Posts Tagged: end-times

Matthew 16:18 – The Gates of Hell

One of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible is Matthew 16:18 where Jesus, speaking to Peter and His disciples, says: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Most of us are aware that the Catholic…

Exodus 2:3,10 – What Moses Represents

Certain incidents in the Bible often foreshadow other events yet to come.  This idea comprises the concept of typology.  Typology is a symbolic representation, usually showing something in the Old Testament in one manner to portray what will happen in the New Testament. An familiar example of typology may be the Exodus of the Hebrew…

Genesis 47:20-21 – Serfdom

Lord Acton in the 1800s famously said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  This has always been true since man first sinned, and always will be true until the Lord eradicates sin upon the earth. In the passage in Genesis 47:13-26 that describes Joseph’s work on behalf of Pharaoh in the midst…

Matthew 13:42-43- Harvest Time

God will prevail upon this earth.  Sometimes it’s difficult to remember this.  We see wickedness all around us, and as times grow dark, we may experience it personally.  All too often Christians in America think we’ll be shielded from what those in other countries face.  But why should we?  Are we not all brothers and…

Matthew 13:12 – Abundance or Not

Jesus began a period of His ministry in which He spoke only in parables.  His most famous of these is the Parable of the Sower.  Most of us are familiar with this teaching, as we’ve likely heard it preached on many times.  There is one verse that is probably less known in this account.  In…

Genesis 6:1-5 – Sons of God

Genesis 6:1-5 is one of the most fascinating and troubling passages in the entire Bible.  Some people want to make what is conveyed here an entirely human scenario, but that completely misses what’s really going on and the larger Biblical narrative. The text tells us that the sons of God (bene Elohim – Hebrew) took…