Posts Tagged: New World Order

Psalm 46:1 – Our Refuge and Strength

In recent days I’ve become aware of and quite concerned about certain things that are happening.  As I write this (July 25, 2021) there are reports from all sides that indicate significant troubles coming this fall.  In my Awaken Bible Prophecy Update last week July 21, I reported on significant natural disasters that were occurring…

Awaken Prophecy Class 6-30-21 Salus Next Prophecies ch 11-13

We’re studying The Next Prophecies by Bill Salus: Chapter 11: Is Islam the Harlot World Religion? Chapter 12: Do Death & Hades Kill the Fifth Seal Saints Chapter 13: The Two Killing Crusades That Martyr Christians After the Rapture Reading for next week 7/7/21: Chapters 14-15   The Next Prophecies:

Nehemiah 2:10 – It Displeased Them Greatly

The account of Nehemiah’s efforts is another marvelous example of having faith in that which is unseen and acting to bring it about.  As one of the Jewish exiles, Nehemiah had settled into his fate, serving his captors in a righteous manner and representing Yahweh well.  As cupbearer to the king, he had always kept…

Awaken Bible Prophecy class 6-2-21 – Next Prophecies Antichrist

This is our weekly Awaken Bible Prophecy class where we are studying The Next Prophecies by Bill Salus. Tonight we discuss Chapter 6: Introducing the Antichrist. We also touch on some intriguing ideas that Terry James recently wrote about concerning the Antichrist, as well as introduce Salus’ alternative view of the timing of the opening…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-2-21 – Dispensationalism

A Dispensation is a way of ordering things. In theology, it is the ordering of Biblical history into specific periods of time with each dispensation being a divinely appointed age ( In tonight’s Prophecy Update we discuss the 7 dispensations through the ages and what that means prophetically. Briefly beginning our discussion, we highlight the…