Posts Tagged: last days

Biblical Audio Commentary – Tribulation Desolation: Good Luck, Post-Tribbers!

This is a never-ending source of fascination for me: How is it that those who adhere to a post-Tribulation Rapture perspective can actually look forward to those horrific seven years of God’s wrath and judgment?  And they do.  There is almost a glee about many of them as they consider these coming difficult times.  In their thinking: Oh, they’ll be shielded by God and also be performing astounding miracles.  I think some see themselves symbolically as the Two Witnesses.  They’ll live in protected, sustainable communities apart from all those on the receiving end of God’s punishment.  It’ll be a glorious time, unlike any other ever experienced on the earth for them. Well, they’ve got that last part right.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Steeped in Sin

I’m going to apologize up front for this Commentary because its premise is so disgusting – yet, if we don’t examine these issues, we remain willfully ignorant or hopelessly naïve, our heads stuck in the sand, and we as Christians then cannot pray against the evil.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Observations Regarding a Doomed Planet

We had to take an unexpected trip to Chicago. My brother broke his leg, and we went to check on how he was doing. In a normal situation a broken leg would be painful but not necessarily cause for visiting as we did. However, my brother is brain-damaged. – The purpose of this Commentary wasn’t really to discuss my brother but rather some of the observations we made in our brief travels.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Changing gods

In past times, once a nation acknowledged the divine being that ruled it, that spiritual entity became an ironclad fixture in the existence of its people. The nation might also have lesser gods to which it gave allegiance and oblations, but that primary god was always seen as the one that directed the course of its destinies.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Desolation of the Earth

There is a blindness among Christians concerning the times and what is to come.  We who believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture probably have a better grasp of this than those who scorn this true Biblical position.  We’ve pointed out many times that the place in which we’re at in human history is one that Scripture prophetically calls out.

Deepest Darkness to Blinding Brilliance

It’s easy for us to forget the astounding grace of God.  We who live in America and are part of western civilization have been so blessed and – frankly – have lives that are generally free from true hardship, that we take for granted all that God has given us.