Pastor Dana Coverstone – August 24, 2020 Dream

This video by Pastor Dana Coverstone discusses three recent dreams he had, the latest of which was Monday, August 24, 2020.  If you’ve followed Pastor Dana’s dreams, you know that they do not foretell a good ending for this nation.  As we come into the Fall months, the context of the dreams becomes worse and worse.  By the time we get to the November 3 election, the dreams tell of great chaos.  Following the election, because the political outcome will not be what the party of anarchy desires, the people following their depraved ideology will not take their loss gracefully.

Two points:

  1. God is the bringing of order and peace.  He brings light into the midst of darkness.  It was He who tamed the chaos of the void and created the heavens and the earth.  The one who sows discord in the spiritual realm and in the world is God’s enemy.  Many follow him to their ultimate destruction.  Those who engage in the violence and hatred in these dark and troubling times will pay the final price.  They’ll get what they want: existence without God.  That will be an eternal judgment that they’ll spend in the Lake of Fire.
  2. All that God is showing to Pastor Dana should not be a surprise to Christ-followers who know Scripture and study Bible prophecy.  Birth pains before the return of Jesus are exactly what He said would happen.  Guess what?  Ask a woman who has given birth: those pains are painful!  All these things must come to pass, and then the end will come.  True Christians will be tested in the coming days–some of us with persecution and suffering.  But God is faithful.  He doesn’t allow any of us to endure more than we are able when we depend on Him to see us through.  Jesus is coming for His true church.  Do you truly know Him as Savior and Lord?  The pre-Tribulation Rapture will happen soon.  Are you ready?


Remember, there is Good News in all of this.  It’s found in the Person of Jesus Christ.  Do you have the hope in Him that those of us who love Him have?  If you don’t, it’s not too late.  Contact me and I’ll happily show you the way to enter God’s Kingdom.


If you’d like to read an essay I wrote that addresses the response of the church to the times in which we live, you’ll find that at this link: What Are We Praying For?

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