Posts Categorized: Sin

Audio Biblical Commentary – Ds & Rs Promoting & Condoning Sin

Because what I’m going to say here is never spoken from the pulpit, I know it’s going to anger a bunch of people.  Well, truth is like that. I won’t leave you in suspense.  Because of what the Democrat Party in this nation stands for, I believe that anyone who calls himself a Christian commits a grievous sin by being a part of and supporting this political party.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Those Who Were Left

Although it was obviously God-ordained, I’ve always thought the circumstances surrounding the split in Israel after the reign of Solomon, between what became the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, contained a strange contradiction – until I read more closely. 

Biblical Audio Commentary – Laughed Them to Scorn

Imagine, if you will, that a Godly man became President of the United States.  I know, I know, this is such a far-fetched fantasy that it’s impossible even to conceive.  What are the odds – right?  But humor me.

Biblical Audio Commentary: Afterlife Destinations

After a discussion with a friend of mine concerning where people go when they die, I realized there is some confusion among believers about what the Bible teaches in this regard.  What I hope to do here is provide a simple explanation for my friend and others who aren’t quite sure about this important topic.