Posts Categorized: Antichrist Spirit

Numbers 25:1-3 – Yoked to Baal

The Israelites had a constant problem.  Despite the presence of Yahweh in many forms, and in their witnessing His awesome majesty, the children of Israel simply couldn’t help themselves.  They seemed to have an irresistible urge to follow any god but the One who actually delivered them from slavery. While in Moabite territory,  the Israelites…

Numbers 22:6 – Balaam’s Attempted Divination

From the very beginning when God interacted with Abram (Abraham), He pronounced a decree with everlasting consequences.  The Childre in Genesis 12:3 specifies an amazing law that is in effect to this day: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of…

The Second Coming Chronicles series

Currently available on Special introductory $0.99 offer through March 7, 2021 for The Minion Protocols. Three volume Kindle “Box Set” available for discounted price of $9.99. Terry James’ Third Novel of The Second Coming Chronicles series   Terry’s first two novels of the series “THE RAPTURE DIALOGUES” and “THE NEPHILIM IMPERATIVES” received many top reviews. The third of the…

Mark 6:22 – Herodias’ Daughter

It’s one thing for someone to reject Jesus, but another thing altogether when that person causes another to sin.  Due to the choices one makes, in a sense, it’s easy to see how progressive sin brings him (or her) to a very bad place.  During the Exodus, Yahweh dealt with this downward slide of iniquity…

Numbers 11:4 – Rabble Rousers

The effects of discontent can carry over well past an initial display of someone’s grievance.  They can have disastrous consequences that go beyond one person’s bad thinking about something.  There’s a contagious aspect about dissatisfaction; an infestation of sorts that creates a festering wound. The Israelites had a problem.  They’d known nothing of Yahweh for…

Mark 4:26-29 – How Grows the Kingdom?

Many have attempted over the years to thwart the growth of God’s Kingdom.  Incited by Satan and his minions, men have done all in their power to keep the Gospel from going forth and “infecting” others.  The topic reminds me of numerous examples where – on the surface – it appears as though the God…