Posts Tagged: CDC

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-25-21: Red Alert!

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-25-21: Red Alert! America Will Soon Strike (us) Hard to imagine we’re only half a year into the Biden Regime.  If you’re at all awake, you know it’s been bad.  Here’s the thing: it’s going to get worse.  Remember being happy that 2020 finally ended?  You probably didn’t hear people like…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-21-21: What In the World?

Strange natural events are occurring all around the world. Many are catastrophic. They range from massive numbers of sinkholes to devastating drought conditions to locust plagues of Biblical proportions, and so many more incidents, they’re impossible to keep up with. What in the world is going on? In this Prophecy Update I wanted to make…

Awaken Prophecy Update 6-30-21 Vacijab Anomalies

Ever since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we’ve seen unusual behavior on the part of literally every major player that has dealt with this crisis. In a recent article Dr. Joseph Mercola discussed what he considered were disturbing anomalies in the way the Wuhan virus has been handled and more importantly, how the so-called…

Pandemic! Martial Law! Close the Churches!

Just think if Hillary Clinton was president at this moment in time.  Can you imagine the response from the Leftist-Socialist-Marxist crowd given this crisis?  As Rahm Emmanuel famously said, they should never let a crisis go to waste. President Trump over these last several years has been roundly criticized for wanting to close our borders. …