Posts Tagged: Yahweh

Mark 9:2 – Satan On Notice

As is often the case in Scripture, more is going on behind the scenes in many passages we read than first meets the eye.  This is particularly true of the episode known as The Transfiguration.  The account begins in Mark 9:2 which says: And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and…

Numbers 27:4 – Feminists

There are many misinformed and foolish people who say the Bible is misogynistic.  They characterize God as a woman-hating male supreme being that wants to put women down and keep them in their place (barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen?).  In their culturally deluded thinking, they believe that what they imagine is the situation today…

Numbers 22:6 – Balaam’s Attempted Divination

From the very beginning when God interacted with Abram (Abraham), He pronounced a decree with everlasting consequences.  The Childre in Genesis 12:3 specifies an amazing law that is in effect to this day: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of…

Numbers 18:5 – Wrath No More

Yahweh had separated the Levites as a unique tribe among the twelve in Israel to serve Him.  Because they had stood against the depravity that the children of Israel engaged in during the incident of the golden calf, God ordained them for service (Exodus 32:29).  The Lord made many pronouncements about what this meant and…

Numbers 11:4 – Rabble Rousers

The effects of discontent can carry over well past an initial display of someone’s grievance.  They can have disastrous consequences that go beyond one person’s bad thinking about something.  There’s a contagious aspect about dissatisfaction; an infestation of sorts that creates a festering wound. The Israelites had a problem.  They’d known nothing of Yahweh for…

Numbers 5:15 – Trial by Ordeal

Certain passages of the Bible make us shake our heads in confusion before we move on in our reading, because we don’t understand what’s going on at a deeper level.  In our westernized Christianity, we don’t have the appropriate context to discern the true intent; rather than digging deeper, we add these things to our…