It’s time once more to explore where we are in the context of the Fourth Turning. For those not attuned to Bible prophecy, what I’ll discuss today will probably seem so far “out there” that it’s truly the stuff of conspiracy theory nightmares. However, we know that there are no longer conspiracy theories, just conspiracy realities.
Posts Tagged: ventilator
Danger Zones: Wombs & Hospitals
Events over the last couple years, and those in recent weeks, illustrate the two most dangerous places on planet earth at this late hour before the Lord’s return for His beloved Bride. As the title of this article notes, these hazard zones are in women’s wombs and in hospitals.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-4-22: Revival or Judgment?
One of the biggest lies that is propagated today – in both Christendom and the secular world – is of a Great Awakening.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-20-22: Why Do You Worry?
If we’re saved by the blood of Jesus and are assured that our eternal destinies are secure, is there any reason for us as Christians to worry? When we look at the world around us and see its spiraling descent toward the pit of hell, should we – or even more importantly – can we stop its downward progression?
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-26-22: Globalist Multi-pronged Attack
The attacks on humanity continue. Satan and his minions are ramping up their assault on mankind in both the spiritual and physical realms.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-5-22 – Prep for Antichrist: Mass Formation Psychosis
One of the most important aspects of these Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates is that we connect the dots of what’s going on in the world with the prophetic Word of God.