Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-25-23 Bonus Commentary – FEMA October 4 Emergency Alert & More

Many of you have no doubt heard about the upcoming FEMA nationwide emergency alert test coming up on October 4, 2023, with an alternative date of October 11.  Its purported purpose is to simply assure that this system continues to be a viable means by which to notify the public in the event of a significant emergency event.

Making the rounds in Alternative Media is the warning that this test isn’t as benign as stated.  There are essentially two theories about this.




Many of you have no doubt heard about the upcoming FEMA nationwide emergency alert test coming up on October 4, 2023, with an alternative date of October 11.  Its purported purpose is to simply assure that this system continues to be a viable means by which to notify the public in the event of a significant emergency event.

Making the rounds in Alternative Media is the warning that this test isn’t as benign as stated.  There are essentially two theories about this.

The one that has been publicized most is by Greg Reese with the follow-up by Mark Crispin Miller.  In April, 2022, Todd Calendar – an attorney who has been at the forefront of the fight against COVID vaccines with many whistleblowers coming to him – declared in an interview with Jeffrey Prather that much more was going on with the ingredients engineered into the vaccines than anyone knew.  I happened to watch this interview at the time last year and wasn’t particularly surprised at the revelation because of how I’d been following the vaxx narrative.

The information Todd received was that Ebola and/or Marburg disease vectors were inserted into the lengthy ingredient list of these deadly COVID mRNA shots. Because of the presence also of such ingredients as graphene oxide, this disease material could be released upon a certain signal coming from the 5G network.  It has been shown unequivocably that graphene oxide possesses antenna functionality so that two-way communication can be initiated with someone who has taken the jab that has this substance.  In this case, according to Todd, an 18 Ghz signal will be sent from the 5G network so as to activate the Ebola or Marburg epidemic in people.  In addition, there is the fear that the COVID shot in many people has resulted in the deletion of a particular gene.  Remember, these jabs use a form of CRISPR CAS-9 gene splicing technology to alter DNA, so don’t think this is necessarily a wild claim.  This particular sequence can presumably turn people into literal zombies.

Is this too crazy?  Well remember that several years ago the CDC put out a graphic novel on Zombie Preparedness, along with numerous other “resources” in the event of a zombie apocalypse.  The CDC when called on it, said it was all a joke – just for fun.  That graphic novel and the other materials are no longer available at the CDC website, but on my blog page with the transcript you can see what I captured in this regard.  Perhaps the CDC had this future event in mind?

The second approach to this FEMA test event was mentioned by Pastor JD Farag in his Prophecy Update of September 24, 2023.  He reminded us of Event 201, whereby the simulation was the means to alert the world that the disease for which they were practicing was indeed coming soon.  In fact, it did with the advent of COVID-19.

Pastor JD didn’t take the warning any further, but I will.  Since there are many who are now aware of the potential for a significant emergency event because of the visibility this has gained on Alternative Media, perhaps the current intent isn’t to unleash the disease on the publicized dates of October 4 or 11.  Rather, consider that this test may be similar to the Event 201 simulation.  Through this they get their ducks in a row, and at an unannounced future date activate the pertinent signal to cause the breaking of the egg – so to speak – with the yoke of Ebola or Marburg being spilled and allowed to do its thing.

Should those in the know take prudent precautions on October 4 and 11?  Absolutely.  What does that mean?  Since the test is scheduled for 2:20 PM on those days, it has been suggested that from 2:00 – 4:00 PM people turn off all cellphones, computers, Wi-fi routers, etc., i.e. anything that could receive the signal.

In my thinking this will probably be a false flag with the real attack coming on another unscheduled date so that no one is aware.

Remember in all this, that we are to place our faith and trust in the Lord – not to be anxious or fearful.  Do that, and one way or another all will turn out for the good according to the promise of the Lord in Romans 8:28:

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 


FEMA notice:

Links to CDC zombie materials (no longer posted at CDC website):

Graphic novel:

Additional materials:

12 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-25-23 Bonus Commentary – FEMA October 4 Emergency Alert & More”

  1. Reply RobinL

    I pray we are out of here before an attack like this actually happens.

    Right now I’m feeling an urge to sort things out, give away what I don’t need (there is a LOT I don’t need) and simplify. Not that it will matter when we are gone, but it’s an instinct I’m feeling. Kind of similar to the sense I had right before my daughter was born that I needed to make sure her nursery was ready.

    The days are short.


      • Reply Gary Ritter

        Thank you for your well-reasoned, thoughtful dissertation proving your point. It’s an impressive work of an obviously intelligent person who has spent years researching the doctrine.

        • Reply RobinL

          My thoughts exactly.

          Fortunately for him, his failure to study the Bible won’t preclude him from being taken with us, unless of course he isn’t a true Believer. Usually our brothers and sisters are courteous in their expressions of a differing doctrine.

          • Gary Ritter

            We have to acknowledge true and Godly intellect when we come across it. What else can one do with the brilliance of bumper sticker mentality?

          • RobinL

            I sympathize with people who have a confused understanding of the Rapture since I did too until I spent about 1000 hours studying this important doctrine; I was afraid to put my hope into something that wasn’t true. But like almost everything one takes the time to sincerely and prayerfully study, the Lord has made it clear that the pre-Trib Rapture is literally the only one that fits with all of scripture.

            I don’t hold anything against someone who has a confused understanding of the Rapture doctrine, that is, until they get nasty about it. Reminds me of the saying, “Often wrong but rarely in doubt.”

  2. Reply Robin McCann

    Well, if it’s true that they were also putting this junk in the chemtrails and our food, the whole country is in trouble, not just those who took the jabs. But, I trust Jesus and am ready for anything.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      It’s definitely true. Plus there’s the issue of shedding, or transmission, where unvaxxed get something passed to them via proximity.

      You’re absolutely right. How much should we allow this to cause us to fear? Yes, take prudent precautions. but beyond that, we have to put our lives and fate in Jesus’ hands.

  3. Reply suzanneamyswift

    God knows and will provide for us. I pray we Rapture out of here when this distorted signal is aired or before.

  4. Reply Rick H

    Ha Ha…that would be funny wouldn’t it…they conduct the test and then suddenly millions if not billions suddenly disappear…one guy asks one of the globalists “was that supposed to happen” and the globalist answers “uhhhh…no”….that would be the ultimate Ha Ha to Satan!

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