Posts Tagged: Agenda 2030

More Tisha B’Av Rapture Thoughts

The potential for the Rapture of the church to occur on the Jewish day of mourning known as Tisha B’Av has become a topic of much interest lately among pre-Trib Rapture adherents.  After reading a couple of well-written discussions on this subject, I figured I might as well accept the challenge and weigh in since I have a different perspective.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-17-22: Unbridled Evil Among Us

The depth of the Deep State, directed by the globalist elites – the proverbial cream of the crop – is bottomless.  It is so extensive that even those of us aware of the satanic agenda at work in the world today cannot truly comprehend how pervasive it is.  And what is this Deep State that…

Brilliant Argument for Pre-Trib Rapture

Sometimes I come across something another person has written and just wish I’d been smart enough to make the point myself.  Barring that, the next best thing is to highlight the issue and give credit where it’s due.

There are numerous, sound, doctrinal reasons for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-1-22: The Fourth Turning Collapse

It’s time once more to explore where we are in the context of the Fourth Turning. For those not attuned to Bible prophecy, what I’ll discuss today will probably seem so far “out there” that it’s truly the stuff of conspiracy theory nightmares.  However, we know that there are no longer conspiracy theories, just conspiracy realities. 

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-18-22: Taking America Down

The effort to establish a New World Order (NWO) begins with the taking down of America.  It has long been acknowledged that until our nation is destroyed on literally every level, the globalist elites will not will be able to accomplish their long-cherished utopian dream.