What is the better thing? Is it to scramble and prep and try to make the world better through a MAGA approach that cannot happen because the prophetic Word of God will not be breached, or is it to work at advancing God’s kingdom while there is still time? Should we engage in all the necessary arrangements for building sustainable communities and buy as much gold and ammunition as possible so as to prepare to hunker down for seven years, or should we dive deeper into the Word while also trying to pull some from the looming fire?
Posts Tagged: Palestinians
Biblical Audio Commentary – American Treachery Against Israel & Consequences
Yes, I’m commenting about Israel a lot these days, and with good reason. Israel is at the absolute center – the literal heart – of end-times Bible prophecy. Anyone purporting to teach Bible prophecy should maintain a clear focus on Israel. Failing to do so misses the point as to what God intends to accomplish in this world. It creates an erroneous eschatology which leads to bad theology.
Awaken Biblical Commentary – Esther’s Message for Israel Haters Today
The narrative and lessons from the book of Esther are not just for Sunday school. They are true for today and a warning that those who conspire against Israel should heed.
Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Israel in the Flesh vs God’s Promises
The people of Israel have shown over the years how unfaithful they can be to the God who called them His own and gave them the Promised Land. However, does a single one of us Gentiles who call ourselves Christians really think we would have acted any differently? If you do, you are greatly deceived and have learned nothing in your relationship with God.
Biblical Audio Commentary – Barbarians at Israel’s Gates
The Hamas massacre perpetrated against Israel on October 7, 2023 was the most horrendous genocidal event against the Jews since the Holocaust. Over 1,200 innocent civilian men, women, and children were ruthlessly murdered that day. Before they were slaughtered, many were mercilessly raped and tortured. You may have seen this comparison, but based on population percentages, if the United States had suffered an equivalent loss of life on 9/11, 54,000 Americans would have been killed instead of 3,000. That’s the proportional difference, why it was so tragic, and why the psychological damage to the Jewish people in Israel has been so great. Think of how many more people you might have possibly known or come into contact with in our nation with so many more people senselessly killed in that 9/11 attack.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-24-24 – Preterist Pretensions
A friend sent me a link to an online message from about three months ago in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 atrocity of Hamas terrorists attacking Israel. In this Prophecy Update I’ll go over what the pastor said, why he’s wrong despite how self-assured he was, and discuss why it’s so hard to find common ground in the Christian community when our eschatological, i.e. our end-times, beliefs vary so widely.