation is to restore Israel as a God-fearing nation which proclaims Jesus Christ as Messiah
  • Because of how far Israel has strayed from that necessity, God, as He always has, must bring great distress to His Chosen People to wake them up to the reality that they are His and He will not let them worship other gods
  • In ancient Israel, He cast them out of the land
  • That’s pretty drastic
  • That won’t happen this time
  • He will redeem them in the land
  • But in the land, they will face the greatest of all threats during this coming time of Jacob’s Trouble
  • Getting to that period however requires the set-up from the Psalm 83 War, then the Ezekiel 38 War
  • Psalm 83 will be won by the IDF after a difficult conflict
  • We’re certainly seeing this potential right now
  • Once Israel wins Psalm 83, her neighborhood changes
  • Islam among her bordering nations is rendered feckless and without strength
  • This is why there will be none of these nations joining into Gog-Magog
  • There’s no there – there with the so-called Palestinians any longer
  • As grievous as it is for us to witness what is happening in Israel, it must happen in order for God to accomplish His purposes in the earth
  • The situation is very conflicting
  • Who wants to see the deaths of so many Israelis in such a brutal manner?
  • Who wants to see the faces of beautiful young women who have been taken hostage – knowing that likely most of them will be savagely raped and killed?
  • Who wants to come to the realization that some who are caught up in this conflict are citizens of other nations – Americans included – many of whom were there on tour?
  • Yet with all these tragedies, this means that God may very well be allowing them to happen so that the final Biblical prophecies can move forward
  • We who are aware of these prophetic events on one hand obviously want them to happen because that brings us closer to the pre-Tribulation Rapture
  • But did we count on such atrocities to bring us to this point?
  • I didn’t
  • So, yes, I want the conditions for the Tribulation to fall completely into place so that the Rapture will quickly occur
  • But I hate the fact that they are happening with such a murderous intent
  • As I say: it’s confusing and conflicting


  • This brings us to how this attack could have occurred in the first place
  • Israeli intelligence agencies are generally acknowledged as the best and most informed in the world
  • It’s been said that if a rabbit hops by the Gaza security fence, Israeli intelligence knows it
  • The Israeli Defense Forces are among the best trained and most alert in the world
  • With such hostile neighbors, Israel has traditionally had to always be on yellow alert – ready to move at a moment’s notice against any incursions into her territory
  • The question thus being asked is: How could this attack have occurred and NOBODY watching over Israel’s interests knew about it?
  • Worse, is: How could the attack have begun and the IDF wasn’t deployed in counter-measures for several hours?
  • None of this makes sense
  • This is not the Israel we know
  • For such unpreparedness to happen, there had to something that caused it at the highest levels of government
  • There are some who are pointing at Benjamin Netanyahu as the source of the problem
  • It bothers me that he could be involved in somehow betraying his people
  • His military past and how he’s worked to provide a secure Israel are legendary
  • Yet during the COVID fiasco, Netanyahu made sure Israel was first in line to receive the Pfizer mRNA vaxx
  • Was he deceived?
  • Maybe
  • But, has he apologized for pushing these shots to a very high percentage of the Israeli population after seeing the aftermath of adverse effects?
  • I’m not aware that he has
  • Many patriotic Americans still love and trust Donald Trump, but has he ever acknowledged the harm for these jabs that he authorized under Operation Warp Speed?
  • No
  • In fact, he’s doubled down on how they saved lives
  • Does that make any sense?
  • Is he that proud that he cannot admit he made a mistake?
  • Or is there something more nefarious going on with him and he’s compromised in some way?
  • Are Trump and Netanyahu two peas in a pod in this regard?
  • It’s very troubling to consider such things
  • If Netanyahu wasn’t aware of the intelligence issues and isn’t actually part of the problem, then that means there is major treason within his government
  • That or extreme incompetence – perhaps both
  • Has Israel gone woke to the degree that America has?
  • Are the intelligence agencies such as Mossad no different now than the FBI and CIA here in our country?
  • Does Mossad have an ulterior motive to cooperate with the globalists so as to move Israel toward a One World Government?
  • And by facilitating a horrific attack like this, do they hope to weaken Israel and make it a non-entity just like the globalists wish to do with America?
  • Here is an update to this Update: as of Monday afternoon, it appears as if Iron Dome was hacked
  • What about Israel’s other defense or intelligence systems?
  • This aspect of potential treason behind this terrible conflict currently underway just adds to the confusion and chaos
  • There has certainly been a conspiracy in some measure


  • Another update is that there have been reports of mortars launched from Syria
  • If this is the case, significant prophetic outcomes could be the result
  • Of course in all that’s happening there’s no doubt Iran is a major instigator behind it all
  • I’ll discuss these issues in a subsequent Prophecy Update
  • For now, I’ll just say that we should keep watch to see if there is military involvement from Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq
  • That will tell us a lot about where this war will go


  • It also wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the Biden Regime has somehow been instrumental
  • Contrary to the vacuous assurances from Joe Biden that America stands side-by-side with Israel, we know that’s an absolute lie
  • Biden – actually, his handlers – wouldn’t even invite Netanyahu to the White House after his victory as Prime Minister
  • When Obama was president, he made Netanyahu enter into the White House by way of the kitchen entrance or some such
  • The leftists in Washington, DC have no use for Israel and no desire to honor her or our prior commitments in any way
  • This is another reason why thinking that Netanyahu would somehow be in league with and agreeable to any schemes that Biden and company could have put forth to harm Israel is difficult to imagine
  • But, of course, we have trouble comprehending how our own government could act so consistently against the interests of the American people
  • Money talks
  • So does incriminating evidence against someone which these people are expert at accumulating
  • But also, ideology makes people commit a lot of unimaginable acts


