Posts Categorized: Sin

Acts 17:30 – Times of Ignorance

At one point in his ministry travels, Paul went to Athens, Greece and was on his own without any of his brothers in Christ.  As he wandered around the city, he saw that most, if not all, of the people in the city worshiped pagan gods.  The demonic spirits had worked long and hard to…

Psalm 7:14 – The Wicked Man Conceives Evil

Some days when we read God’s Word, He gives us a principle, then provides an example – all this in two very different texts, yet orchestrated for our benefit. King David often wrote of evil men, their folly, and their ultimate destination far from God.  Through the wisdom God blessed David with, he gave us…

Psalm 6:6 – Weary With Moanings

Does the evil and the gathering darkness in the world trouble you? I hope that it does. I pray that the wickedness among men bothers you a lot. If it doesn’t, I have to wonder if you’re awake and are looking at the world through a Biblical, prophetic lens; or if you’re going to church,…

Psalm 1:1 – Wicked-Sinners-Scoffers

Here we are in the Psalms!  Consider the Godly advice we’re given in the initial verse of the very first one.  This not only sets the stage for the entire book, but for our lives.  If we were to read only this one Psalm, it would provide us guidance and direction and tell us all…

Job 42:3 – Too Wonderful For Me

The ignorance – or rejection – of God and who He is coming from so many in the world today continues to stun me despite my understanding of Biblical history and Scripture’s foretelling of what is to come.  Paul spared no sympathies for those who live their lives in such a fashion.  In Romans 1:18-23…

Acts 13:27 – Words of the Prophets Fulfilled

Those who do not know God, nor the prophetic nature of His Words, are often more than ignorant.  They believe that they operate autonomously from the Lord, i.e. that they are independent and above any connection to Him.  Little do they know that they are very wrong.  God has certain purposes that must be accomplished…