Posts Categorized: Discernment

Whom Will God Rapture? – Guest Blogger

[Gary’s Note – 1: The initial post of this blog, that also appeared on Rapture Ready, generated quite a bit of controversy.  The follow-up entry that I wrote was rejected by Rapture Ready—the reason being that they prefer not to contend in this area.  In our respectful interchange, they informed me that my article goes…

Marijuana Legalization’s Demonic Advocates

In a recent article I wrote titled “Marijuana, Salt & Light” I chronicled my experience attending a local city council meeting in which the subject of approving marijuana sale and grow facilities in our community was front and center.  The majority of the council members were all for approval of these businesses, seeing nothing wrong…

How Does Apostasy Enter the Church?

We know that in these latter days apostasy has entered the church.  Scripture prophesies to that.  Various translations describe this differently as rebellion and falling away, but the NASB in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says it most clearly: Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first,…

Discernment Ministries

In these latter days, there is a great need for discernment in the church (and in the world) because of the rise of heretical teachings and apostasy.  Pastors and teachers, left and right, are embracing what they may think are truths, but upon examination are not Biblical.  This is a strong indication that our time…