Posts Tagged: IDF

Esther 9:25 – On His Own Head

God has made a vow with the strength of a curse in His own Name to protect His Chosen People, the Jews of Israel. Those who remember who God is, and who honor Him and His Word are wise, because He will give them favor. Those who choose to disdain their creator and the One…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-9-21: 4th Turning Crises & Climax

In this Prophecy Update we discuss The Fourth Turning, a book and a secular look at history that shows its repetitive patterns. In this view, the Fourth Turning is extremely critical. As we look at the world around us, we see how accurate this perspective is and how the predictions made mirror the crises we…

Prophecy Update – Destruction of Damascus

There is a soon-coming event that we can see on the road ahead through our prophetic headlights.  This is the destruction of Damascus, Syria. The Bible speaks clearly about this prophecy that has never been fulfilled.  We see in Isaiah 17 the entire description of this event, but we’ll limit the verses we read to…