Posts Tagged: scripture

Matthew 13:42-43- Harvest Time

God will prevail upon this earth.  Sometimes it’s difficult to remember this.  We see wickedness all around us, and as times grow dark, we may experience it personally.  All too often Christians in America think we’ll be shielded from what those in other countries face.  But why should we?  Are we not all brothers and…

Matthew 13:12 – Abundance or Not

Jesus began a period of His ministry in which He spoke only in parables.  His most famous of these is the Parable of the Sower.  Most of us are familiar with this teaching, as we’ve likely heard it preached on many times.  There is one verse that is probably less known in this account.  In…

Genesis 37:18 and Matthew 12:14 – Conspiracy

When the prophet tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”, the truth he speaks is from of old, arising from the very first sin and the fall of man.  Yet, many people don’t believe this about the human condition.  They choose to…

Genesis 35:9-11 & Matthew 11:20-24 – Which God?

There’s a deep connection between Genesis 35:9-11 and Matthew 11:20-24.  In Genesis we read: “God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Paddan-aram, and blessed him. And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name…

Matthew 10:28 – Fear

Jesus knew the price His followers would have to pay in this wicked world.  The promise of eternal life in Him comes with a high cost.  Yet, Jesus said that it’s worth every penny we own and every drop of blood running through our veins.  Who we fear and bow down to, even in great…

Genesis 24:6,8 – Old Life Before Christ

There are many principles that God illustrates to us through the lives and actions of the people who populate the Old Testament.  In Genesis 24:6,8 we see one of these principles enacted through Abraham’s servant Eliezer when Abraham sent him to the place of his extended family in Ur to seek a wife for his…