Posts Tagged: King David

Psalm 6:6 – Weary With Moanings

Does the evil and the gathering darkness in the world trouble you? I hope that it does. I pray that the wickedness among men bothers you a lot. If it doesn’t, I have to wonder if you’re awake and are looking at the world through a Biblical, prophetic lens; or if you’re going to church,…

1 Chronicles 29:3 – Giving To the House of God

It should be patently obvious to all Christians that God wants us to give to, i.e. sow into, His kingdom. We do this through our tithes and offerings. This is not a law or a strict command, rather it’s something we should want to do from our hearts. God seeks those who freely give and…

1 Chronicles 12:32 – Understanding the Times

If the days are evil, shouldn’t we know that? When all in the world isn’t as it should be, doesn’t the church have an obligation to understand what’s happening? And in knowing these things, aren’t we who believe obligated to act?  Scripture says, “Yes, indeed!” In 1 Chronicles 12:32 here is what we’re told about…

1 Kings 3:1 – Foreshadowing

The Bible contains numerous instances of foreshadowing, where an event occurs that shows a hint of what will come in the future. Right off the bat in the account of Solomon’s reign, we see this situation. Solomon was the Lord’s anointed to continue as king over all Israel following the death of his father David….

1 Kings 1:5 – Deadly Presumption

In the life of King David we see how deadly presumption can be, and how it can work against the interests of God. David was a man after God’s own heart. He never followed any god but Yahweh. Regardless, he was still a man and subject to the sin of the flesh. This led him…

2 Samuel 23:6 – Like Thorns

King David’s last words tell us much about political systems and the nature of men.  Not long before he died, David wrote a psalm in which he exalted the Lord as he inevitably did in all that he wrote.  The Holy Spirit inspired David’s words whereby he proclaimed how good it is for the king…