Posts Tagged: Prophecy Update

Biblical Audio Commentary – Cool Hand Luke – A Parable of Modern Man

If there was ever a movie depicting the philosophy of modern man, it’s Cool Hand Luke. Luke, played by Paul Newman, is a small-town drifter who has no purpose in life. He comes home from the war (WW2) and sometime thereafter is arrested, convicted, and incarcerated. His crime? Drinking heavily and cutting the heads off parking meters. Hilarious, but pathetic.

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Moses Conundrum

The identity of the Two Witnesses has an interesting twist that I don’t think has been discussed much. Three men are identified as possibilities for the Witnesses. Enoch and Elijah are strong candidates because both were Raptured, having never seen death. The other candidate is Moses, yet he died, which could be problematic.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-20-23: Will the Tribulation Temple Also Be Ezekiel’s Millennial Temple?

We’re going to have a little fun today. Well, it’s fun for me; I don’t know for all the rest of you. Because I’m a fiction author, I engage in a lot of “what if” speculations. That’s the only way to write fiction. You have to go down various rabbit trails at times to come up with something that hopefully works and ties all strands of the story together.

I do similar mental gymnastics in my Bible prophecy discussions. In order to try to put scenarios together that attempt to tie in all aspects of a prophetic situation, I think it’s necessary to do some thought experiments. That’s what we’ll do today in our “what if” discussion.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Which Is It, Lord?

A couple months ago, two prominent pastors effectively presented two different scenarios regarding how the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church might proceed. I follow both of them closely and respect them immensely. Yet the message that came forth from these astute men of God couldn’t differ more as to when the Rapture might happen.