Posts Tagged: Prophecy Update

Biblical Audio Commentary – Sabbath Sabotage

For the last couple of years, I’ve been speaking to someone about the Lord in the hope that he would turn to Him as his Savior. Of late, he now declares that he has confessed Jesus as his Lord. Normally, this would be a cause for celebration, but there’s something wrong.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Gates or Portals

Throughout Scripture we see many references to different gates.  A great many verses point to various city gates, which in their own way are necessary and important.  However, our focus today is on those gates in the Bible which are actually portals of one kind or another. 

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Post-Trib Post-Apocalyptic Mindset

The other night I was speculating to my wife about the possible mindset of post-Tribulation Rapture believers. I know: I think about strange things. Anyway, given that the vast majority of these brothers and sisters in Christ believe we’re going to be here on the earth for quite a while, 5 things are apparent