Posts Categorized: Demonic Encounters

How Does Apostasy Enter the Church?

We know that in these latter days apostasy has entered the church.  Scripture prophesies to that.  Various translations describe this differently as rebellion and falling away, but the NASB in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says it most clearly: Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first,…

A Conspiracy Theory About the Garden & the Fall

Did you ever have one of those days when you began pondering the mysteries of God and wonder how something happened or came about in the Kingdom?  That’s been me lately. Recently I’ve been studying the pagan religion of Hinduism, and how the practice of yoga plays into that.  As someone has said, “There is…

Aliens & UFOs: A Christian Perspective

I’ve previously said in this blog that few pastors preach on Bible prophecy and end-times events.  I’ve got another one for you.  Have you ever heard any pastors preaching on alien abductions?  I didn’t think so. Here we go where pastors fear to tread… Aliens and UFOs are a cultural phenomenon.  They’re popularized in movies. …