  • We’ll see how this war plays out


  • I’m not ready yet to be dogmatic about it being Psalm 83, but there’s a lot of mounting evidence that it could be
  • Speaking of dogmatic . . .
  • If this indeed turns out to be the Psalm 83 War, will those Bible teachers who have adamantly denied such a war could occur acknowledge it?
  • If it somehow morphed into the Gog-Magog War, would I say I was wrong?
  • Of course
  • I’ve said this many times: Not a single one of us who teaches Bible prophecy is going to get everything right
  • God reserves that privilege for Himself
  • We have to humble ourselves to His omniscience and purposes
  • What I hope will happen is that God will expose the evil plans of those who conspire against Israel
  • I hope that He will lay bare the individuals within the Israeli government, in every agency and at every level, so that their treachery becomes known
  • If that’s Benjamin Netanyahu at the forefront – so be it
  • If he is not involved and this was a set-up against him, I pray that will also be made known
  • Either way, we as God’s people could benefit from the truth, and I sincerely hope that the Lord shows us
  • In the meantime, I suggest we do exactly what the Bible commands us to do
  • We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem
  • That peace will not come until Jesus sits on His throne in this City of God during the Millennium, but we are to pray for the Lord to do what He must so that this coming, glorious age can begin

13 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-11-23: The Israel Conspiracy”

  1. Reply suzanneamyswift

    Pastor Jack Hibbs aired last night at Wednesday night service that China, Russia and Iran took down all intelligence including the iron dome and that is why Israel was caught flat footed on the initial strike and why more Jews than the Holocaust were killed. He also warned women and children don’t go out on Friday October 13th because of worldwide jihad.

    • Reply R

      I think all that is insightful and probably true, but I don’t think more Jews than the Holocaust were killed. However this definitely seems like a turning point event and the potential for it to lead to, or contribute to something majorly prophetic seems likely.

      • Reply Gary Ritter

        I think the statement I saw was that more were killed on this day than any prior Holocaust day. I don’t know the truth of that as I don’t have any insight into daily Holocaust numbers.

  2. Reply Layne Dewlen

    It’s looking more and more like God is fulfilling prophecy before our eyes. People need to WAKE UP !
    Thank you again Gary for your thoughts. I’m sure you echoed the thoughts of many of us, how could this happen? To me, the bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter how it happened, but that it is happening as God said, if it is as I suspect Psalm 83 being fulfilled. Maranatha

  3. Reply Gwen

    Hi Gary:
    This morning, my husband and I were worshipping & prayer (mostly in tongues)… The Presence of the Lord was so heavy over me that I couldn’t move for maybe 15 minutes, I don’t know. (This just happened an hour ago) It was like I was slain in the Spirit sitting in my chair; I couldn’t move. I kept hearing Psalm 83, Psalm 83, Psalm 83 over and over. I told my husband and he read it, but he was reading the wrong psalm. I went to my Bible to see what it was since he was reading Psalm 81 I think (the long psalm). So I went to Psalm 83 and read it, and I said to my husband, this sounds like what’s going on in Israel! But I didn’t know at the time the importance of this psalm. Then I was checking my email and read your blog. Just wanted you to know. Exciting times.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Thanks for that, Gwen. I don’t usually get impressions like that; it’s more literally what I describe as looking at the world through a Biblical, prophetic lens. What’s happening? How does this line up with Scripture? What are the potential prophetic markers? I’m not sure what this major conflict could be other than Psalm 83, since I see no real evidence that it’s Ezekiel 38 at this point.

  4. Reply Robin McCann

    What if the ‘dwelling in safety in unwalled villages’ is a metaphor or analogy for Israel relaxing its armies out of confidence thus letting its guard down.

    Here is an easy scenario…

    The IDF completely kicks hamas’ butt and the Arab squatter survivors flee from Gaza bringing about the Zephaniah 2:4 prophecy of Gaza being abandoned. Such a win would make Israel feel mighty confident, confident enough to let their guard down. Then, the Russian-Arab coalition surprises them. Just a thought.

    And the note of Bibi betraying his people. He is a politician. That’s what they do. Every nations government is corrupt. Israels is not exempt.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      In one sense it could mean that, but I think the specificity of no walls, bars, or gates would discount the overall thought. I think it means exactly what it says, which means something has to happen to bring about that condition.

  5. Reply Rick H

    Gary you mentioned that the Iron Dome was possibly hacked…per my sources Hamas doesn’t have the capability to jam it but we all know what country does. 😉

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      No doubt that Iraq supplied much of the matériel Hamas needed for their incursion in Israel. Where else would Hamas get motorized gliders? I do hope more truth comes out about this aspect of the invasion, i.e. how much came for outside like Iran or inside via treason?

  6. Reply GaryW.

    I told my wife two days ago to watch out for the ships Biden is sending to Israel. They may turn their guns on Israel. Either way, I cannot believe they are there to actually do anything but put on a show. Because of the complete atrocities committed by the terrorists, he couldn’t very well support them. He also has a show to put on.
    God bless Israel.

  7. Reply John

    Hey brother, I knew you would be at least one person who would see and be willing to go on record as saying that it defies all sound reasoning to suggest that Israel was surprised or unprepared for these attacks. Or that the IDF and other security agencies were somehow unable to respond to over a dozen wire breaches in the fences surrounding Gaza, noisy and slow ultralights drifting out of Gaza towards Israeli villages, and the flow of hundreds of terrorists into the surrounding areas in broad daylight. Even more unbelievable is that the attackers managed to take over 100 hostages back into Gaza. “Something is rotten in Denmark.” Jesus is coming back soon.

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