Posts Tagged: Judgment

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-8-21: Biblical Curses Upon America

America has entered a time of Biblical judgment.  We are not Israel.  The US is not a theocratic state.  However, our nation was founded on Biblical principles.  God in His wisdom provides patterns of blessings and judgments so that all who read and understand His Word can see the parallels from the past to the…

Psalm 1:1 – Wicked-Sinners-Scoffers

Here we are in the Psalms!  Consider the Godly advice we’re given in the initial verse of the very first one.  This not only sets the stage for the entire book, but for our lives.  If we were to read only this one Psalm, it would provide us guidance and direction and tell us all…

Esther 6:13 – You Will Not Overcome Him

The narrative of Esther is one we find endlessly fascinating. She is a Jew but no one knows. As a result, through her beauty and her character, she becomes the queen who replaces the rebellious Vashti before her.  In that time, Esther, described as the daughter of Mordecai’s uncle (which, I think, would actually make…

Matthew 25:40 – As You Did

We know that from the time of Jesus, the only way to eternal life is through Him (John 3:16).  Believers who have died and risen, and those alive and translated in the Rapture, will all be justified by grace through Jesus for their works in Christ at His mercy seat (Hebrews 9:5; Romans 3:24-25).  Their…