Posts Tagged: Psalm 83 War

Acts 13:27 – Words of the Prophets Fulfilled

Those who do not know God, nor the prophetic nature of His Words, are often more than ignorant.  They believe that they operate autonomously from the Lord, i.e. that they are independent and above any connection to Him.  Little do they know that they are very wrong.  God has certain purposes that must be accomplished…

Awaken Prophecy Class 6-30-21 Salus Next Prophecies ch 11-13

We’re studying The Next Prophecies by Bill Salus: Chapter 11: Is Islam the Harlot World Religion? Chapter 12: Do Death & Hades Kill the Fifth Seal Saints Chapter 13: The Two Killing Crusades That Martyr Christians After the Rapture Reading for next week 7/7/21: Chapters 14-15   The Next Prophecies:

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-9-21: 4th Turning Crises & Climax

In this Prophecy Update we discuss The Fourth Turning, a book and a secular look at history that shows its repetitive patterns. In this view, the Fourth Turning is extremely critical. As we look at the world around us, we see how accurate this perspective is and how the predictions made mirror the crises we…

Is This the Start of the Psalm 83 War?

I’ll just put this out there.  If I’m wrong in thinking this, so be it.  Most prophecy teachers hold to the theory that Ezekiel’s War (Ezekiel 38-39) is the next big prophetic timeline event – aside from the pre-Tribulation Rapture, of course.  Ever since reading Bill Salus’ book: Psalm 83 – The Missing Prophecy Revealed…