Posts Categorized: Discernment

Audio Biblical Commentary – Ds & Rs Promoting & Condoning Sin

Because what I’m going to say here is never spoken from the pulpit, I know it’s going to anger a bunch of people.  Well, truth is like that. I won’t leave you in suspense.  Because of what the Democrat Party in this nation stands for, I believe that anyone who calls himself a Christian commits a grievous sin by being a part of and supporting this political party.

Hosea 8:12 – God’s Word a Strange Thing

God in His Word has given us prophetic insight of that which is to come.  In times past, He sent His prophets to make His will and intentions known. In these latter days, He has provided His written Word to show us what will soon come to pass.

1 John 5: 5 – Who Overcomes the World?

Once more we need to deal with a controversial issue.  It’s a great separator of those who believe in the pre-Tribulation Rapture and those who are post-Tribulational in their understanding.