Posts Tagged: tribulation

Acts 20:30 – Men Speaking Twisted Things

In our reading of the psalms, we come to two inescapable conclusions.  The first is that David had many enemies.  The second is that he placed his entire faith and trust in the Lord to deliver him from his foes.  An issue we have to ponder, however, is whether David was exaggerating as to the…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-14-21 – Medical Folly & Zombie Doctors

This may shock you, but the medical profession is not populated by gods. In fact, doctors and medical researchers over the years have promoted various cures they were absolutely convinced were legitimate and safe, yet their convictions were misplaced. Rather than being drugs or remedies that healed, they did just the opposite and were dangerous…

Psalm 6:6 – Weary With Moanings

Does the evil and the gathering darkness in the world trouble you? I hope that it does. I pray that the wickedness among men bothers you a lot. If it doesn’t, I have to wonder if you’re awake and are looking at the world through a Biblical, prophetic lens; or if you’re going to church,…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-7-21 Christian Awaken-Trib-Rapture?

Within the Christian community there are currently three worldview perspectives that are being put forth as to God’s intent, and what that means for mankind. These three positions are: 1) A Great Awakening, i.e. a great revival, is coming whereby Christians will overcome evil on the earth and prepare the way for the return of…

Acts 13:27 – Words of the Prophets Fulfilled

Those who do not know God, nor the prophetic nature of His Words, are often more than ignorant.  They believe that they operate autonomously from the Lord, i.e. that they are independent and above any connection to Him.  Little do they know that they are very wrong.  God has certain purposes that must be accomplished…