Posts Categorized: Rapture

Exodus 2:3,10 – What Moses Represents

Certain incidents in the Bible often foreshadow other events yet to come.  This idea comprises the concept of typology.  Typology is a symbolic representation, usually showing something in the Old Testament in one manner to portray what will happen in the New Testament. An familiar example of typology may be the Exodus of the Hebrew…

Genesis 47:20-21 – Serfdom

Lord Acton in the 1800s famously said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  This has always been true since man first sinned, and always will be true until the Lord eradicates sin upon the earth. In the passage in Genesis 47:13-26 that describes Joseph’s work on behalf of Pharaoh in the midst…

Matthew 10:25 – Rejecting Jesus

Upon Jesus calling His disciples, He soon sends them out to the towns and cities of Israel so as to gather her “lost sheep” (Matthew 10:6).  He instructs the men to proclaim the Good News by telling everyone that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:7).  Jesus gives them the power and authority…

Pastor Dana: Vision Sept. 14, 2020

This is a little different from what Pastor Dana has shared previously in that this is a vision rather than a dream.  The message is one that seems to speak directly to the church – the Bride of Christ.  It’s a word that is extremely important for those of us believing that we are part…

Pastor Dana Prophetic Dream – Sept. 7, 2020

Pastor Dana Coverstone’s dreams continue.  God has chosen him as the vessel to bring these prophetic visions forward, but I can’t imagine the toll it’s taking on him.  This is heavy stuff.  I believe that America has reached the point of no return.  The antichrist spirits have infiltrated to such an extent that the hard…

The Q Quandary Continues

Don’t worry, I don’t plan to make a career out of writing about Q and the various quandaries that have arisen from those who follow, or conversely, dislike him.  Once again I thought I was finished with this series, but after spending a couple hours mowing the grass weeds—just me, the mower, the green stuff,…