Posts Tagged: antichrist

Whose Kingdom Is NAR Ushering In?

In a most amazing passage, Isaiah details his standing in the throne room of God with all its might and majesty.  In Isaiah 6:1-10, he sees God’s glory and knows His holiness: In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of…

Prophecy Update: What Is The Overwhelming Scourge?

What if we’re wrong about the overwhelming scourge that will come against Israel?  What if we’re looking in the wrong direction as to the nature of this source of trouble that will plague Israel in the latter days, and which the Antichrist will use as the means to effect or increase the seven-year covenant that…

The Twitter Swamp

Most of you are familiar with the social media platform Twitter.  You may also be aware that many people communicate extremely vile things on it.  It seems that no one stops to think.  Is what I’m saying uplifting in any sense of the word?  It appears that the majority of people don’t care.  They just…

Rising Spirit of Antichrist

I had a conversation recently with my pastor who said that he is seeing the hate and the lies rising all around us, and that this is clear evidence of the spirit of antichrist in the world today. I said, “Welcome to the club.”  That’s not to pat myself on the back, but for those…