Posts Tagged: New World Order

Isaiah 45:18 – God Formed the Earth to be Inhabited

The globalist narrative for many years has been that the earth is overpopulated.  These elites have said we must act now or we’re doomed.  How will the planet support any more people?  In fact, Paul Ehrlich, way back in his 1968 book The Population Bomb apocalyptically stated: “The battle to feed all of humanity is…

2 Corinthians 8:14 – Your Abundance at the Present Time

Can you see into the future?  Does your vision extend past the present and your current situation?  Are you able to get a sense of what’s coming?  Do you know how you’ll act when difficult times are upon us?  Will you represent the Lord in a manner worthy of Him? I personally desire to answer…

Psalm 137:8 – What You Have Done to Us

The Jews had a different perspective on the land of Israel than we do today in America.  God had promised them a homeland and a holy city.  For them, life and God were tied together in a way that we really can’t comprehend.  When they disobeyed God and suffered the consequences of destruction and dispersion…

Psalm 49:14 – Appointed For Sheol

The arrogance of those who hate God knows no bounds.  These are people who have determined that they are masters of their own destiny, and as such, that they can cheat Death and Sheol.  Regardless of their hubris, the Lord gives us who love Him the promise of His Word that they will fail in…