Deepest Darkness to Blinding Brilliance

It’s easy for us to forget the astounding grace of God.  We who live in America and are part of western civilization have been so blessed and – frankly – have lives that are generally free from true hardship, that we take for granted all that God has given us.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-1-22: The Fourth Turning Collapse

It’s time once more to explore where we are in the context of the Fourth Turning. For those not attuned to Bible prophecy, what I’ll discuss today will probably seem so far “out there” that it’s truly the stuff of conspiracy theory nightmares.  However, we know that there are no longer conspiracy theories, just conspiracy realities. 

Monkeying with Monkeypox

Better Monkeypox than Smallpox.  If we were talking about Smallpox right now, the situation – if accurate – would truly be horrifying for humanity. Few are saying it, but I will: The fact that Monkeypox is spreading to humans is because it has been engineered to do so with gain-of-function research.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-25-22: Wolves Awakening

One of the issues that should be of great concern to all of us is the increasing apostasy in the church as we spiral downward toward the Tribulation in these last days. What this really means is that the church is spawning more and more people who will go to hell because of the satanic doctrines preached from the pulpits and subsequently embraced by those in the pews.