Posts Tagged: Imminent return

Biblical Audio Commentary – Normal Life During the Tribulation? – No!

If you look around, you see people living a normal life – or at least pretending to do so – even while society crumbles all around them. All this and more is simply a façade of normal. The times we now live in are on their way toward being the worst this world has ever known. And people are ignoring it.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Why Aliens If No Pre-Trib Rapture?

Biblical Audio Commentary – Why Aliens If No Pre-Trib Rapture?     Transcript: There’s no doubt that the US Military is concerned about aliens and UFOs.  The US Congress has held hearings about them, so the possibility of intergalactic life forms is disturbing to them as well.  Of course, Hollywood has propagated the subject extensively…

Biblical Audio Commentary – Vaccine-Induced Zombies

A phenomenon has arisen among those who have taken the COVID concoction they call a vaccine which is creating disturbing symptoms.  The medical reason for this is solid, yet at this point what is being perceived is more subjective than clinical.

Luke 12:46 – Cut to Pieces

When I read Luke 12:35-48, sub-headed in the ESV as You Must Be Ready, the passage inevitably disturbs me.  Jesus was speaking to His disciples and relating a parable that reflected directly upon His return from heaven.  The parable deals with the master who has gone away for his wedding feast and the servants who…