Posts Tagged: end-times

Isaiah 22:13 – You Did Not Look To Him

In Isaiah 22, the prophet gives an oracle – a vision – for Jerusalem.  I could be wrong, but it appears to me that this is both a lament for what had already occurred and a warning of what was to come with the destruction of the daughter of my people (Isaiah 22:4).  A great…

2 Corinthians 4:18 – Things That Are Unseen

What we see happening around us in the world can be overwhelming. There are times it takes our breath away. We ask, “How could this possibly happen?” “Is anyone in charge?” “What next?” It seems that from one week to the next, things get worse. “Is there no end to this?” “Can’t we get back…

Mark 6:22 – Herodias’ Daughter

It’s one thing for someone to reject Jesus, but another thing altogether when that person causes another to sin.  Due to the choices one makes, in a sense, it’s easy to see how progressive sin brings him (or her) to a very bad place.  During the Exodus, Yahweh dealt with this downward slide of iniquity…

Mark 1:4 – Baptism of Repentance

Do you know what has largely been lost in these ending days of the Church Age?  Do you understand why so many are falling away and churches becoming apostate?  There’s a very simple answer. One message was preached from the beginning of the Gospels that was a necessary requirement for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. …