Posts Tagged: sons of Seth

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-1-24 – Engaging the Text; Asking Pertinent Questions

This concept of engaging the text, i.e. the Biblical text, and asking pertinent questions about it has been floating around in my head for the past week or so following my Prophecy Update from last Wednesday in which I commented about House Speaker Mike Johnson.  If possible, without directly getting too deep into the one Biblical issue I raise periodically that causes angst and pushback, I hope in this Commentary to suggest a method of examining God’s Word more fully so as to really think about what it says.  In fact, I want to make the subject somewhat broader by looking at several Biblical issues that seem to cause people to studiously avoid deeper inspection and understanding.

There are three of these items I want to discuss.  They are:

* Gods mentioned in the Bible
* Promises to Israel vs to the church
* If-then consequences in the Old versus New Testaments

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-16-23: Problematic Catholic Bookend Beliefs – Part 1

I must be a masochist.  Not content to call out erroneous post-Trib Rapture and NAR doctrines, US government conspiracies, and the medical profession for their devilish, homicidal participation in the depopulation agenda which I call Hospicide, I also have to take on the Vatican.  Is it something simple like their faith by works beliefs or the false un-Scriptural notion of purgatory?  Oh no – I have to investigate their thinking about Genesis and Revelation – the two cornerstone books in the Bible.

The Corruption of All Flesh

Aside from the folks who believe the Sethite version of Genesis 6:1-4, most of the rest of us have come to the realization that the sons of God (benai Elohim) the passage references really were sons of God.

Luke 20:36 – Equal to Angels

The scribes and chief priests, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, all came to Jesus with their own agendas hoping to catch Him as a false prophet and thus denounce Him.  At one point, the Sadducees tried to trip Him up with questions about the afterlife.  As opposed to the Pharisees, they didn’t believe in the…

Numbers 9:16 – Supernatural

The Bible is a book filled with wonders, all of which point to God.  Why is it that given all we’re shown He can do, that we still try to limit Him?  How is it that we can accept some supernatural aspects of God and His kingdom, yet are loathe to believe others?  What is…